VF5:R Location Test Report!

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Makatiel, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    How FunkAY is eileen's new move that puts her into backturn as if it were a stance. Her backturned move are so clutch and now I'll be able to use them whenever I want with little to no -ve frames if I do it right. Looked like she moved into back turn really fast, it might've even been a 214P~G cancel that did it since it looked like she was about to spin around.

    Also loving the new followup after 214PPP that last P looks like it'll give me reason to use 2/8P+K+G more. They also let her Wari out of 214PP now which is also CLUTCH. Wonder what other moves she can wari out of now.

    finally they give us a reason to use 6PP2K since her new 6PPK goes high. I hope it's a special high.

    The stuff out of 3P look's really hip too, can't tell what lvls they are, either high or mid, probably a mix. It looks to me like it's a mid,high, high, mid, mid. You can check for yourselves at 2:15 in the eileen vid to see for yourselves I could be wrong on this. It might just be a straight up new string alltogether as I've only noticed this string after she's come out of Wari. She might even have special strings she can ONLY do after Wari making it an attacking stance not just a "store" for moves i.e. storing the P using Wari after 214P+K if you happen to do it too early on a rising opponent ( I do that a lot)
  2. AJ24

    AJ24 Member

    I just c&p'd this from the VFBBS site. Myke touched on it earlier but I think this will let everyone else draw their own inferences. Its mainly about Kage, but there is some general stuff at the bottom. Sorry if the commands don't show up.

    Virtua Fighter5R 情報 Ver. Virtua Fighter5R information Ver. 1 One

    4月18日~24日開催の『Virtua Fighter5R』のロケテストバージョンの影丸情報とゲーム全体を通して気づいた点を紹介しています。 April 18 to 24, held in the shadow of Virtua Fighter5R ROKETESUTOBAJON round, and I noticed throughout the whole game point here.


    ロケテスト情報(4月18日~.Ver) Roque test information (to April 18. Ver)

    影丸・VF5R新技・変更技一覧 Shadow VF5R full list of new tricks tricks changes
    技名(コマンド) Technique (command) 判定 Decision 備考 Remark
    孤延落( Fox rolled decline ( ) 上段投げ Throw upper 技消滅 Death tricks
    イズナ落とし( Dropped IZUNA ( ) 上段投げ Throw upper 投げ技 Art of throwing
    上段投げ Throw upper 投げ技 Art of throwing
    拝み渡り?拝みmigration? (不明) (Unknown) 上段投げ? Throw upper? ハーフフェンス技 Half the art of the fence
    排閃龍尾(閃龍exhaust tail ( ) 上上中 During上上 三弾目上段すかし Three bullets upper persuasion eyes
    上下 Ups and downs - --
    上 On ヒットで特殊よろけ Special hit YOROKE
    中 In ヒットで叩きつけダウン Hit down叩きつけ
    浮霞(浮霞( ) ) 上段投げ Throw upper モーション追加(鷹嵐限定) Add Motion (hawks storm only)
    浮身乱弾撃(浮身turbulent bullet hammer ( ) ) 上段投げ Throw upper 技消滅 Death tricks
    疾風斬( Sturm斬( ) ) 中上 Middle superior 一弾目ヒットでよろけ二弾目ヒットで錐揉みダウン YOROKE hit in the eye by a projectile hit by two bullets eyes down錐揉み
    胴砕き(砕きtorso ( ) ) 中 In コマンド変更 Command Change
    双破刃( Twin-blade fracture ( ) ) 中 In コマンド変更 Command Change
    円月蹴り( Kick month yen ( ) ) 中 In 空中ヒットでバウンド Bound hit in the air

    ■ 影丸情報 ■ ■ ■ information circular shadow

    ●孤延落( ● Fox rolled decline ( ) )
    イズナ落としが出てしまい、孤延落が出なくなりました。 IZUNA have dropped out, Fox rolled dry decline. 半回転、4分の3回転等のコマンドとか試してみましたが、全然出ませんでした。 Rotate half, three-quarters of the rotating command or tried, but not waste. 技自体消されたのか、コマンド変更かはちょっと分かりません。 The technique itself was erased or changed or command is a bit hazy. 」 "

    ●イズナ落とし( ● dropped IZUNA ( ) )
    従来の巴投げコマンドで投げるとイズナ落としが出るようになりました。 Circle Throw in the traditional command IZUNA drop out and throw it.

    新投げです。 New throw. 順逆自在のように上から相手の背後に回りつつ片足を相手の背中に当てて、着地と同時に上に蹴り上げます。順逆universal as handed on from the other leg behind the other's back over the same time landing on the increase kicks. 孤延落と同様その時点ではダメージは無く、空中で追い討ち出来ます。 Fox rolled落とsimilar damage at that point in time, rather than an air jump from the frying pan. 前に投げる孤延落のような感じです。 Before throwing like Fox rolled decline. ただ、その場から最速で浮身膝蹴りを出してもヒットしないので、コンボ模索が必要です。 However, the fastest in the field from浮身knee kick also hit out because it does not need to seek combo. 尚、そのまま地面に落下するとダメージが入ります。 Also, falling to the ground and damage as it is. 因みに鷹嵐に決めると、巴投げのようなモーションになったような気が。因みにhawks decide to storm the monkey throwing motion like to feel like. 少なくとも浮きはしませんでした。 At least not floating.

    ●拝み渡り? ●拝みmigration? (不明) (Unknown)
    拝み渡りがハーフフェンス際で出せる技として追加されてるみたいです。 When you have crossed the fence in half拝みtechnique can be added as you like. ただしコマンドは分かりません。 However command is not known. ポスターに写真が載ってたので掲載しときます。 Posters on the picture of me because I was.

    ●排閃龍尾( ●閃龍exhaust tail ( ) )
    新技の打撃連携で、上段蹴りから上段のチョップ、そこから龍尾蹴り( Hit with new tricks, from the upper upper chop kicked, then kicked dragon tail ( )と同じモーションの蹴りを出します。 ) Kick the same motion of their bodies. 初弾がヒットすれば相手は浮くので、そのまま全弾ヒットします。 If the bullet had hit his first float on the other, because the bullet hit all intact. 三弾目は体勢が低く、上段をすかしました。 Three bullets that position is low, with the upper SUKASHIMASHITA.

    新技のチョップ連携です。 Chop with the new technique. 判定は上下。 Determine the vertical. 二弾目ヒットでダウンは奪わなかった気がします。 Two bullets hit in the eye down the奪わなかったfeel. どうもこの技が追加された影響で小手返しが消滅したようです(或いはコマンド変更されて残ってるかも)。 Thank impact of this technique has been added as a small手返しdisappear (or change in command may exist).

    上段パンチで、鉄拳6のボブのRPにモーションが似てます。 Upper hand, Bob Fury RP-6 is similar motion. ヒットするとジャッキーのビルジーのようなやられモーションを誘発するので、P等の追撃が確定するかもです。 Jackie hit and destroyed by the Motion BIRUJI like induce, in pursuit of P may determine.

    螺旋蹴りと同じコマンドですが、モーションが一新し、新技になりました。 Kick螺旋same command, but a renewed motion in the new technique. その場から踵落としを出す技で、ヒットすると叩きつけダウンを誘発し、追い討ちが出来ます。 Dropped out of the ground from heel tricks, and hit down叩きつけinduce the cross. 起き攻めや、中間間合いで置いておくような使い方になるかと。 Happening and aggressive, and keep intermediate間合いuse to be like.

    ●浮霞( ●浮霞( ) )
    対鷹嵐限定でモーションが変わり、技が決まった後に前方に側転します。 Motion against the hawks in the storm is limited, and the technique has been set side after rolling forward. 起き攻めしにくい感じですが、モーションは結構かっこいいです。 It is hard to feel swamped happening, motion is pretty cool.

    ●浮身乱弾撃( ●浮身turbulent bullet hammer ( ) )
    いくら試しても出ませんでした。 How much could try waste. 十文字構えや疾風陣から Sturm and staff from across stance 入力しても出ませんでした。 Also enter the waste.

    ●疾風斬( ●斬Sturm ( ) )
    性能が大きく変化し、初弾の浮かせ性能が無くなり、よろけを誘発するようになりました(レバー表示が出ます)。 Dramatic changes in the performance of the first bullet浮かせperformance無くなりthe trigger now YOROKE (Positively appear lever). 二弾目はヒットさせると錐揉みダウンを誘発します。 Two bullets hit the eye up and down錐揉みtrigger. 連続ヒットで錐揉みダウンですが、二弾目のみノーマルヒットでどうなるかは確認出来ませんでした(カウンターでは錐揉みダウン)。錐揉みdown in consecutive hits, but two bullets hit normal eyes only confirmed what was出来ません(錐揉みdown the counter).

    ●胴砕き( ●砕きtorso ( ) )
    コマンドが変更になり、使い勝手が少し悪くなりました。 Change command, and ease of use is a little worse. ヒット効果は変わってないようです。 Hit the effect is not changed. だと生蹴りが出てしまい、新技は追加されてませんでした。 Kick it out and live out the new technique is not appended.

    ●双破刃( ● twin-blade fracture ( ) )
    コマンドが変更されました。 Command has been changed. 技自体は変更なさそう。 Technique itself is likely to change. だと下Pが出てしまい、新技は追加されてませんでした。 Under P, and have they been added technique is not new.

    ●円月蹴り( ● Kick month yen ( ) )
    偶然ですが、空中の相手にヒットしたらバウンドを誘発しました。 Happen, but if the air bound to hit his induction. 空中コンボで使えるかも? It can be used in aerial combo?

    ●疾風陣旋風刃( ● whirlwind team edged Sturm ( )から疾風陣に移行して昇龍斬(疾風陣中 ) On the transition team from Sturm斬Ryou Noboru (Sturm on the field )を出したら、以前よりもっさりしたようなモーションで微妙に出が遅くなったような気がしました。 )出したら, more sluggish like slow motion, it became subtly feel like. 具体的に何がどう変わったのかはちょっと分かりませんでしたが・・・。 What exactly how it is a little strange that I did not.

    ■ 総合情報 ■ ■ ■ General Information

    ●ゲームスピード何となくですが、5に比べてもっさりしたような印象を受けました。 ● Somehow game speed, but sluggish compared to 5 received a similar impression.

    ●受身受身が取りにくくなったような印象を受けました。 ● becomes harder to take a passive passive impression received. ダウン自体に妙な違和感を感じたので、それが影響しているのかもしれませんが。 Itself down I felt a strange sense of discomfort, so it may affect it.

    ●リングリングが多彩になりました。 ● colorful ring is a ring. 縦長で開始直後はお互いの背後にすぐ壁があるステージ、ラウンド毎にフルフェンス⇔フェンス無しが入れ替わるステージ、円形の狭いリングなどなど。 Vertical begins immediately after each other in the wall immediately behind the stage, each full round of the fence is no fence replaced ⇔ stage, a small circular ring and so on.

    ●壁ヒット効果壁ヒット時のモーションが変わってました。 ● hit a wall effect when hit the wall motion were changed. 壁にヒットしてゆっくり下に降りてくるモーションがありました(3に近い?)。 Hit the wall come down slowly under the motion was (nearly 3?).

    ●ジャン紅條アルファベットが「JEAN KUJO」なので多分「じゃんくじょう」でよいかと。 ● Red Jean Jori Alphabet "JEAN KUJO" probably because "direct YANKUJOU" do. 新キャラの日仏ハーフ空手家。 Cara France's new half-day karate. 人相悪そうで、一発一発が重そうな打撃キャラです。 In face of evil, a single heavy blow to a single character. 正拳突きがかっこよかったです。 Ken positive KAKKOYOKATTA butt.

    ●鷹嵐復活した力士です。 ● Falcon wrestler storm revived. 笑顔がガンリュウに似てます。 Gunn Lieu similar smile. とにかく重く、殆ど空中コンボが出来ません。 Just heavy, mostly in the air出来ませんcombo. 例えば影の「龍尾閃カウンター→風刃裏水車」を狙うと裏水車もバウンドヒットになります。 For example Shadow "counter →閃dragon tail wind turbine blade back" and aim to bounce back and hit a waterwheel. 勝ち上げがリーチ長いし、斬撃かな? Leach is Ishi Osamu up winning,斬hammer? 下から突き上げる突っ張りのリーチも長いので中距離が強そう。 Leach shore lunge from under the medium range, so long as it is strong. 鷹嵐対策をしっかりやらないとかなり手強そうです。 Falcon storms do not do very well手強measures.

    ●フェンス技ハーフフェンスに登っての技とか追加されてるようです。 ● climbed the fence to fence half of the art and skill of everybody added. エルブレイズがハーフフェンス(フェンスだったかも?)に捕まって、そこからボディプレスを出してました。 ERUBUREIZU is half the fence (the fence was it?) At large, there anybody out from the body to press.

    ●下P ● under P
    全員みたいですが、下Pのモーションが変わっており、より下を突くようなモーションになってました。 Like everyone, but the motion was changed under P, like poke from the bottom were in motion. 特殊下段のままのようです。 Special remain lower.

    ●サマーソルトキックサラのサマーソルトキックが空中でヒットすると、叩きつけのようなモーションでダウンしてました。 ● SAMASORUTOKIKKUSARA SAMASORUTOKIKKU's hit in the air, like the Motion叩きつけdown for anybody. その後は受身可能。 After that passive. 他のキャラもそうなっているかどうかは未確認です。 Other characters whether it is true or not未確認.

    ●オフェンシブムーブオフェンシブムーブの性能が変化し、ここからの通常打撃が側面を捕らえやすくなったようです。 ● OFENSHIBUMUBUOFENSHIBUMUBU performance variation in the normal setback from here is the easier side captured. その影響か、オフェンシブムーブ中の固有打撃が無くなりました。 The impact of the blow is unique in OFENSHIBUMUBU無くなりました. ここからの攻撃をよく使ってる人には少しキツイ変更かも。 This attack from people using a little common KITSUI may change.

    ●旧キャラ旧キャラの気になった点などを。 ● old former Cara Cara was the point of care.

    ・アイリーンダックキングのブレイクスパイラルのような投げ技が追加されてました。 AIRINDAKKUKINGU BUREIKUSUPAIRARU's like anybody throw has been added. それ以外にも打撃連携が増えてましたがよく分かりません。 In addition to the blow it has been increasing cooperation were often not known.

    ・エルブレイズかち上げエルボーのような技からチンクラッシャーに繋ぐ打撃投げが追加されてました。 ERUBUREIZU KACHI ERUBO up tricks like Jin from the crusher to throw batting繋ぐanybody has been added. あと、ハーフフェンスに登ってからの技が追加されており、ボディプレス、フロムコーナートゥーコーナーのような下段ドロップキックを確認してます。 After a half-climbed the fence has been added to the skill and the press body, such as the lower drop-kick FUROMUKONATOUKONA sure. あとロケットディスチャージから側転(というか武藤の対角点ハンマースローからの側転のような感じ)出したり、背後に宙返りしたりしてたようなモーションが見えた気がしますが、チラッと見ただけなので見間違いかも(苦笑)。 ROKETTODISUCHAJI after shifting from the side (or rather Muto's hammer throw from the point diagonal turn cartwheels like) out, I was behind the somersault and I feel like I saw the motion, glance I saw it only mistake might see (a wry smile).


    戻る Return
  3. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif< /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif< /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif< /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif

    -74 points of damage, 6 hits

    Don't underestimate Aoi, still she doesn't need a bunch of combos to win, her counters are her biggest threat...

    Anyways, from what I'm hearing about her, you can't do:
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif< /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif anymore...Well, it isn' too big of a loss really, still I hope to see some vids of her newer moves...Same goes for Akira!

    BTW thanks to the posters of the other new vids so far! ^_^
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I find aoi's cancels to be her biggest threat imho
  5. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    AJ24, thanks for the info, but are you willing to change that post to a link ,instead of multi-screen dump that not everyone will even be able to display correctly, much less read?

    Lucid nightmare, what you posted isn't a combo, since ground throw is escapable. 44PK executes more slowly than a throw . . . and more to the point, yes I'm aware she can actually do more than 50 points of damage in a combo, I was joking. Point remains that backthrow is fast, unescapable, and does damage comparable to / better than lots of her combos.
  6. AJ24

    AJ24 Member

    I would, but I don't know if everyone has a language translator on the pc. You'd be suprised at who doesn't.

    One of the things that stood out to me was them stating that Kage's/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif has a different animation for Taka Arashi
    and that his new /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif resembles Bryan Fury's Jet Upper (f,b+ rp) from Tekken but causes similar stumble as Jacky's Bil Jee.
  7. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you are right, a ground throw is escapable...I just figured that it might as well be a combo, since you usually don't see too many people breaking ground throws(at least I haven't)...

    In the end, I should've paid attention to your smiley on your original post, as you said, it was just a joke! lol
  8. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Do it anyway, it'll be helpful regardless.

    You must mean /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif... and this "combo" is escapable at 2 points; the throw and after /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif connects as the opponent can tech roll. Go to dojo and set the AI to recover from fall.

    Play better people. Ones that can tech roll too.
  9. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's not a combo.

    My issue with her back throw is only partially the damage. It isn't particularly high... which should be obvious if you look at her other options. She has several 40-50 damage throws with guaranteed ground throw attempts, and several throws that are stronger than the back throw (mostly 3-part). Even her neutral throw does 50 damage, since it guarantees a soft down attack. So, it's not particularly impressive.

    More importantly, her options following the back throw are really lame... there's no follow up down attacks, it leaves your opponent face down, feet towards, which is where, for example, Akira gets his rising attacks that crumple, making it particularly risky to try and stay close and reverse the rising attack or use any other okizeme.

    It's just that everytime I see that backthrow, it feels like I was trying to do something else, and just got completely screwed over, despite it being unescapable damage.
  10. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    What ? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif No it doesn't .

    And there is some Aoi VF:R info in this blog, but it's in japanease...
  11. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

  12. AJ24

    AJ24 Member

  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    That site, Tama Garden, is primarily dedicated to Kage, and was another source I used for my previous post.
  14. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    Cool that you featured us on someone trying out Jean while the player sees what can be useful for combos. I envy those fans who are trying this game out.[/size]
  15. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    Would be nice if someone helps me format my post. Gotta go out lol. I am sorry I cant really play much of the other characters. Trying out stuff gets me owned WAY TOO FAST. I die before I even get to try lol. I will try on thursday morning I think.
  16. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    I dunno, I'll take a guaranteed easy back-throw that is free of possible fuck-ups or position messing up the combo and have it be the same for EVERY character over a possible combo against their back that MAY land. Plus if it's a slow opponent you can get a free good-damage ground throw from their position. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  17. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Hmmm, mixed bag.

    If /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif gives +3 or +4, this would be a "godsend" for current /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif usage and would, imo, make the "nerfings" justifiable (hell, I'd trade!). <span style='font-size: 8pt'>(/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif 12 damage on recovery +5 on hit, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif 30-32 damage +4 with the ability to still beat /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif with /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif= yea!) </span>

    But if /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif is slowed down (unless only to 16 frame muhahaha!) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif wouldn't matter that much anyway (other than for guaranteed damage she doesn't have already).

    Whatever, I'll STFU now because this is only speculation and we won't know for sure for a while.

    Start a thread in match making or look for a scene near your area. You need to be proactive. If you only have a few decent people to play with, get them into it more and teach them.
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    What you are seeing is a new string out of her wari. So you can start it anytime you do a wari whether it's from 3P or PPP, etc.

    Basically I believe they are changing the wari so it really cancels into a different set of moves, instead of just adding pauses into a string. Which is good, cause wari as it is in VF5 is mostly pointless.
  19. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Wolf with double plam motion, and Pai with a fireball double palm looking thing (her hands look like ryu and kens hands when they throw fireballs) Just plain cool!!! Not much more time for sneakiness so distract security and talk to them about how cool the game is while friends get footage.
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    . . . you speak as if you know this from experience, have you gotten a chance to play VF5R eileen and if so c'mon dude share the gold about her changes.

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