VF5FS Pre-Launch Party in Los Angeles

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 22, 2012.

By akai on Mar 22, 2012 at 2:04 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG]A VF5FS Pre-launch Party on May 19th, 2012 at Los Angeles, CA hosted by Level|Up's Alex Valle. This is an invitation only party with star players - Chibita and Fuudo attending!

    Go to Iam8bit Website to request an invitation! Limited capacity only so good luck to those that can make it and were able to get an invitation! If you are one of the unlucky ones, you can still watch the event live on Level|Up Live.

    Original Story came from Sega's Blog. Discuss travel plans and arrangements in the Tournament/Event Thread.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 22, 2012.

    1. Kiuju
      Welp if it's the same venue in Silverlake, there are a ton of bars down the street in echo park we can get it in before or after the event.

      I haven't been to any of these yet, I went to Capcom's fight club for marvel, but came way too late. We'll see.
    2. Myke
      In recognition of my support of the Virtua Fighter community, SEGA have kindly offered me a VIP pass to the pre-launch party. I'm both humbled and honoured by the gesture, and have accepted their invitation. I'm going to LA!

      Subsequently, I will ensure that VFDC provides official coverage of the event. This includes, but not limited to, some follow-up player interviews with Chibita, Fuudo and others. Rest assured that since I'll be personally involved, I'll do my best to ensure the interviews are in-depth, informative and entertaining as possible. There'll be no one-liner answers on my watch!

      So be on the look out for official news on how you can assist and contribute to the VFDC coverage (interview questions, other ideas, etc).

      But for the time being... 9 years ago, when Chibita and I first met:

      </troll> [​IMG]
    3. AlexMD
      "9 years ago, when Chibita and I first met"

      Myke, stop sucking up to Myke!. :p

      Amazing news, Sega has really stepped up, hope to see the return of the long ass post gathering reports of old.
    4. AnimalStaccato
      Nice one Myke, have a good time!
    5. Kamais_Ookin
      You're going to get scolded by matteo! [​IMG]

      Congrats on the invite Myke! You better stick by your promise of no one-liner answers! [​IMG]
    6. akai
      Congratulations, Myke!
    7. Reno
      Do VFDC moderators also get this offer!? [​IMG]
    8. AlexMD
      I feel this is an amazing opportunity to start betting odds on whether or not Myke is subjected to a "random" pat down and/or strip search upon arrival in America.
    9. Seidon
      Nice one, myke!
    10. Feck
      Congrats Myke, nice to see SEGA acknowledge the work you put it in for the VF community [​IMG]
    11. Ash_Kaiser
      I would call you a lucky bastard, but considering that this is the gold standard that all fighting game sites should try to be like, and it's a VF one that's been run and paid for by you for the most part, I'd say your invite was well deserved. Congratulations, Myke.
    12. GodEater
      that's awesome, myke. well deserved.
    13. Mooseking_Lion
      Myke you know this is what I was hoping had happened.

      This is but a small thing that SEGA can do what what you've done for VF players with VFDC.

      Enjoy your trip, no one else in the community deserves it more.

      If you don't beat the VF Gods I'll break your bones.
    14. MP
      Congrats Myke!

      It's really nice to see Sega making such a gesture. There's a few other players who I would like to see recieve an invitation too, make it happen Sega.

      I look forward to the obligatory "Questions for Chibita" thread [​IMG]
    15. sekaijin
      I just ran into Chibita and he said that he's super excited to go. He and Fuudo will be there for a week. I'm having dinner with Itazan and Fuudo tomorrow. Hopefully they will also invite my happy ass and we can make sure that they also have a great time outside of VF.

      Congrats on the arrangements and hope to see Myke and the others next month.
    16. steelbaz
      Good deal Myke, glad SEGA did the right thing, VFDC is a great community and very good for the games.
    17. akai
    18. Chief_Flash
      just booked my plane ticket. i'm there!

    19. MarlyJay
      Flash as well? now i don't know who i want to win. Hope you both have a great time anyway.
    20. akai
      Congratulations! I hope they start announcing everyone that is invited soon or at least state when they have finished inviting people so we don't have to play a waiting game -_-

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