VFLive Tournament Series - Online tournaments. Now with prize.

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by DigitlSamurai, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    I updated the first post with the current scores. This time instead of posting only the results of the most recent tournament, I used the results archived by @Bloodstyle and used the videos from my YouTube channel to fill in the blanks.

    TL,DR version: The scores in the first post now account for every VFLive tournament from season 3, episode 1, until now.
  2. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    I knew I had some damn points! ;)o_O:p And sorry about tonight (thurs ) I fell asleep earlier and just now woke up (1:30am) so I missed whatever happened.
    Craigbot likes this.
  3. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Nothing happened yet. The event wasn't going to be until tonight, but I'll have to cancel it because I don't feel good today. If you can host this one I won't cancel it, but I can't be there.
  4. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    So chalk that up to exhaustion and being sick, been a day off one way or the other all week. Sorry about that guys. Baring my death, def plan on doing something next Thursday though
  5. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    I just sent out messages notifying everyone that there WILL be a VFLive tourney this Thursday at 9:00 PM EST. We're also approaching the end of season 3. The last tournament in December will be the end of season 3. The current top players are:

    Tied for 1st place: @Craigbot and @DigitlSamurai with 19 points each.
    In 2nd place: @Bloodstyle, with 12 points.
    In 3rd: @CRASHEM8000 with 11 points
    Craigbot likes this.
  6. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    YouTube's new policy is going to cause huge problems for VFLive. For those of you who don't know, any and all copyrighted material is now automatically flagged even if it falls under fair use and, in some cases, even if the uploader has explicit written permission to upload it. And from what I've heard, it's going to get even worse next month. I may have to start posting VFLive videos somewhere else. Problem is, I don't know where and even if I did, I'd be back to square one.
  7. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    You could try getting an account set up for twitch and record them live that way. They don't seem to have that issue. How about that?
  8. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    I've thought of that, but I don't have the capability. Apparently my capture card doesn't do live streaming. Does Twitch support video uploading?

    There was going to be a VFLive team tourney tonight, but I probably waited too long to send out notices. If there's enough of a response the event will still happen. Points won't be scored; it's a side tournament just for variety. Since people usually aren't on until later on Saturdays, it will start at 9:30 PM EST instead of 9:00.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
  9. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Update: I won't be able to post any tournament footage for a while. I know as soon as I do, YouTube will take it down and probably my entire channel with it. I'm going to contact Sega again and see if they'll at least reassure me that if my videos get flagged it wasn't them. That way I can dispute it with YouTube.

    On a lighter note, the VFLive Season 3 finale is this Thursday at 9:00 PM EST. I'll record the footage as usual, but I won't be able to upload it until I get the situation with YouTube straightened out. Message me on Xbox Live or post in this thread to sign up. Season 4 starts in late February or early March.
  10. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    I'm in for Thursday. And I'll be hosting. And I'll be doing the brackets o_O. And I'll be ... no wait, that's it.

    On a random side note: I recently looked at my Xbox rep.... and found it odd since its dropped over the past year, and this has been the only thing I play against random people.
    79% preferred or didnt submit a review.
    21% avoided me. ( this has gone up a few % )

    Trash Talk: 10% ( been that way since Gear's 1. )
    Language: 5% ( Figured this woulda been the shit to skyrocket )
    Disruptive: 5% ( only when I'm drunk, I sing a song like this... wait a min, wrong thing.)

    Aggressive: 5% ( I mean, come on, really? I play fucking fighting games. The fuck they expect?)
    Unsporting: 26% ( And here's the winner! How in the hell am I "unsporting"? Seeing as half the time I'm getting my head beat in. And hang around to continue to get my damn head beat in. Last time I looked at my rep, this was around 5%. So in a year of VF, this shit has shot up 21%? Just curious as to how the hell this happened when the only thing else I've played has been w/ Friends off of my friends list. There was the two or three weeks I played DOA, but come on. )
    Quit Early: 10% ( I never leave a match, may get DC'ed but that shit happens. )
    Craigbot likes this.
  11. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    My rep says 52% language. Everyone who has ever talked to me knows I don't cuss...ever.
  12. Flantomas

    Flantomas Member

    Sign me up for tomorrow !
  13. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    I'll have to post my results later, Bloodstyle. At least you're still popular with everyone :).
  14. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    First post updated to reflect last Thursday's scores. According to the standings, @Bloodstyle and @CRASHEM8000 will be competing for third place in the season 3 finale this Thursday, with Blood having a one point lead over CRASH!

    If @Craigbot enters the event, he'll be competing with me for first place, with me having a two point lead!
    Craigbot likes this.
  15. Flantomas

    Flantomas Member

    talk about ending on a high note! Guys were on fire on that las VFlive, I cant belive it wasnt recorded.
    Craigbot likes this.
  16. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF

    It actually was recorded, but I can't upload it just yet.
  17. Flantomas

    Flantomas Member

    Man, thats awesome news! Hope you solve that youtube problem, or find a less bitchy server to upload
    Craigbot likes this.
  18. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Thanks, so do I.

    First post updated with final score. Season 4 starts with the first tournament played in March, which, as of yet, does not have an exact date. I hope to have the issue with YouTube sorted out by then. I'll post any new info in this thread as soon as I find out.
  19. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    The grand finals from the season 3 finale are uploading now. A few things to note:

    1. YouTube's new policy says I can't make it public until 24 hours after uploading. :mad: And that's assuming it doesn't get flagged. :mad:
    2. I tried to record the voice chat. It sort of worked, but the game volume is too loud to hear much.:mad: Next time I'll turn down the game audio before recording.
    3. The sound drops out sometimes.:mad:

    If this doesn't get flagged, I'll upload the rest.
    Craigbot and EvenPit like this.
  20. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF

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