VF5FS Official Console Site

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Mar 1, 2012.

By Myke on Mar 1, 2012 at 12:57 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]The official website for the console release of VF5FS has been launched:

    Thanks to Reno, a translation of all the hot features can be found in the next post. How does joystick configuration at the character select screen sound?


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Mar 1, 2012.

    1. Aidan
      Everything sounds nice so far, it looks like Sega is giving us what we asked for.
      Thats a bit sad. I mean, I customize my char so that I am comfortable with it and not to show off, but sad nevertheless.
      What Im more curios about are the DLC packages.
      I hope they dont do it the VF5 way, with a few items for every character. I paid for a lot of items I´ve never used because I simply dont play everbody. Specific packages for one character would be a better option(imo).
    2. Lygophilia
      Excellent, they have the random box from the character select. I no longer have to make up my mind on picking and choosing a character.
    3. akai
      El_twelve posted this in this thread:

    4. Feck
      Yeah i'm really excited for this, I know it's only a small thing but I really missed random select in VF5 online. Coupled with the lobbies and spectator modes, it's going to be fun having random matches with characters we don't know too well.
    5. nou
      Honestly this is fucking retarded. The point of customizing is to "Style and Profile" on assholes like I was Ric Flair.

      SEGA, change this. This is too stupid to overlook as not everyone will buy the DLC and for the people that won't, they aren't going to buy it just to see it and use it. If they see it then they have more incentive.
    6. Darrius_Cole
      I am so getting this on the first day. As far as the download packs go. If the items are unlockable then I'm not buying them, that is part of the fun. If the items are not unlockable then I am buying them.
    7. Tha_FeauchA
      Let's hope they can make this happen.
    8. Darrius_Cole
      As far as I can tell it is really more a function of net code and location. I believe current weather at whatever location can play a part as well. I have no science to back that up, but it seems that my own connection runs better in clear weather, so I assume it would be same for others.

      Most likely people will run rooms with 1 or 2 fewer than the maximum slots allowed. So if 8 is the max, then we will probably see mostly 6 person rooms. Also at certain point a room gets to big for everyone to enjoy.

      This news sounds so good that it is a stretch to think of anything else to ask for. Especially so if we get a true VF4:Evo Dojo. The only things I can think of are multiple play modes, (kumite, loser stays, tournament modes) and SCV styled conversion of saved matches to MP4 stored on local hard drive, and it looks like we are going to get the latter.

      no time to spell-check
    9. White_Worm
      If I'm reading between the lines correctly, there will be a DLC pack for each individual character, right? Well I sure hope they're cheap, because there are 19 characters in the game now!

      Lets hope that each pack is around $1. I expect the full game will release at $40, so adding in all character DLC puts the game at about $60. Not bad.

      However, if the packs are more than $1, the price will skyrocket. If each pack costs $5 then you're looking at an additional $95 on top of the price of the game. That kind of puts a wash on my plans of getting the game for both consoles...

      I also wonder if buying the DLC will automatically unlock all items for that character, or if you will still have to earn them (or earn some).

      I guess we just have to wait and see what Sega does.
    10. Kruza
      I'm guessing:

      * $30 price for core game

      * $5 price for DLC items for one character

      * $30 "discount price" for DLC items for all characters

    11. pointers
      awesome! will buy all the dlc.
    12. steelbaz
      I'll buy the game day one, I will probably pass on the pay for costumes crap though.
    13. Hated_Greatness
      Wow, Sega listens and brings us VF5 FS. Then they add the gameplay and online options crucial to the game. Now, people want to waste time complaining about items? Really?

      It is not Sega's fault. It is Microsoft AND Sony's (yes, Sony also has size limits for downloads and expansions) fault. I am just happy the game is coming and is improving. I have no problem paying a little extra for the items.
    14. White_Worm
      I don't have a problem paying for DLC either. In fact, I bought all the DLC and avatars for VF5. My worry is that the total cost for FS will top $100. I think that would be a bit greedy on Sega's part.

      But its all speculation at this point. Kruza has a good idea though: Sega may offer a "bundle" DLC at a discount. If the game and all DLC ends up being less than $100, I'm happy.

      Also I'm very excited to hear that the training mode will be similar to Evo!
    15. Hated_Greatness
      I, too, anticipate the return of VF4's tutorial/practice mode.

      Ah, I wonder if our save files from VF5 on xbox and/or PS3 will have any impact on the game. I know that it is a stand alone download, but I am just curious if there is a reward or something for VF fans.
    16. Seidon
      Star Player Gold outlines for people with 1000/1000 in VF5
    17. Rodnutz
      Great news, but they really need to allow everyone to see items whether they buy them or not. The hardcore fans will buy all the item packs no matter what and it's our styling and profiling that will get everyone else to shell out. Sega if you read these boards you better think twice about your strategy before it's to late.

      I'm a hardcore fan so I don't care if the item packs cost $100 bucks. I'm buying all of them day 1. Unfortunately a lot of people who are new to the game probably won't pick up an item pack right away. But I'm sure after seeing there character of choice looking like a real bad they will head right to the market place to make a purchase.

      I wish there was more info on how replay uploads will work. Hopefully we can up to our personal Youtube channels. I pray they don't go the route of 3S:Online Edition where the matches are upped to a universal Youtube channel that never seems to get updated.

      While I'm happy we got lobbies I pray they added a KICK button. I'm not gonna enjoy AddyPaddy and JCBlack stalking. Those 2 can't take a hint and can really ruin your night.

      No info on ranking matches, Special Titles, Star Players or something similar, using your profile offline or exporting to memory card for use on another Xbox?

      Sadly I'm not excited about License mode. I've always hated modes that change the physics / gravity of a game. The last thing I want to do is memorize a half gravity combo that I can't use in a real tournament. If License mode doesn't unlock any items or have a normal quest mode like path then I'll probably never touch it.

      Forgot to add that training MODE sounds like a disappointment to me. It's greatly improved, but still a let down when compared to EVO. I was really hoping for the VF4EVO style record feature, because it was the most amazing training feature I have ever used. It allowed you to record up to 5 sequences and play them back randomly based on priority which you assigned via percentage.

      For example,

      Record 1 20%
      Record 2 13%
      Record 3 42%
      Record 4 10%
      Record 5 10%

      Please add this Sega. This is so useful to learn how to deal with certain things like Lau's 66P+K. It was through this feature I learned that the best thing to do against Lau if this move hits is to back dash and dodge to his back leg. It avoids all of his options such as delays and low sweep. The only thing you have to watch out for is if he turns around by using G and tries to throw. At that point you just TE when you evade.

      Come on Sega... MAKE IT HAPPEN!
    18. Hated_Greatness
    19. akiralove
      It'd be nice if Sega'd just say "we're asking players to buy DLC to help us offset dev costs for this game". I don't mind so much about paying for some things, but saying it's because the game approaches the size limit means no items included at all: total BS

      Vanilla 5 is already out as DLC, with thousands of items, it's 3.5 gigs I think? I doubt FS will be a much larger game. Remember when Sega said they couldn't bring the game to the 360 because it would only fit on a bluray? DVD's are 7 gigs right?

      If they had a contest to have players names in the game as AIs, that means there'll be something akin to quest mode, knockout trial etc right? Are all the AI's going to be dressed in default costumes? I doubt it. If these AIs have items, there's no reason they couldn't be seen in VS as well

      Rodney said once people see badass versions of their characters, they'll go buy the item packs. Thing is, according to the website, if they're online and haven't bought the item pack for their character, they won't be able to see these cool versions in the first place haha!
    20. ShinobiFist
      Man, they need to release costume and item packs similar to SFIV. By that I mean, enables the player to see the DLC items from other players if they didn't purchase such pack.

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