VF5REVO Update 1.02 - February 26th (JST)

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Feb 17, 2025.

By akai on Feb 17, 2025 at 4:11 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Last Updated: February 26, 2025 - "Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O.", 1.02 has been released to the public. Please share your experience with this update in the thread!

    Details of this patch have been revealed:

    Adjustments to rollback-related features and menus.
    ✅Removed "OFF" as an option from Options > Game Settings > Rollback (Beta)
    ✅Changed the values in Options > Game Settings > Frame delay (Beta) from "0-10" to "1-6".
    ✅When there is a difference between the player and opponent's frame delay settings during an online match, delay values for both will be adjusted to match the lower of the two.
    ✅Updated the guidance text that appears on the Game Settings menu for rollback-related options.
    ✅Effects and sound effects will not appear or play if they are inconsistent with rollback results.

    Matchmaking adjustments
    ✅Adjusted the matchmaking system to prevent situations where a player would repeatedly match up with the same opponent.

    Added a basic data collection feature
    *This is in preparation for collecting various types of data to provide a better overall gameplay experience. We plan to release statistics based on the collected data in the future, such as match-up charts and rank distribution.

    Fixed a bug where controller buttons could be assigned to keyboard and mouse keys if the game bar is activated by controller.

    Other bug fixes

    Official Update Notes: https://virtua-fighter.com/en/news/123

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2025


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Feb 17, 2025.

    1. biquiba
      I see JPN players stick to the default 2 frames of delay. I'm curious about what people overseas are feeling and their settings.
    2. Combolammas
      I think most folks EU are running delay 3
    3. YOMI
      2 isn't stable inside EU or even in my own country for me so I stick to 3.
    4. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      Can we go back to the possibility to choose our own minimum delay ?

      Because 1 frame delay minimum is 80-90% impossible (maybe you have to be 50ms or less i think), and it gets some rollbacks and teleports every 10 seconds in the match (even on 60-80ms good connections).

      I suspect some people to play with 1 frame delay and with that trash on purpose, cause they can get some fake mash.

      Why everytime there is some scrubs who love taking advantage of the lag with fighting games in 2025 ? Why trying that sh*t despite we have a good netcode now ?

      2 frames delay was perfect with good green bars connections, and then you were adjusting with 3-4 frames delay if it was laggy or yellow connections ... Bring that back SEGA !

      1 frame delay is most of the time unplayable !

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