VF5R online play???

Discussion in 'Console' started by social_ruin, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Wow, I disagree with this statement completely.

    How can you quantify this at all??? It's impossible to prove it. I know online increased my interest so I assume it did so for others as well. Seems to keep African Madman interested.

    If you think it's bad now, there wouldn't be nearly as many people on this forum right now, me included, if they hadn't brought VF5 online. If SEGA can somehow pull their head out of their ass, and it's in there pretty fuckin' DEEP, they can make VF5R a big, multi-platform, online enabled console release.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but people seem to think (me included) that SF4 on console, with online, is a big deal. The game looks awesome and it has been on my radar to the point where it has become THE game I'm waiting for; why couldn't VF5R do the same thing? They just have to show off the game and make people want to play it. If SEGA can can show people the game exists, and "is coming to a console near you," VF5R will sell. I refuse to believe it won't.

    They had good hype when the game was released for PS3 but there was no online play (more Sony's fault than SEGA IMO) so it wasn't done right, period. When it came for 360, the online was fast and played great, playing the CPU was no longer your only option. Saying VF5 isn't popular is not true; there's not THAT many older games that you can always find people playing on LIVE, the game has serious longevity. Throw in some more DLC and you've got something.

    Ace Combat 6 has 77 different add-ons for download... <u>77!!!</u> <- That's a lot. NAMCO seems to want to keep you playing that game and keep it worth purchasing as more and more content is added over time, it doesn't hurt that the game is awesome though too; they're keeping it fresh and giving you a reason to purchase or play it again and again...

    I think, if VF5 had boku downloads and items, people would play even more, especially if you could win items in online matches. Plus, VF is so deep that mastering it wouldn't be a problem (and they should pitch it that way too). They should express the idea that mastering a VF character is like mastering a martial art. Emphasize the "skill" factor big time.

    Don't fool yourself, SEGA can do this if they want to. They're going to have to stick their neck out and make an investment in bringing VF5R to console, but it will pay off, if done right. This is one of their flagship series, it's a crying shame to put so much effort into an iteration of a VF game and not let the rest of the world ever even play it. I would think, these days, it wouldn't be profitable to make any game "Japanese arcade only"... Talk about limiting your audience.

    P.S. I ranted, I'm sorry... This shit gets my goat.
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    ^Classic... VFDC members' haughty little attitude that ruins VFDC... Jeneric, your shitty attitude hurts this site, online VF helps it; get it straight...

  3. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    yeah, thats exactly what came to my mind when I read his comment...

    Jeneric, are you familiar with the concept of hierarchies in fandom? It seems to me you put yourself at the top with your statement lol.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    You can argue that it isnt increasing it ENOUGH. But it has definitely increased it.
  5. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Why? Because it's turned everyone into a /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif moaning, DM /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif bitching crybaby and spawned a new generation of people who would rather just spam crap to win instead of spending hours on learning the system before playing?

    Just out of curiosity, how far do you have to travel and how long does it take you to the place where you usually play VF that you mentioned in this topic here. I'm guessing it's not far.

    While it is true that online is not perfect and offline will always be better, not everyone has a big community near them, so it is the only thing some of us have got (outside of well planned events), and without it, we'd still be playing against the computer using exploits in the AI to win instead of actually getting better.
  6. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Online VS MODE is what is bringing fighting games back! If this is the "year of the fighter" then it's because of the new-found, online playability of this generation of consoles and internet connections. Online is literally going to save the fighting game genre in general! (At least everywhere outside of Japan, where arcades are basically no longer existent.)

    I live in a fairly large city (Boston) and I can't think of one place I know of where I could find an arcade cabinet with any type of newer game, (the store down the street has <u>Bad Dudes</u>!!!) let alone an SF or VF cabinet of any kind. Trust me, most of us long-time fighting fans out there NEED online to play anyone other than the CPU...
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    People are willing to learn so this whole argument is bullshit.

    I have play against many random people on line who send friend request wanting me to show them he ropes all i take is time to do so. Im curently teach my Cousin the basic of this game because he wants to get back into fighting games. He noticed this was a game i was paying for a while and he wanted in.

    Perfect example Look at B.Feck or GlOry. They wanted to learn and they learn the game with a little tutelage and observation.
  8. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Jeneric is just mad, that posters on the forum, rip his papers up.

    If R didn't have online, I'd still get it.
  9. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    add me to that list sds. Vfnumbers, and smb were great in showing me how to succeed at this game. Playing cozby, i seen ways lei fei can manipulate situations that occur and force peeps to change there game. Playing linz showed me the power of throw. Reading this site, the power of throw/mid mixup. And finally, i have gotten just good enough to create my own pet setups.
  10. SkatanMilla

    SkatanMilla Well-Known Member

    Online play ruined VFDC because there are too many "But that doesn't work online" when that really doesn't matter in the least. If people just took online for what it is and not the saviour of the community I don't think anyone would have anything against it. It's just something for lonely people that don't want to travel to have someone to play against and still get to call themselves active players.

    Yes, I am lucky because I have consistent offline play against three others 3-4 days a week which would total in roughly 100~150 matches a week. I can see how flawed online is without having to force myself to think "It's not so bad" because it's the online thing I'm left with.
  11. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Not ture. SEGA AM2 didn't even handle the PS3 version. AM2 had more time to develop the 360 version, then that "Drag and drop" port on the PS3. It was SEGA, not SONY. SONY online is freaking great. I'm not going to state the obvious on what features is missing compared to LIVE, but that's not the point of this discussion. The point is, SEGA are a bunch of slackers.
    SEGA, what a class act right there.
  12. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    If VF5R comes out on consoles and takes another giant step back from the previous iteration of the series I would probably eat one of my VSHGs before I purchased an offline only version of VF5R. Even though I'm a fighting game nut and have been playing VF since 4Vanilla heavily I just can't keep the fanboy attitude up when SEGA just decides to repeatedly shit on the community outside of Japan.

    While I know the elitists here have for years (since VF4 vanilla) defended Sega's insistence that the game was not possible to be played online, we now know that that was all a sham, as VF5 functions just fine online on the 360. Fighting games have been fine online for years, X-Box, GGPO, even Dreamcast had online play. As long are you are playing someone who is good at the game there are tons of things to learn online. It isn't just a 2+P festival.

    And competitive games that have been played locally in national and regional tournaments are almost always practiced heavily online. Starcraft? Warcraft III? Unreal Tournament? Counter Strike? Halo? Teams and individuals practice often online and the online casual community has enormous benefits for all players of the game.

    And yes, while online is not local play where there is no latency (read: latency, not lag) it's a better choice than no play. I live in NYC for most of the year and it is actually easier for me to just play online from my apartment than to travel in the city or Long Island to play VF. And that's in NYC...I couldn't imagine living in an area where there are no VF players. What local competition do you use if you're hundreds of miles from anyone on this board?

    As buggy as ST:HDR is, the online mode is competitive and fun. Just register at SRK, take down a bunch of PSN/XBL names, friend them, and battle away. You'll learn hundreds of new tricks and strategies (unless you're an expert). Yes the game might drop frames here or there in play (or glitch out or disconnect or bug for those who have played it), but you're facing high levels of competition, and you're learning. And VF5's net code is infinitely superior to ST:HDR. But even then that hasn't stopped me...I have over 2000 matches of ST:HDR easily.

    For those who are familiar with him, I had the fun task of playing Sirlin (lead designer for ST:HDR) online last week and he destroyed me for the most part...but I learned a lot about new match-ups in HDR.

    Fact is that for the ultra-competitive community there is no substitute for local play, and by local play I mean arcades, not consoles. But if you truly want the community to grow, you need to get the casual online only players in.
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Important notice: people who would rather just spam crap instead of spending hours learning the system before playing existed before VF was online. You just could choose to imagine that they didnt exist by playing mainly at your home.
  14. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Online VF has only made me better. If anything, online has brought more players around. If someone spams, let them spam. As long as they're physically playing the game, that's all I can ask for. Claiming VF was better w/o online sounds like uninviting prejudice cavemen-talk. As technology skyrockets, lag will become less and less of an issue.

    I'd buy R even if it came as a downgraded third-party port for PS2.
  15. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    This thread should be split - "online ruined VF" and "online ruined VFdc" are two completely different propositions.

    An even better solution would be locking it because, srsly, before it got hijacked the topic was whether VF5R, a game that has not been announced for consoles yet, should have online or not, which is blatantly pointless.
  16. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    God this thread had gone to shit.
  17. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    What American VF player would say they have not benefited at all from playing online? I think very few would... The skill of the game remains quite intact, for the most part. I've great games with plenty of the Cali players from this site, (and I'm in Boston,) and they rarely suffered from much lag at all.

    Just the fact that I can log on and play Plague or Brisal73 from where I am, in a lagless to minimally latent connection, is better than I ever hoped fighting games could be on console. I never would have played ANY of you guys if we were still stuck in the "offline days."

    I say GGs to online regardless. At worst, online vs. is better than nothing... At best, it rules and is VERY fun and addictive! I think everyone here will agree with that.

    I'm sure most people here have had 20+ match sets with people online. Why would you do that if it wasn't fun? You wouldn't... It actually IS fun.

    It's closer to the real thing than playing the CPU any day. Mind games are fully intact as well. I'm a HUGE proponent of online gaming!
  18. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    If you feel "lucky" because you can play 3 dudes in a video game a few times a week, you really shouldn't be calling other people lonely.
  19. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I have to spend hundreds of pounds and get time off work every time I want to play offline.
    Not to mention the hell that is sitting on a train for 6 hours there and back.

    Online play made me want to play offline.

    VFDC gained a long term member who actually wants to improve.

    As did the UK VF scene.

    I know I'm not alone.
  20. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    LOL dear god, just no. VF5's netcode is shit, it can't even be compared with HDR's netcode which is infinitely better.

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