VFDC Content Managers

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Nov 24, 2012.

By Myke on Nov 24, 2012 at 9:32 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Back in July 2012, I reached out to the community seeking volunteers for Character Specialists. I'm now pleased to announce that this effort has been revived and is ready to roll out under the new branding of Content Manager.


    A New Name

    The main reason behind renaming "Character Specialist" to "Content Manager" was that the term specialist carried with it an unwanted meaning or status. Most dedicated players want to consider themselves as a specialist of sorts, so it didn't make sense to label certain individuals who were managing VFDC content for a character as a specialist. Afterall, one doesn't have to be an expert with their character in order to do an effective job of soliciting, collating and recording the great info that's out there already posted, or in people's heads. Strictly speaking, this person will be responsible for managing character content within official VFDC resources, so "Content Manager" describes the role perfectly.

    Phase 1 - Combo Lists

    The first phase in rolling out Content Managers involves enabling them to update the VFDC Combo Lists for Final Showdown (Ver.A). A lot of great work has already been undertaken in the combo department, found scattered in many character specific threads. It is hoped that these can be consolidated into the VFDC Combo Lists, making it easier for everyone to reference in future.

    Combo List Updates

    In preparation for the above, I've made a couple of updates to the Combo List that are worth a quick mention. Firstly, the Filter system has been revamped and introduces a new option to filter for combos Versus a specific (or all) characters:

    Selecting "All" will show combos that work against all characters - making it ideal to find those basic combos that just work on everyone. Selecting a specific character will show all combos that work on that character. By using this filter, then clicking on the Damage column to sort, you can easily find maximum damage combos for a particular character.

    The remaining updates to the Combo List are purely cosmetic. Firstly, the button icons have been cleaned up (long overdue, believe me!) and here's a quick comparison.



    And finally, I've changed the colour code for the Normal Hit indicator from Orange to Green. Without getting too much into the psychology of colours, I felt that the Normal Hit colour needed to be cooler than the Counter Hit colour.



    Who are the Content Managers?

    The Content Managers have already been selected, and will be announced over the next couple of days. Given that it's been a number of months since the final selection was made, I will go through a process of privately engaging with each person to see if they're still interested in the role.

    Going forward, you'll be able to identify Content Managers with an appropriately named banner appearing under their avatar.


    Wiki (Preview)

    After re-writing hundreds of lines of code for the Combo Lists (for the geeks out there, the majority of it re-written in Object Oriented) I can now turn my attention back to the Wiki. The intent is to allow the Content Managers to also maintain the Character pages in the wiki, but before that can happen, some more work needs to be done.

    For now, here's a preview of some of the Wiki work that has been completed to date:

    This is the System section of the wiki, now divided into unique sections. Below is a preview of the Throw Escapes section:


    Final Word

    That about wraps up this announcement. Remember, the Content Managers will be announced over the next few days and hopefully we'll start seeing the Combo Lists come to life! Thanks for your patience, and I look forward to sharing more cool things with you soon!
    SUGATA, Dennis0201, DomAug and 16 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Nov 24, 2012.

    1. Myke
      Sebo seems to be MIA. Any other potential Jeffry Content Managers out there?
    2. Dennis0201
      How about KO? :D

      Since the entire process is still working, so I wonder is it possible for all content mangers to make a quick announcement here as long as there is any update?

      Thanks for all the hard works you guys have done!! It is awesome!!!
    3. Myke
      Dennis, you want the content managers to make announcements here (in this thread?) whenever they update something?

      I'd prefer they communicate in their character forums instead.

      Also, I agree that they've done an awesome job so far!
      Dennis0201 likes this.
    4. UnknowingNote
      I would love to do Jeffry's, but I don't think I am far even close to being good with him. I wouldn't know how to communicate with the others and help with anything, is my fear. I hope someone will take it, so I can keep learning.
    5. akai
      UnknowingNote - the most important thing is someone willing to take the time to compile the information already posted. A lot of information is already posted in the threads that just needs to be organized.
    6. UnknowingNote
      I wouldn't know how to compile them all neat and nice, this would be the first time I would of had to do something like this, haha. I would need a lot of help.

      Not sure about doing this just yet, if someone else wants it, take it.
    7. phanatik
      you can do it. it's not hard...just takes time. take a look at the sample. it basically shows you how to input the commands.
    8. UnknowingNote
      Eh yea, but my style is slipping with Jeffry, so i'm not sure, heh.
    9. Izuna_Shoryuken
      Gentlemantheif for Jean CM, please.
      Someone get in contact with him.
      phanatik likes this.
    10. Neonomide
      I had a conversation with Squiidux (Shun Content Manager) and he apparently has no time to update content at the moment and asked if I could carry on.

      I have my own little combo project going in combos thread (launchers ready, Taka ready(ish), others coming soon) so I guess I could volunteer, since Shun forum seems pretty (very) empty at the moment. There are combos for other chars to collect but they need some serious managing and testing for stances and DP counts etc which I so far have done with Taka.

      For the love of old goofy grandpa.
      Genesis and Chill like this.

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