VF5R Movies

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Myke, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    from what i can make out, vanessa just om'd twice (for advantageous throw position?) and brad predicted it.

    pretty weird though.
  2. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

  3. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Did taka just jump back in the ring
  5. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Wow, Taka vs Jeff is mad.
  7. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    It's like Brad vs Wolf all over again.
  8. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

  9. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    WTF?!?! Man, thats a real determined Taka. He wont lose no matter what!

    I guess we can add that to the version B fix list /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  10. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    That's how awesome Taka is... you can throw him out but he just comes back in.
  11. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Its gotta be the track that playing.Sarah VF1 musics is the shit.

    That shit is Licking out my speakers.
  13. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    that shit Taka did was fuking crazy!...lol
  14. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I consider anything more than 65 high damage. That combo does more than half your health. Seems like a lot to me.

    Nice video anyway. Pirate Brad is awesome!
  15. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    Taka vs. Lion

    Jeffery vs. Akira

    Kage 131pt Combo

    El Blaze 113pt Combo

    Wolf vs. Wolf

    Lau vs. Lion

    Goh vs. Aoi

    Jacky vs. Lion (Never really played with nor liked Lion, but after seeing good Lion players I think I just might try a thing or 2)

    Eileen vs. Lion

    Wolf vs. Brad (this has to be a cpu Brad, this Brad is toooo lame!)

    Akira vs. Lau

    Lots of good games coming out next week yawl! Resistance 2, Gears of War 2, Naruto Ninja Storm…NBA 2K9 is out, Far Cry 2 is out…Tomb Raider and Prince are on the way!..good times are ahead…I gots a wii, 360 and PS3 so this time around I aint missing out on shyt….now all that’s missing is Virtua Fighter R!!!!!!!!!!

    oh yea...MuayThaiFighter where u at dawg??...
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    In the jacky vids i notice the /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f_.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif throw is not as epic as it used to be. The camera does'nt change much,Its faster and the new sound effect is off the hook.Also Wolf's giant swing throw the opponent forward? Is this do to the fact they took out one rotation off the spin right?
  17. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    yeah its already been pointed out. They took off one rotation and it now throws the opponents forward. And i think its damage has also been toned down like Pai's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif throw.

    i like this though so that Wolf cant just ring an opponent with that throw now lol.
  18. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

  19. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Have they removed the ability to tech roll out of damage with the giant swing?
  20. Doug_Damage

    Doug_Damage Member

    ^^^^OMFG dumb question. The plague of witless X-coxers. Cost of online Vf I guess. Go play SSB little boy.

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