VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Riley

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 26, 2012.

By Myke on May 26, 2012 at 7:07 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]During the VF5FS Pre-Launch party, I had an opportunity to ask Patrick Riley, Director of International Product Development at SEGA, questions submitted by the community.

    Over 30 of your questions were asked, where he elaborates on replay saving to the cloud, what the Demo (Xbox Live only) will feature, as well as other features that they would have liked to have included but simply couldn't due to time or budget.

    I'm also pleased to announce that there's a couple of exclusives for each console, so check it out!

    Image courtesy of Level|Up


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 26, 2012.

    1. Kamais_Ookin
      Thanks Myke, I chuckled when I saw my question > answer. [​IMG]

      Can't wait to play FS!!
    2. SenseiSD
      Yes, yes, yes!
      The lobby waiting music has been changed!!
      What sound will torture my ears now? [​IMG]

      Also nice to see those, no comment-atm-answers...these´re meaning still: YES!

      Also nice to see avatar stuff comin...so my XBL GT "Sensei SD" can look like his idol - Sensei Shun Di!

      Long term short sense:
      Cheers and big thanks Myke for takin the community in the boat.
      Not just for some possible questions, but also the VF5FS petition and the selfless efforts in making this release finaly possible! [​IMG]
    3. westtrade
      Great job on the interview.
    4. Aion
      Thanks for getting our question answered guys. We should really push for this games success so that we hopefully get the full package next time.

      I think it's Akira's FS theme?
    5. phanatik
      I want address the the language question/issue.

      I would like to see each character speak in their own language. Specifically, I don't like seeing a monk from Shaolin speaking in Japanese...
    6. ShinobiFist
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      Blame SONY for charging devs every time a DEMO or DLC is downloaded. Blame Microsoft for the file limitation and SEGA having to axe shit. I'm pretty sure we would have gotten the VF5R stages if it wasn't for the limitation. My biggest concern out of all this is the audio. I hope the PS3 version does have TRUE losses audio. Not some BS ass method in tricking the receiver it is(A few games do this)

      Have they ever confirmed custom soundtracks for the PS3?
    7. Tiripsem
      There is actually a brand new theme but you can use the analog stick (I think, or the shoulder buttons) to change lobby music to a character's stage music.
    8. LostCloud
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      Glad to know that they're aware of VF's 20th anniversary. I really hope that they do something for it (that something being VF6). Oh, and they're doing avatar items for the 360 and dynamic themes for the PS3?? That's awesome! I didn't think they'd be doing that. I'll be buying those for sure. Also, glad to have confirmation that the item win poses are in the game. Wish they worked online, but I understand why they don't.

      I'm surprised about the demo though. They're letting people try out both Jean and Taka for free? I wonder what kind of limits the demo will have? It sounds like a really good demo though. Should be great for new players to try out the game.

      Too bad about the lack of intros (really wanted those), no possibility of transferring character profiles, and that compatibility packs aren't an option, but I know that Sega did the best job that they could with the game. So, again, thanks for doing such an awesome job with the game, Sega!

      Oh, and c'mon, Sega! [​IMG] You really couldn't have done subtitles? [​IMG] (In response to the question though, I like how it is now with the characters speaking different languages). I guess I'll just keep on hoping for those VF5R stages! Thanks for doing the interview, Myke!
    9. Myke
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      Glad you guys enjoyed the interview!

      But can someone clue me in on the fascination with R stages? I'm seriously failing to see why it's such a big deal? The FS stages are the R stages, just at a different time, day and seasonal setting?
    10. BlackGeneral
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      I think it's more or less Akira's VF5R stage. That def. was the sexiest stage in R.
    11. Tiripsem
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      Some of them were much more aesthetically pleasing like Kage's R stage or really interesting like Pai and Aoi's. But that's just my take lol. If Sega sees that FS will do great in sales, I can only hope they try to include R stages for DLC later on, a definite buy on my end.
    12. C_3
      Which characters will be in the demo?


      Thank you guys, this game's going to be soooooooooo good.
    13. Dennis0201
      They could just do item win pose online as long as everyone in the room has DLC. sigh...
    14. LostCloud
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      While I know that part of the reason why I want them is because I just never got to use them at all, a much bigger reason is that, in my opinion, most of R's stages are just a lot better looking than FS's.

      First of all, many of FS's stages look a lot more like VF5's than the R versions did. The FS versions of Eileen's, Akira's, and Jeffry's for example all have similar looks to their VF5 counterparts. R on the other hand, took the VF5 stages and gave almost all of them a totally different look. Eileen's is at night, lit by the moon; Akira's is now dark with the blue flames; Jeffry's is at a beautiful sunset and so on. Having played in VF5's stages for as long as I have, I just really enjoyed the stage differences that R offered when compared to FS.

      The lighting also in most of R's stages is far superior. It's much more subdued and realistic as opposed to FS's overly bright stages. With FS, whether it's bright lights shining right into the screen (like in Taka's stage), insanely bright building lighting (Sarah's, Wolf's stage), or bright light coming from all sides in Vanessa's stage (even though the stage is only lit by the sun!), I've just never thought FS's stage lighting has ever compared to R's for the most part.

      Finally, there's the effects in Aoi's and Wolf's stages. The fog and snowstorm respectively have always looked amazing to me, and they both quickly became my favorite stages in VF history for how well done they were.

      Don't get me wrong though. I really like FS's stages as well. (I like Lei-Fei's, Goh's, and Pai's more than their R versions even!) It's just that to me, VF5R's stages are, overall, the best that VF has ever had, and I don't want to miss out on them. That's why I keep asking Sega about them, and why I'm very willing to pay for them! (Was my explanation too much? [​IMG] I'm very passionate about VF5R stages! [​IMG] )
    15. Plume
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      When I first compared R and FS stages, my first reaction was to assume the FS stages were simplified to make sure the consoles could handle it without causing any lag. Now I realize it makes no sense because they had no plan to port it to console in the first place...

      Count this as a +1 for R stages.
    16. Dasiatic
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      My man Patrick and his one word answers: "No", "No plans" and "Yes!"
      He makes Public Relations look easy!
    17. kungfusmurf
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      That's is just pure sexy talk & I agree about the R stages too. [​IMG]
    18. sibarraz
      Re: VF5FS Pre-Launch Party Interview: Patrick Rile

      I could see why PR and the intros didn't make it, maybe they don't want custom messages to appear online and offend someone

      But maybe other games had it so I don't know

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