vf5:R Console (the Journalists chime in)

Discussion in 'General' started by InstantOverhead, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    You're oh-so right, Chan /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif This makes me an ultra-sad panda though, because Golden Axe is one of my fave games of all time, and the fact that Sega's sold all of us out w. outsourcing this classic fanchise to a crappier-than-life dev. like Secret Level is more than wrong. Money talks bullshit walks. Thank god there are still devs who don't chase the all-mighty-dollar alone, but follow their vision, like Bioware etc. Before anyone starts their nit-picky besserwisserisms again, I'm aware that making profit is a major point. I just believe that there's a right and a wrong way of doing that & making mediocre superhero mock-ups just isn't the way /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  2. Who didn't sell more copies than VF5 on 360??? VF5 on 360 barely broke 200k. That's one reason why I dont think VF5:R is going to be on 360. Look at it from Microsofts perspective: nearly every time they poach a PS3 exclusive, they have to pony up 100 million. (in sega's case they'd probally do it for cab fare) . Why pay $100 million for a mere update to a game that sold like shit?

    But as far as Microsofts concerned, THEY ALREADY HAVE VF5, what do they need a minor update for? They neither know nor care who the hell Jean Kujo or Taka Arashi are. Only top selling games stay on xbox live arcade. It looks like if it came down to it, microsoft would pass on paying for VF5 R. They got what they needed, they move on to better things; like getting something they DONT already have, like Tekken 6 for example. THAT they would pay $100 million for. They MIGHT make Vf5 R for PS3, one PS3 sold better(but not all that great) in Japan. Plus Vf5 is actually popular in Japan, unlike America, and they have the precident of making Vf4:EVO on PS3 as a greatest hits game.

    Duh movie tie ins sell well, but notice how you fudged it to include all platforms? I dont give a crap about the wii , Ds or god damn PS2 of all crappy systems ports. If Ironman sold 1.6 mil and only 25% of that represents both the next gen systems combined, then in my book it was a failure( less than 200k per system) and the damn thing got 3.5s in some reviews for christs sake.

    Whether or not Iron Man or the Hulk sold well is irrevalent anyway, the point is they were shit games and a waste of sega's time to make in the long run. Which has more replay Value? Virtua Fighter 5 R with online play on next gen systems or fucking IRON Man? Which would you have rather have bought this fall, VF5r or Golden Axe BR? OKAY THEN.

    Why do you think SEGA was approaching Yakuza 2 (not a bad game btw) release with subtitles with such trepidation? Not just the language barrier because even with English the first one sold like crap. And Sega as a whole releases a fraction of the games they used to per year when then had their own console. This whole Software only approach has kept them in business, but JUST that. They are on life support whether you want to believe it or not.

    Take Golden AXE BR for example. The developer said they would have liked to have included Axe battler And Gilius Thunder head(the other two chars from the original G.A. for you youngins) but they didnt have the BUDGET to make them completely fleshed out characters with sizable move list AND include all the Beast Mounts. They instead focused on Tyrus Flare, and nixed ONLINE CO-OP, OFF-LINE c-op and other bells and whistles. In case you aren't following me low BUDGET = SEGA IS BROKE. Not exactly the triumphant return i would like to see to an old favorite franchise of mine. They said they'll save the actual worthwhile features for the sequel. Funny thing is the guys at ninja theory said the same thing about HEAVENLY SWORD, and we saw how that worked out: it sold like SHIT and the sequel was CANCELED.

    Like it or not Sega is on the ropes(for the record I dont like it, been a SEGA fan since the Master System) but while the whole movie license thing can be lucrative, it smacks of desperation and indicates they are low on cash and need cheap movie tie -ins for a crutch. We all saw the games list for TGS, SEGA's listing was paltry at best. They are shadow of their former self, that list used to be what Sega came out with in a month, not the whole year.Hopefully VF5 R wont take as long to be brought stateside as Yakuza 2 did.
  3. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    wait what the everloving tittysucking fuck are you on about

    exclusives sure as fuck don't cost 100 million and it'd almost certainly be multiplat anyway if it did come out (and I doubt Sony or MS would pay for it because they have SFIV and Tekken 6 already)

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">and they have the precident of making Vf4:EVO on PS3 as a greatest hits game. </div></div>

    More like "SCEA has a precent of forcing Sega to make VF4EVO a Greatest Hits game, and yeah, Sega's still kinda pissed about that and doesn't want to repeat it if they sell a packaged VF5R version"

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Duh movie tie ins sell well, but notice how you fudged it to include all platforms? I dont give a crap about the wii , Ds or god damn PS2 of all crappy systems ports. If Ironman sold 1.6 mil and only 25% of that represents both the next gen systems combined, then in my book it was a failure( less than 200k per system) and the damn thing got 3.5s in some reviews for christs sake. </div></div>

    Holy christ you are fucking dense! PS2, DS, and Wii are cheap as shit to develop for and if a game sells well on those they have a far better profit margin than even a very high selling title on PS3 and 360! You might not care, but Sega sure as hell does for that whole MAKING MONEY thing you seem so concerned about with them!

    And either way, both games sold better or comparable to VF5, and required a lot less marketing money because movie license = instant advertising!

    Learn how the biz works seriously before you make any other retarded statements plz

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Whether or not Iron Man or the Hulk sold well is irrevalent anyway, the point is they were shit games and a waste of sega's time to make in the long run. </div></div>

    shit games sell, and Sega kinda seems to like that whole "revenue" thang, y'know?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">And Sega as a whole releases a fraction of the games they used to per year when then had their own console. This whole Software only approach has kept them in business, but JUST that. They are on life support whether you want to believe it or not. </div></div>

    I dunno mang those 10 or so times I've visited them in Japan for work they've never had those building boarded up and they've kinda got that whole "arcade dominance" thing in JP goin' like whoa holy shit seriously

    I can say they're a lot healthier now than they were when they were letting Yu Suzuki bankrupt the company on Shenmue, that's for sure

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Funny thing is the guys at ninja theory said the same thing about HEAVENLY SWORD, and we saw how that worked out: it sold like SHIT and the sequel was CANCELED. </div></div>

    I think that's because the game sucked just fyi /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Like it or not Sega is on the ropes</div></div>

    No, I think you're just retarded fyi /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">(for the record I dont like it, been a SEGA fan since the Master System) but while the whole movie license thing can be lucrative, it smacks of desperation and indicates they are low on cash and need cheap movie tie -ins for a crutch. </div></div>

    yeah because companies hate to make money right

    tl;dr you have no idea what you're talking about gtfo

    In conclusion;

  4. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    Is that a pokemon char /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Love that pic /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    RetsuZaiTheBadAz when has MS spent 100 million for an exclusive?

    why would they have to spend money to get vf5r and if they did how the fuck did you come to a 9 figure number?
  6. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    That seems to be the only thing going for a potential console port of R. It doesn't seem like there's any other incentive for them to do it.

    Is there a chance all new VFs will remain arcade exclusive? Were the sales really so bad that they would give up completely on console ports?
  7. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Has ZenTou, Honto or whatever he's called returned?

    Why would Microsoft pay $100 million for Tekken 6 when that game is going to become redundant as soon as Bloodline Rebellion (I think that's the name) comes out?

    Also, Psyduck wins thread.
  8. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    I feel ignorant and arrogant for never even thinking of such issues...I just cared about how good a port, how cheep, and when will it come home.
    I'm wondering if VF fans would have rather paid full price for VF4Evo knowing that SEGA would make a good enough profit to have comfort in engaging a VF4FTuned console project...and if this would be the case.

    Maybe this is the wrong way of thinking, but regardless of how little development/etc. work is needed, I know I'm willing to pay full price for a perfect R console port, as I see it as a major quality update.
  9. For the record Yu Suzuki made SEGA more money with Hang on , After Burner, Outrun and other games than he lost them On SHENMUE. I only brought up Shenmue 3 because you have a better chance of seeing that at TGS '08 than VF5:R.

    Yeah Devil May cry 4 was a $100 million poach, GTA 4 was a $100 deal, and they poached FFXIII for $100. So, wow you really know what you're talking about. WTF are you on, anyway, meth? M$oft doesnt have Tekken 6, but it would be a better buy than VF5R.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">and they have the precident of making Vf4:EVO on PS3 as a greatest hits game. </div></div>
    Wait a minute, what's a "precent" ? Oh , that's how brilliant people spell "precident". I get you now , Corky.

    Yeah they own the arcades. How many arcade games have they put out in the last two years? VF5, two updates and?................Nothing. PSY PSY SUCKED ass and was years ago. You dont see any more Sega Rallys beyond console rehashes. The last Afterburner was on the fucking PSP, not an arcade cabinet , genius. Running a chain of arcades isn't quite the same as having Development dollars to actually make some of their own Arcade games. Yeah they are raking in the dough on those tokens though, you got me there. Too bad their arcades are full of every other companies games but theirs. But you're head-up your-ass-logic, LOWES theatres dominates Hollywood because they own a chain of movie theatres. You are just making my point for me. I feel so retarded right now! You are so right! Thank you. You set a "precent" for proof of my retardation!

    [​IMG] [/quote] Oh so you're into Pokemon, I get it now, you're gay.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

  11. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member


    at least "precent" is actually a word . . .

    You registered this account because you thought VFDC had a shortage of people posting "fagg0t" and "ret4rd" so-called jokes? Please shut up already.
  12. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Man talk about retarded statements without merit.

    Let me talk some FACTS here.

    For GTA IV Take2/Rockstar received a 50 million $ LOAN.
    Let me repeat that a LOAN.
    A LOAN is something you HAVE TO PAY BACK.

    Capcom`s inhouse engine performed insanely well on XBox 360 and Capcom`s games had been selling really well on XBox 360.
    The math spoke for itself, no money needed to change hands.

    Square/Enix received partial funding for their exclusives for 360 and lowering of licence fee for FFXIII, thats it.
    Some of those games would NOT have been made for any system if MS had not done that(the figure I heard is 25 million $ for the 5 games) which incidentaly is even less then Sony spend on just LAIR and is a quarter of what Killzone 2 has cost.
  13. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    It wasn't a loan. It was a 50$ million dollar deal to receive episodic content post release. If you have some sort of a source please provide it. Otherwise your facts are just random thoughts spit from your head.

    source: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/06/19/take-two-not-explaining-gta-50-million-exclusive/

    ...and kudos to the awesome example of what a hypocrite is. Well done sir.
  14. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

  15. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    What? No. You stated clearly what a loan was. Take Two is not paying back anything. It was 2 separate payments totaling 50$ million. They were "advances".

    Its frustrating to read a post where you actually insult others and claim to have all the real "FACTS". Then after someone points out your failure you come back with a link and again fail to read it for what it says? If you had come back with a source and information proving me wrong and validating your own claims, cool, I would have owned up to it and corrected my statement.

    Admit you were wrong, apologize, and stop hijacking shit with fail.
  16. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    According to Slashdot, Microsoft paid $50 million for Take Two to creative 360 exclusive downloadable episodic content when they ported GTA:IV to the 360. There is no mention of MS paying a $100 fee for the game.

    Also, the majority of copies if GTA:IV were sold on the 360 platform and not the PS3, so I honestly doubt Take Two would really be able to hold MS hostage for $100 ransom when the game would have sold only 40% of its potential copies had it been single platform.

    Kotaku reported on one of its blogs that MS had "footed the bill" for Square-Enix to override its exclusivity contract with Sony regarding FFXIII. There are no followup posts or information. While I'm sure MS had to offer some financial incentive, it's hardly $100 million, especially considering Sony has all but completely eliminated itself from the console wars this generation. The 360 is millions of units ahead of the PS3 in the U.S. (the only market that companies seem to care about in video games). Square-Enix probably jumped all over making the game for the 360.

    Devil May Cry 4 has almost zero information online about MS paying a $100 million fee to Capcom.

    And most of the sources I've found are all useless, blogs, forums posts, etc. Nothing in trade journals, or newspapers, or magazines. No facts, just fiction.

    The real fact is that most game companies want to release games on multiple platforms. Rarely is it worth it to keep a game platform exclusive unless a company is 100% sure it will sell on its own name alone (Metal Gear Solid 4, Halo 3, Smash Brothers, etc.).

    Sega of course wanted VF5 on the 360 since day one, and once Sony completely botched the PS3 launch, Sega was even more hungry to port the game over to MS's console.

    If we see VF5R it will be on the 360 and PS3.
  17. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member


    Fact remains MS gets the money back.

    Spin it any way you want but in the end MS did not lose money on this.
  18. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Dyaumnnn, son!
  19. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    While I know from his posts that Fishie is an intelligent person, his arrogance is frustrating.
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    This article indicates that MS paid Take-Two an advance for the content. It states later that Take-Two would need to pay a portion of it back should the DLC sales not meet projections.

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