VF5FS/US/REVO Online Rank Titles

Discussion in 'Console' started by akai, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know Chamame? He is such an amazing player. I have not faced many top level players so I play him every chance I get and it astounds me how good he is each time.

    If he is not a front runner at tournaments everywhere he clearly must be using a game-genie.
  2. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    He's crazy good. Out of the many times I've played him, I've only managed to take a hand full of rounds from him. The rest is just slaughter.

    But, he seems like a cool guy. Talking with him over PSN you'd never know he was a VF expert. I think (not sure on this) he is a japanese guy living in New York now. So he got a lot of practice over in Japan before the game came to the West...
  3. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    Which character does he use?
  4. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    He plays Sarah.
  5. Aion

    Aion Well-Known Member

    Is the HimaJean on PSN the real HimaJean?
  6. gns168

    gns168 Member

    Just noticed Royal penguin is now dragon fang. He is now #1 on the leader boards.

    same plate as lion heart and tiger claw. still trying to play him to verify the dots
  7. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Royal--penguin is Stormlord now with only 5567BP. S/He's either amazing or boosting. Anyone know?
  8. End

    End Active Member

    I tried to play him, but with my lowly rank of raider he did not notice me. Every challenge I sent I got a msg he's already with someone. edit: Like, his room was full....sorry, hard day at work.
  9. gns168

    gns168 Member

    lol, I I have about 4000 points and stuck at hunter
  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I don't want to derail this thread so please don't reply here, instead reply here:
    XBL Bad Games Thread

    This is just a heads-up FYI to all players who play ranked online:

    Dention is not the real #1 FS player on XBL. The only reason he's at the top of the ranking list is because he ducks and pulls on the real #1 FS player on XBL: Gentleman Thief.

    Gentleman Thief should be the one with the #1 spot since he beats Dention 10 to 0 and pretty much every other VF5FS player online.

    Please, stop playing Dention and giving him ranking points. Play GT, even if he beats you you'll actually learn about Jean and how to play the game better.

    If you start beating Dention consistently, Dention WILL start pulling on you. Gentleman Thief never pulls.

    I wrote Dention about putting him on blast and it was the only time ever he responded to one of my messages.
    He wrote back: "You don't have to do that. Everybody knows already." [​IMG]

    Please, please stop playing Dention. He's a fraud and a cheat. If you want to play a top level player in Dention's rank range then play Gentleman Thief.
    He's the real #1 ranked player on XBL
  11. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Any updates on this guy? Anyone played him or know if he has hit the next rank?
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Well..... He did rise to the top fast. He might just be amazing. Because he was ranking in the top ten in the first few days of the game. He could potentially rank up by playing only 2 or 3 ppl at the top. Some ppl call that boosting.

    That's my problem with the ranking system. One person can demote you all the way from StormLord to Hunter, Likewise you can get promoted by fighting the same one or two ppl over and over again.

    Royal-penguin may only be fighting a few ppl at the top to rank up. And his BP is not changing, so he got his rank and is enjoying it. I think I'm going to reset my data, I want to be a Dan again [​IMG] And then every time I'm promoted to Hunter, I'll just reset. Oh to be a KYU again [​IMG] mash, mash, mash.
  13. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    He didn't boost that rank. Boosting will have much higher fight counts due to the lack of exp gained from lower ranks. He would need to play the same 2-3 people for free wins while those same people were consistently ranking up.

    He was also not in the top ten on the first few days. He only recently appeared.
  14. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    according to my brother, your online record is tied to your PSN account, not your saved data. so i think you can't erase it. if you can, how do you do it? i might start from scratch now that i have my fight stick.
  15. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    My five cents:

    I noticed inflation in the ranks which is logical because everyone will become hunter if they just keep playing.

    Ive also noticed that i do much better against skilled opponents such as guardian,warriors etc,but sometimes lose against raiders who play very unpredictably. I cant get myself to play my best against hunters,which ultimately makes me lose sometimes as well.

    I cant notice any difference in skills against guardians and darkslayers aswell.I think guardians is now the point where people start to become quite decent.

    I mean,ive almost won against salam alekyum,black belt sparta,and andrew pana, were everyone ise darkslayer and above,and andrew p a warrior i think.

    Im ranked barbarian/defender. So these rankings doesnt make quite much sense...
  16. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Well, you said that already somewhere else and its still not true. If you fight someone that deranks you from stormlord down to hunter, you probably werent even good enough to be a stormlord to begin with.
    Also after ranking down from the stormlord-group it would take more than 50 fights against someone from a different group to rank you down. If you couldnt figure out how to beat that guy who youre supposed to be equal in skill with, you sure deserved your demotion.

    For all we know nobody here has seen him yet, neither on PSN, nor here on VFDC. So what does that tell us?
    Hes probably not from America, otherwise he would be met by american players in "same area" matches or on this site maybe.
    I fear europa falls flat to, since there arent so many good players here and those that are good are pretty well known, at least here.
    So hes probably japanese, korean or taiwanese maybe and playing in "same area", since the connection between Asia and America/Europe usually sucks.

    No reason to call him something that nobody has even the slightest proof of. For all we know he could just be a good japanese player who fought some matches online and saw that theres no challenge for him and went back to the arcade.
  17. BlaqOut78

    BlaqOut78 New Member

    How did almost you beat Black Belt Spartan? Every time I play him, he ragequits...
  18. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Ive fought him many times and he hasnt ragequit. Ive also won against him,which isnt too hard.I think his skill level is raider/barbarian.

    He has played many matched 4000 or something,and you can see a correlation between many games,and harnessing tactics that work on people that are careless,so he is obviously good with those things and just seem self taught and dont know any advanced stuff....
  19. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    He FINISHED over 4000 matches. He has played (roughly) like 12000 matches, considering how often he quits.
    Fought him 3 times, 3 times he DCed after he lost. And I am not the only one with this experience. The red face next to his rank say so, as wel as this forum.
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @domaug so what does clear data do? Maybe it gets rid of your license classifications? or clear command training? I just assumed it got rid of your rank

    @seyu I don't get why this point is so hard to understand.

    seyu I assume you are better than some other players. I assume you are good enough to be so much better than some other players that you could play them 50 straight matches and they would never beat you. I'm sure there are players on PSN for which that is true. Players that you could beat 50 straight matches.

    By that same token, you do realize that there are ppl on PSN or XBL better than you. Some of those ppl are so much better than you, that they could beat you 50 straight matches (maybe more). You do realize that don't you?

    If you ran into such a person that was that much better than you. You're saying that after a few losses you would stop playing that individual. You're saying that you know when you've met your match! [​IMG]

    But my friend there are players whose egos are so big, who really deep down inside believe if they could just have one more match they'll win. Haven't you ever come across this kind of player? I have.. I beat the guy 2,3 ,4, 5 times, he keeps picking me over and over, and if I don't decline he just keeps coming, even though his chances of winning don't improve [​IMG]

    It is absolutely possible for someone to be stormlord and deserve it. But meet another person that is twice or three times as good. And continue to challenge that person while losing every single match in disbelief.

    seyu if you haven't met this kind of player yet, then you need to play fighting games a little while longer. I see it often and in many different games (SC5, Tekken6, UFC3, VF5FS) Some guy that believes he can't be beat, and then when he finally meets his match refuses to accept the fact, until he had his ass kicked 30 or 40 times. And in ranked mode, that would mean demotion after demotion , after demotion [​IMG]

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