VF5FS Arcade Item Win Poses Compilation by LadyVF

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, May 15, 2012.

By akai on May 15, 2012 at 10:00 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] The recent VF5FS console release announcement coincided with a compilation video of arcade VF5FS special victory item win poses made by LadyVF. It is unclear if any of the 6 special win poses per character will be in the console version; however, they are fairly amusing to watch and also shows the variety of customization one can achieve with the 19 characters! Also, check out LadyVF's Blog (Japanese) for even more character customization that mimics characters from other games, movies, or cartoons.

    [​IMG] Compilation of Item Win Poses



Discussion in 'News' started by akai, May 15, 2012.

    1. jinxhand
      Well if you really Lau & Pai to get along, you should

      <braces for impact>
    2. Genesis
      I've been wondering why that's so lacking in Virtua Fighter. Fingers crossed...
    3. LostCloud
      Just noticed this - At 1:24 in the release date trailer, Wolf has his Football item:


      And that's one of the item win pose items (Seen at 2:31 in LadyVF's video). Now, that obviously doesn't confirm that the actual win poses are in the game, but at least there's hope. [​IMG]
    4. jinxhand
      I'm pretty sure if Sega wants to go all out to increase their fanbase, they're gonna put that in there...
    5. dkn29

      Based on this picture, I think it's safe to assume the item win poses are in.
    6. Tomoe
      [fingers crossed with eyes closed and with great concentration] they'll put it in. they'll put it in. they'll put it in. they'll put it in. they'll put it in.they'll put it in. they'll put it in. Sega will put it in!

      Well, Lau is a deadbeat dad, who chose perfecting his martial arts and cooking skills at the cost of abandoning his wife and child -- which also lead to his wife dying from the stress and pressure.

      No biggie.
    8. LostCloud
      Oh, right! Totally forgot about those images from Andriasang (were those even linked here on VFDC?). Thanks for pointing that out dkn! I'd say that definitely means that the item win poses are in!
    9. Katsuro
      You may be taking my "why can't they just get along" thing a bit too seriously. Or maybe I'm taking your reply too seriously. I dunno, all I know is somebody is or is not taking somebody else too serisouly lol.
    10. akai

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