VF5R online play???

Discussion in 'Console' started by social_ruin, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    This is probably the reality for quite a few VFDCers.
  2. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    When it comes to online play, to each his own. All I know is that I have had almost no experience offline when it comes to games simply because I don't have anyone to play against in my area.

    Online is a very beneficial mode and if anything, VF is one of the games that works exceptionally online. Sure it may not be perfect, but the things that do happen online, usually happen offline as well (Assuming the person you're playing knows what he is doing).

    In the end there's going to be theory about how stuff that works online doesn't work offline etc... but I can say from my personal experience that everything I do online worked as intended offline at NYG. This has been the case in other games I've competed in offline as well. Most fighting games that have an online mode run much worse than VF. Basically what it boils down to is the player. If someone is taking a game very seriously he can play the game online and understand the limitations and what is considered lag abuse.

    I just wanted to give my opinion about the example made by LAAkira. As far as performance goes against Adam online vs offline, I can say that I have played against Adam in fairly long sessions offline and online. I actually performed better offline than I do online.

    To sum it up, There are many people like myself who have had little to no experience with VF prior to VF5 Online. It's helped the VF scene grow and strong new players have emerged because of it.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    <span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'>While everyone has their opinion about online you all have to just accept the fact that it's all we have in terms of getting better at this game. While I sympathize with LA Akira, I still have to say that online play CAN be enjoyable under the right circumstances. By now we all should be agreeing to one thing and that's online play will NEVER ever compare to offline. Since we all know this we have no choice but to accept it's flaws. The decision you make from here about whether or not you want to participate in should be simple. Either your IN or your OUT! No complaints!

    In my personal experience, online play has made me a better player. Sure there are many situations where as LA Akira said you will have to sacrifice a great option for a mediocre one, but that simply boils down to adapting to the situation. It's no different than if you played offline and the controller you are playing with is probably at a tension that's to loose or to tight for you and you are having a little trouble with your command input. What then? are people going to bitch? probably not! You will just come to terms with it and accept the fact that you will have to be a little more careful and adjust to the situation on the fly. Come on guys we have been arguing about this lag shit for to long. If you don't like online play because you can't connect with decent players then make adjustments...

    1) Try to breed new players in your area like flash did so you can have online competition with minimum lag. If you are a competitive gamer I highly doubt that you don't have competitive gamer friends in your area. If you don't then you should just give up on fighters and play RPGs, FPS, etc.

    2) Upgrade to a better internet provider. This is the route I took so I could connect with more people. It was about $15-20 dollars more than I was originally paying, but overall I am very happy with the service. If I could get a even better connection I would, but unfortunately I have to wait. Now I know some of you don't want to pay the extra money, but you know what that's the sacrifice you will have to make if you really want to play with other players under minor lag circumstances and get better. For some of you I understand that maybe your parents are paying for the service. Well get a fucking job and plead your case to your parents that you would like to put in a better service that you are willing to pay for yourself or pitch your case to them to upgrade and use your new job as leverage to help out with the bill. Come on man if I can afford to make this sacrifice I know most of you can. I was born broke and will probably die broke.

    3) Go to a friends house or neighbors house who has better service. Funji O'neal does this every weekend just so he can play VF. And don't give me that crap about you don't want to be a burden to people, because news flash everyone is a burden to someone and if you don't believe me... if your 19 years old and not in college and still mooching off your parents for funds... news flash homie you are a burden. The only reason they won't admit it is because they love you and accept the fact that have to care for you.

    The point I am trying to make is that all of you have not explored all of your options. In the end lag or no lag, VF is the type of game where you have to learn how to adapt on the fly. Lag spikes will come there is no doubt about that, but just deal with it already or go play FPS games where minor lag spikes are not an issue. As long as you can punish -11 or greater situations, I don't think annoying should be complaining. If you can't /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif after blocking /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif... adapt. If you miss well next time just fucking come up with something different, because all skilled players know you can't run the same setup / punishment all day and think you will get away with it. Maybe the lag is good for some of you where as it can teach you / me some fucking variety.

    If you want proof than online play can make you better just go look at the WCG thread where AdamYUKI made his run all the way to Germany based mostly on ONLINE play.</span>
  4. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    i have FIOS (fiber optics) connection and so does konjou. believe us when we say our matches really do feel like we are sitting right next to each other. rodney, we should start saving our online matches! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    for the most part, playing online has helped me improve in terms of adaptability. i've seen a lot of shit now thanks to online gameplay. however, like konjou stated, i have a group of VF hungry friends nearby. we try to push ourselves to get together at least twice a week so we don't forget our fundamentals.
  5. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Well, im done posting on this thread. I've stated my point why i'm not a fan of online but apparently i'm one of the few people whos game it actually effects. Other than Konjous comment, most other comments were in this vein... "HEY, IT WORKS FOR ME!" , "I DONT HAVE THAT PROBLEM!" I've never said it can't be fun. In fact i've said "THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULDN'T PLAY IT IF YOU WANT TO HAVE FUN!" I also stated that I would play it with a good connection because 1-2 frames of lag I can deal with but I rarely even see 3 green bars. Theres either plague or dennis who I cant connect with. So have fun playing online. If it helps your game, great, but it doesn't help mine.

    The bottom line is "with lag I cant play in close online cuz I end up just guessing and not reacting".
  6. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    If you play online, you are a shitty player who relies on lag tactics that would never work in the real game.

    If you play offline, you are a shitty player who relies on paper strats that would never work against real opponents.

    Konjou likes to use some weird-ass font for his posts that's hard to read.

    Anything else useful to be said in this thread?
  7. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Please lock you would do this community a great service.

    Happy holidays to all!

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