Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by WINBACK, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    yo what's up everyone! god dammit! why couldnt they just release the 360 version at the same time??? i bought a ps2 SOLELY for vf4 and vf4 evo! and now i have to fuckin spend 700 + to buy the system (which doesnt impress me by the way), the game, and a stick! PIECE OF SHIT! >=O

    on another is everyone here? im lookin forward to seeing you guys (winbak, blackula, laidlocks...etc) again on the first vf5 tourney. =) if any of you guys have information about any vf5 tourney's being held, email me at
  2. laidlocks

    laidlocks Active Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Im glad Im not the only one being forced into buying a ps3. I would much rather have a 360. What up flash. That was the best game setup I’ve seen. It was fun getting completely owned by shadow. Can’t wait to get back into the game again. I’ll be making the hike to VA Beach or N.VA once I get to make sweet love to vf5 for a bit. Im super scrubby so I’ll need to practice as to not get completely destroyed... just partially destroyed /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  3. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Well, I'll be going out to sea for almost a month. I'll be back in early March. If anyone wants to email me while I'm out to sea, you can email me at Keep in contact with me and we can plan some future events/tournies.
  4. keensab

    keensab Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    good to see some healthy action in the scene. Post any ideas for getting up this weekend that you guys might have. Waiting to hear if the same locale as last week will be available this weekend.

    Can't wait to roll this weekend.
  5. Wargod

    Wargod Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Ill be available this weekend and be more vailable after i get back from this tekken tourny in chinatown
  6. keensab

    keensab Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Well let's get this thing off the ground.

    Who's playing VF5 with us this Saturday?
  7. Millionz

    Millionz Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    If ya'll dont mind I'd definatly like to make it down to one of these sessions this weekend. Just name the time/place. Can we use our sticks on the PS3?
  8. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    PLUS 1
  9. SplitAtoms

    SplitAtoms New Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    You know im always down for some VF. Trying to get a little VF practice in this weekend!
  10. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    zomg its dee
  11. PaiGow

    PaiGow Active Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    NoVA here... where the DC heads at?
  12. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Shadowdean is in DC PaiGow.
  13. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    OK guys we are going to set this up for Saturday. Same location as last weekend. Call me or email me for directions. Last week was amazing if you did'nt hear! Blackula, Keensab, myself, and some others all had a great time. So all you VA VF proz get in contact with me so we can do this.

    There was a question about bringing a stick. The ps2 sticks can be used only if you have a adapter for ps2 to ps3. However they are known to have slight lag causing certain frame dependant moves to not work as intended. Unless you have the new Hori's or the Sega stick I would say just use a controler for now.

    OK hope to see a you guys there!

  14. Millionz

    Millionz Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    Paigow- There a few people in the DC area. Like blackula mentioned shadowdean is in DC. Flash and Daniel are also in northern virginia area. Daniel doesnt post on this site much but I'm sure hes down for games in the nova area.
  15. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    If somone has a place where we can meet elsewhere Im down for sure. I can speak for Keensab as well as a few others here and im sure they are down. This Saturday will be in Vabeach unless there is a better meeting place in the nova area. Just give me a call or email.
  16. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    I may or may not be out to sea. We were supposed to have left already, but things keep changing so I don't know what's going to go on.

    WINBACK Active Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

  18. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    yes lol
  19. Saist

    Saist Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    NoVA player here, I have a sick set up for my ps3. 65inch HD TV, VF5 and T5DR(if you feel like playing that later). I invite you all over.
  20. Tiamat

    Tiamat Well-Known Member

    Re: Virginia...if it ain't Tekken, WE DON'T CARE!!

    I'll actually be in nova for the week starting on March 4th. I'd like to play some VF5. =]

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