Virtua Fighter 360 Confirmed

Discussion in 'Console' started by Jide, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    They say you enjoy a little Hardy Boys every now and then...well, well well! But nothing beats those sweet honeys from Valley High.
  2. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:
    I also have a Wii. Zelda is awesome. The other games Nintendo puts out will be sweet. Say what you want about Nintendo as a corporate entity, and I realize they don't make games out of a sense of philanthropy, but they are the best company of the three.

    Would Nintendo ever release a bad Mario game or Zelda game? What other companies can say that? Look at what SEGA does. Wasn't that last Sonic utter crap? Nintendo would never do that to its fans.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I completely disagree. They have screwed up Mario. All those spinoffs don't help, and Mario Sunshine was pretty weak. The only reason Mario is still big today is because...well, it's freaking Mario!

    It is very hard though to screw up established franchises like Metroid and Zelda. You would have to really screw with the formula to do that.

    But that's also the problem. It's not good to screw with the formula too much, but it is important to deviate from it a tad to keep things fresh and modern. No orchestrated music in Twilight Princess? Come on...

    ^^Although, that's mainly because the Wii version is just the GC version with tacked on Wii-mote controls. So, I guess they had to keep the synthesized music because that's what the original had due to the GC small disc space. Still, that's really no excuse. Not to mention that no characters talking is crap (I don't mind Link, but at least have the others talk).

    And you make it seem like Sony is worse than Nintendo. Sony has released strong franchises over the years and have continued to release new and interesting games. Look at God of War, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Socom, etc...

    Nintendo have been riding on the nostalgic factor of their games for far too long. And hell, it's working. I can't wait to play Zelda, or the next Metroid.

    Honestly though, those really are the only reasons I'm buying a Wii. If Nintendo was bought out by Sony or MS or stopped making consoles (they're just killing the handheld market, so they can continue that) and just made games like Sega...Damn, Zelda on PS3? WOOT!
  3. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    "...Damn, Zelda on PS3? WOOT! "

    Bleeeergh! Go away son of Satanas!
  4. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ogi said:
    it seems that opti answered himself muakakaka lol.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hah. I wonder if they play like their chosen VF characters.
    Other than that only knockdown moves would KO (an idea that I like), I'm in the dark about how the GM/GM2 systems worked. But GM2 looks, control-wise, like VF3 with tech-rolls in a flat, infinite plain; and as mentioned before, some of the less outrageous characters' movesets look like direct predecessors to ones in other series.
  5. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    Goiken Muyou:
    Hut dang, King with blue hair in 3-d. I've been praying for that one since I first heard of KoF:MI.

    That huge guy in a white coat (Ryuji) seems to be the mafia equivalent of Goh. It seems the ideas for his moveset have been around for quite a while. Then again, with every iteration of VF they usually have a ton of character ideas brought up and narrow it down to two. With VF4 it seems Brad and Goh failed the benchmark and ended up in there.

    on topic:
    I've been out of the loop since a few days before Christmas and only yesterday found out VF5 is coming to 360...

    I'm guessing a lot of you guys are like me in that you play VF primarily and a load of other fighting games on the side. Before the choice was clearcut: you want fighting games? Get a PS3. Now I'm going to have to choose between casual Tekken and DoA while having no idea where the next iterations of KoF or GG might land (as yet). On the other hand I've noticed the amount of time I stick in other games doesn't hold a candle to that bonfire that is the amount of hours I got logged in VF4E, so does it really matter?
    Well, I'll be waiting past the summer it seems.

    What the heck is up with that KoF:MI3/360 crap. Are they the same game or not?
  6. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

  7. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    I personally liked Sunshine. It was one of the only games I've played in recent years that was challenging, but in a fair way. And with the water, jet pack thingie, it was actually pretty innovative. It wasn't the Quantum leap that Mario 64 was, but for my money it is better than the other platformers that have been put out on the XBox or the PS2.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It is very hard though to screw up established franchises like Metroid and Zelda. You would have to really screw with the formula to do that. </div></div>

    Zelda and Metroid have made the move to 3-d in recent years and have been very successful. Those games did not make themselves. Nintendo basically had to reinvent the wheel with these games. How many companies have tried this and failed? How's 3-d Mega Man? Castlevania? Sonic? Street Fighter? My point is that it has taken a lot of work and ingenuity on the part of Nintendo to make these sequels. The games' lineage does not mean that sequels shall spring organically from the ground.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">^^Although, that's mainly because the Wii version is just the GC version with tacked on Wii-mote controls. So, I guess they had to keep the synthesized music because that's what the original had due to the GC small disc space. Still, that's really no excuse. Not to mention that no characters talking is crap (I don't mind Link, but at least have the others talk).</div></div>

    I guess voice would have been nice. I personally get impatient with voice and end up reading the subtitles anyway. I have a bigger problem with the lack of challenge, dexterity-wise. If I were in charge of Zelda I would get rid of the auto jump and turn the franchise into more of a platformer. Imagine a 3-d Advenure of Link. Maybe I am the only one that gets all excited by this idea...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">And you make it seem like Sony is worse than Nintendo. Sony has released strong franchises over the years and have continued to release new and interesting games. Look at God of War, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Socom, etc...

    My favorite Sony game is Blasto. But seriously, I would say these games are a tier below the best Nintendo titles, but that's just me.
  8. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    Sunshine was a great game. However GameCube basically bombed worldwide. It's a shame that people didn't get to play it more.

    Nintendo DOES reinvent their franchises. However they ARE franchises...and they don't change that much.

    I haven't played Zelda Wii for an extended period of time, but the bit I did play was ok ... I guess it depends on how much you like Zelda conventions. How much does it really change from older zelda games?

    Compare that to the change from Ico to Shadow of the Colossus. Or Final Fantasy X to Final Fantasy XII. Obviously, Nintendo isn't releasing the same games every year (Madden) but they do play it 'safe' compared to other developers.

    Mario Galaxy however, looks quite different. I am looking forward to it.
  9. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    I know a lot of people that bought a Gamecube. I think that Nintendo made money off of the console. They didn't have as much market share as Sony, but more of the big sellers were made by Nintendo which is pure profit.

    I am ambivalent about Nintendo. I love their insane attention to detail and obsession with controls. I wish they would make games that were less about there mascots. Take Star Fox. Those games are actually pretty fun, especially the one for 64, but those stupid characters... Even Captain Falcon is cooler than Fox. And Slippy? Good God.
  10. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    Yea, Nintendo games are very polished and well made. They rarely release "bad games". That's an amazing thing for a company so big.

    Wii has a ton of great ideas, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it gets fleshed out in the future.
  11. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    I wonder how great the chance is that VF5E (or whatever) wil be an exclusive again when either MS or Sony have proven to be Sega's best choice...

    Cross reference: SoulCalibur 3
  12. JudoKnow

    JudoKnow New Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    We're all here because we love VF, right? I personally see VF5 on 360 as a positive. It will fing a bigger audience this way and more people will discover that 3D fighters isn't a SC vs Tekken argument. It is a step in the direction of getting VF the love and recognition it deserves that is sorely missing outside of Japan. It's impossible for me to find any competition in Kansas, the armpit of America.

    I can't find the quote but I seem to recall talk of a PS3 price drop in Japan. The reasoning behind a price drop so soon after its release was because of pressure from developers with exclusive titles like VF5, MGS4, DMC4 worring that slower than expected PS3 sales would hurt these exclusives. I guess SEGA decided it was too little, too late and went for a bigger market.

    And lastly, my two cents on the Wii. PS3 and 360 are more or less equal so the only difference is the games. Nintendo knew they couldn't go toe to toe on the hardware front, so they went with their strength. Innovation. For better or worse (virtual boy), at least they usually try to do something different (Mario Party aside). And in the area of controllers they have always been a pioneer. The first select button, the first shoulder button, the first analog stick, touch screens. However, fighting games and the like NEED a pad. I hear the upcoming Smash Bros. will require the retro pad. But for things like Zelda, swinging the remote is a lot more immersive than just pressing a button. I look forward to what developers will do with this unique console.

    (did i do ok for my first post?)
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    You were doing so well until... well... just let me fix one thing for you:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">However, fighting games and the like NEED a <s>pad</s> joystick.

    That's much better! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  14. Kikimaru

    Kikimaru Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    Is that the official 360 artwork? It reminds me of Street Fighter-artwork...
  15. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    I'm getting the PS 3 version, no if's and no buts. I don't mind is coming out for the 360, I just can't see my self waiting that long for a game I really want. If the fact of the matter is, the PS 3 version is still going to be the best version(Extras apparently). This might bring more fans to the series with this move(XBOX owners been wanting VF since the XBOX days, remember the rumors back then?)
  16. Hydra_akebono

    Hydra_akebono Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    The only problem I see with the 360, is Joystick support, but if anyone has seen what the 2D guys have done with there MAS sticks, im not scared. Someone will find a way to hook up a PS2 stick to the 360, probably through those wonderful usb ports.
  17. scorpion

    scorpion Active Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    how you think - 360 version of VF5 really newest about PS3 version?
  18. zakira

    zakira Well-Known Member

  19. Setsuna_Goh

    Setsuna_Goh Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou


    it could happen...
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    uuumm... you guys do know that 360 already has an arcade stick and it's made by Hori? It's been available for months now and I currently own 2 of them. So their will be no need to get an adapter for ps2 sticks. Just buy the DOA4 stick from hori. It has a 6 button layout and I absolutely love it. I can wait to see how well it handles VF5. The only downside will be it's decorated with a DOA4 character and not a VF character. Personally I could care less as long as it handles well and so far from playing DOA4 and SF with it... I have zero complaints.

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