VFLive Tournament Series - Online tournaments. Now with prize.

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by DigitlSamurai, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Sign me up for this Thursday.
  3. Flantomas

    Flantomas Member

    I have very little experience with VF5 FS, but I would like to try it. Are this kind of events a usual thing, or at least groups that get together for informal fights?

    Anyway, Im Flantomas in XBL, Ill be trying to contact you guys as soon as I re-gold my account.
  4. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    These tournies happen every thursday and Saturday night if people don't show up to have a good bracket they have normal room battle. It is but it is a usual thing. It will be a good learning experience for you.
  5. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Just wanted to remind everyone that I won't be participating in tomorrow's events due to a shoulder injury.
  6. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    This could be a chance to get the tourny stream if Blackstar is willing to do it since he wants to be a part of the tourny this week. This would also gauge the amount of real interest in it as we can see who is actually watching it in real time too.

    So Blackstar would you be willing to stream it possibly. It will give people a chance to see and hear what is said in our tournies and how intense the conversations are between matches as well.
  7. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    I'm not against the idea. But on the other hand, its like inviting a friend over to chill, then putting his ass to work as soon as he walks in the door. Besides, I'm still trying to fill the room for the night as i've only gotten very few confirms as of 5am this morning.

    I kinda dropped the ball on sending out the message on Live this week due to shit happening at home :(. Got an early day at work today so hopefully I can fill the rest of the spots after I get home.
  8. Flantomas

    Flantomas Member

    Bloodstyle, I would like to participate today. Due to geographical situation, I might be lagging a bit, but I still want to try it.

    Also, do I have to add you in xbl or do you add me ?
  9. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    I tossed you a FR on xbox, so just accept and we are good. I normally get a room going about a hour before so people can fuck around and warm up. As it stands now ( 12:30pm ) I still have 3 open spots for the evening.
    Craigbot likes this.
  10. Flantomas

    Flantomas Member

    Excellent, Ill accept as soon as I get home, in about 2 hours. Im still at work... watching VF videos.
  11. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    If not for the fact that I won't be there tonight anyway, I'd have a problem with this. For one thing, once VFLive starts being streamed, people will expect it to be streamed every time from then on. That's something that should be saved for when we have that capability. Plus it would take views away from my channel.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
  12. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    This would be a potential test though to see what would happen. I know you are right digital but this test would see what might happen when it is streamed everyday by our normal group. I am not saying that he should be do it all the time just this 1 time though understand me with that okay.
    Craigbot likes this.
  13. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Fair enough. As long as it's understood by the viewers that it's not going to be live all the time yet.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
  14. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    y'all musta missed my point. You DO NOT ask a guest to put in work. It's rude o_O, let alone continue discussing it afterwards w/o any input from said guest whatsoever.

    Anywho, down to 2 spots left open if anyone knows of some folks. I'm starting to think I'm burning out my friends lol.
  15. Rommil

    Rommil Active Member

    IDK, i'ma kinda against live streaming for it. I think not being streamed, and being a weekly vfl tourny gives this thing its own flavor and allows it to stand out. It almost feels to me that if it was streamed it would bleed over into what blackstar it already doing and make them both feel less special IMO. Just my gut reaction though, and i always reserve the right to be wrong (because i am good at it!!). I mean, i want to make it a point to watch sunday raw (or at least check in on it) live. If i miss it i don't particularly feel inclined to rewatch the vods-altho i do at least click on them once in case blackstar gets a counter that he likes to go look at lol. On the other hand, i like that when i click on the VOD for thursday raw that i don't feel like i "missed" it and that i'm watching stale video of something i 'missed' already.

    TL:DR i don't like it when "e-sports" coverage all blends together to be one faceless entity with blurred lines of differentiation, but that's just me.
  16. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    ....... the hell is "Thursday raw" ?? I miss something or are you mixing up our shit together? :p
  17. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    Update. Blackstar took the over all win. Craigbot and Fortune took 2nd and 3rd respectively. Good fights all, enjoyed it all around
    Craigbot and Flantomas like this.
  18. Flantomas

    Flantomas Member

    Its the first time I participate in something like this, ever. And it was an awesome experience! I learned more in this tournament than in my 60 ranking fights combined. And mostly just from watching, and being beat up by the senior fighters.

    Sign me up for the next one!

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Though there were some laggy bouts, the experience at VFLive was alot of fun. Shoutouts to everyone that came through, hope u guys come through again next time. Thanks Bloodstyle, for holdin everything down

    It felt great to take a break from streaming. :D. But at the same time, the were some pretty good matches that people missed out on. I cant make any promises, but ill look into streaming the next VFL I join.
    Craigbot likes this.
  20. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Usually I capture and upload them to Youtube. I'd say probably 50/50 chance I'll be at tomorrow's VFLive. If not, then definitely next Thursday's.

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