VF5FS/US/REVO Online Rank Titles

Discussion in 'Console' started by akai, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Yes. Theoretically it works. THEORETICALLY.
    I don't get why this point is so hard to understand for you.
  2. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    I cant however understand how he can suck so badly after playing so many matches,and the only thing he is doing is playing this game,which seem very important to him,as he is disconnecting to get into the top 10 leader boards.

    I just find it very odd.

    He has attempted to disconnect me as well,but he was to slow ^^
  3. Aion

    Aion Well-Known Member

    I've played him, he's horrid. He only plays to rank up and not to actually be good at the game.

    Also, I think I've played you...Jacky player right?
  4. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    ye thats right.what's your psn nick name?
  5. Bilal

    Bilal Well-Known Member

    I don't usually like writing essays on trivial matters, but the misinformation here is mind-boggling:

    The more BPs you have, the more suspected to farming/boosting you are. It means that Royal-Penguine was mostly playing people with the exact same rank titles. Let me use two other well-known players to prove my point:

    GentlemanThief: Darkslayer with only 1928 BPs
    Newbaoie (Kingo): Darkslayer with only 2483 BPs

    These players ranked up really fast because they had enough competition in each rank band, hence it was easier to fill their ranking bars with the least number of matches. The situation is same on Japanese PSN, it's full of people with varied rank titles. Therefore, if you're a decent/good player, you can rank up quite quickly. On other other hand, there are also people with around 1000 matches sitting on Hunter.

    Just for the record, I'm not saying he can't cheat, just that his BPs alone cannot be used to determine that.

    Pretty much, his profile states Japanese as his first language. That does not necessarily mean that he is Japanese, but he most probably plays on Japanese PSN, where competition is not scarce by any means.

    Po, maybe you'll understand it when you are StormLord yourself, but it isn't worth playing low ranks anymore. Theoretically, I can promote by playing the "same two people" (Hunters, I presume, because they can't be demoted) over and over, but it will perhaps take 100+ (or even few hundred) games to rank up as opposed to maybe a dozen games against the player with same rank.

    The same thing applies to demoting, I cannot demote a Raider or Guardian that easily. Even winning 15-20 games in a row will hardly have a significant effect on their ranking bar. I was also told by a player that Hunters with empty ranking bars don't give any ranking points to Avenger and above. This could be true and should also be taken into consideration.

    Point: My ranking isn't effected much if I lose to a StormLord or a Hunter, even 20 times in a row. Not to mention, it only applies if we both agree to play that many games in first place.

    It depends on two things:

    1- Your definition of decent and your method of differentiating the skill-level among different players

    2- Consistency of your wins

    (This, however, does not matter as online ranking by itself does not dictate the skill level of player)
  6. Aion

    Aion Well-Known Member

    It's under my avatar, RoseOfMay. I play Sarah.
  7. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Well,good rank title and win ratio have some correlation with skill level,but the correlation sure isnt 100%. And ye, i guess i may be a it subjective about defining skill levels,but i guess all are...But in the end i dont think it matter,because the community isnt that big,so people will start recognize each other,knowing their skill level,and one can feel improvement when you start beating people who owned you before..
  8. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Well you have won more matches,and also owned me couple of times.
    I did in no way mean that i was better,but my previous post refered to the fact that a barbarian/defender should be able to win against players who are much higher ranked such as darkslayers and warriors.

    I think your jacky is excellent. Its fast and varied,and may be the best jacky ive seen on psn.

    And ye,i mentioned your name,because i knew you hang around here....just wanted to say hello indirectly hihi

    Ye we can do that ^^
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @Bilal, @Unicorn, thanx. I understand that the point I'm am making is for a situation that is not likely to occur. And to get it to happen you would need consensus of a couple players. My point is that it could happen, not that it has or will, but it could. Far fetched yes. But the whole thing could be resolved by not demoting someone out of the group they're in. Simple fix. I know you're not suggesting that the ranking system in VF5FS is perfect are you? Theoretical or not it should not even be possible to be demoted from Stormlord to Hunter. But it is. You guys gotta see that right?

    Also BlackBeltSpartan has to have some skill level. Sure he pulls, and D/Cs. I'm not going to defend him on that., but you can't button mash your way his rank. Sure he may not be as advanced as some of you guys, but he's obviously more advanced than a lot of ppl. We may say that he sucks because he pulls, But he has to be at least an intermediate player.

    I don't mean to offend here. But that's one of the problems with this site. We seem not to have a sense of scale, or relativity.

    Everyone on this site, I mean everyone, is considerably better than at least one other VF player. Everybody on this site is also a considerable worse player than at least one other VF player. Maybe this is not well understood because we don't realize that the VF universe is bigger than the ppl we've already played or the ppl we know.

    To say that his person sux, or this person is the best, is so relative. Following happened to me last night!

    I was in a room playin with some cats and they had rounds set to 5 and I played them several times no one took more than two rounds from me. These guys were going "monk is advance player, blah, blah, he's best Lei Fei player I've seen" I'm fuckin sayin to myself, because you haven't seen any other lei fei players obviously. I leave that room go to another room and out of 7 or 8 matches I might have won 3 rounds. The Host of the room was openly saying over his headset, "I wish I could kick the lastmonk, he aint shit". So I left out of shame [​IMG]

    To one set of guys I was an advanced player, to the other set of guys , I was an absolute scrub. Blackbelt might not have very good online manners. but he obviously is better than a lot of players. Even if pulls when he's losing, I'm assuming he doesn't pull when his winning. And to get the rank that he's got, he's had to beat at least once at lot of ppl that had a similar rank as he had. That means he had to beat warriors, assassins, shatterers, etc. I don't think he could have luckily beat everyone.

    Has anyone talked with him and asked him why he pulls, or why he has the dark frowny face? Maybe he is a fairly good player but just has a fear of losing and needs some time with MasterPo [​IMG]

    Like Bilal said it depends on how you define decent. And I think we forget that its all relative.

    I've met guys who are good with combos, but have no defense. But their combo game is so good, that if they get you its over.

    I've faced guys that had no combo game at all, but their mix up game and spacing, and timing were so good, they were extremely hard to beat.

    I've met guys who were just fuckin experts at they counter, they used my weaknesses on me round after round after round.

    Then there are some cats that are just so unorthodox in what they're doing that you've lost before you know it.

    To be fair blackbelt spartan is likely good at something, he may just lack the courage to lose.
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    There was a reason why I separated a side topic from this thread in the past...-_-;;

    I'm off to work. Don't make more work for me to do when I get off work, please.
  11. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Po, I'm going to agree with most of your post in the fact that a good majority of us are completely subjective to what is or isn't "skilled" play.

    So I'm going to speak from personal experience here...

    BlackBeltSpartan is trash. Utter trash. I'm not speaking out of anger or hurt feelings or anything of the such. I'm speaking from the experience of actually playing against him a few times. I'm not an expert at this game by any stretch. Many of those that have played me would probably say I'm a "good Sarah". But that's it. So I'm not speaking from some elitest point of view.

    He's trash at this game, and like so many other cheaters in the game, is only as high as he is because he has technically never taken a loss of "experience points" from his bar. So therefore it is possible to rank up to high levels without playing high level players. (or in this case, without losing to high level players). I don't want to bash any one person or insult anyone for their skill level. But, it urks me that blatant cheaters get as much name recognition in any community for cheating...

    Let's call a spade a spade, but keep in mind that this is online ranking. And as such really doesn't hold much weight outside of showing some sort of quantifiable progression in a fighting game.

    VF is supposed to be about having fun, just like any other game. Let's keep it that way.


    Yes, actually. He truly believes he's a top tier player at this game. I don't want to put words in his mouth. But, he doesn't view himself as a cheater/puller.

    Which, ya know, if that's what he does for fun...more power to him. It's all about having fun. I'm just not going to waste my time fighting him.

    Also, when can I get some MasterPo time? I always see you chillin' in ranked but you decline my challenges. [​IMG]

    Ok, sorry Akai, back on topic people!
    MrJostar likes this.
  12. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    On Topic (and a little to mister Po I fear, sorry Akai):

    It is absolutely necessary to have people demoted from their "groups" i.e. warrior/veteran/berserker because you could simply boost anybody through that group once you are at the lowest point of your ranking bar. You couldnt loose any more points, but could give others points.
  13. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    lol this thread needs cleaning due to the new update
  14. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Fixed! -_-;;
  15. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    next on the rank list is after stormlord is MAGMALORD (i thought it would be flame lord... silly me)
  16. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Some people might find this interesting. Awhile back I posted in the Good Games thread about slaughtering Dention a bunch of games. This wasn't true, but I did this on purpose to see if he monitors this site, and sure enough, he PM'd me on XBox saying "That was pretty weak to say that."

    I told him that I wrote that for one purpose, and that was to call him out of hiding. And it worked! It proves that he does monitor this site. Tony is right, this guy is an absolute waste of space, time, and a mockery of this game and the whole online experience.

    I told Dention that I would publicly apologize if he did the same for his ways.

    There are so many things I could say about this and feel strongly about, and incidentally I have started writing a few different things in this post and then deleted them because it's futile. So I'll leave it at this...

    Rodnutz likes this.
  17. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Hmm, very interesting first post, was starting to wonder what it all meant. I did go onto Raider 2 dots last night, but then after like 6 matches slipped back down to Hunter lol, oh well. Think the best I've seen so far was a Darkslayer, from Taiwan.
  18. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Never seen A soaring sky god on the leaderboards the highest ive seen was a magmalord & the toughest i played was a Dragonsfang
  19. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I just played that Newbaoie. He's legit. Destroyed me 9-1 with Aoi. Really knew his stuff and had good mental game. He is a little overaggressive, I started to do better when I started to throw knees at random, but I was playing well and he wiped the floor with me- so frustrating.
  20. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Aoiyuka is close to the next lord rank

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