VF5 Live Arena Top Players Interview

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    The netcode on vf is still easily the best out of any fighter period. It would be unreasonable for anyone to expect 0 frame loss due to the nature of online. I'm 100% happy with the way it runs and I really hope they bring R to consoles and have online as well. I hope they improve the experience by having an online lobby system.
  2. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Definitely a lobby system. I think some people have a really bad connection, but think they have super quick internet, therefore they deduce that VF5 online sucks.
  3. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> are the old school player (of vf4, evo and ft) dissapointed by vf5?It seems like a few good player don't play anymore.. </div></div>

    I don't think it has anything to do with being disappointed with VF5. Personally, I think VF5 is great, and VF5R looks to be a lot fun too. But as Konjou pointed out, there comes a time where you simply cannot dedicate the time you used to to VF when other areas of your life become prioritized - wives/husbands, work, kids, etc. I'd love to be able to put significantly more hours into VF, but I can't, simple as that. It just means I need to be honest with myself and understand that I cannot be as competitive as perhaps I am capable of.
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I don't think it has anything to do with being disappointed with VF5. Personally, I think VF5 is great, and VF5R looks to be a lot fun too. But as Konjou pointed out, there comes a time where you simply cannot dedicate the time you used to to VF when other areas of your life become prioritized - wives/husbands, work, kids, etc. I'd love to be able to put significantly more hours into VF, but I can't, simple as that. It just means I need to be honest with myself and understand that I cannot be as competitive as perhaps I am capable of. </div></div>

    Llanfair is absolutely correct and I am sure his message can speak for every veteran player from the US. Although it's great that VF has finally come online and we don't have to leave our homes anymore to play. It just came a little late for most of the vets. You have to understand during the years that we played we could never even imagine that something like this could ever happen because all we had back then was dial up. So the only way we could play was at local arcades, traveling insane of amounts of distances in a local tri-state area or going as far as holding yearly / bi-yearly gatherings. It was just down right crazy and require a whole lot of energy. Now almost 15 years later, you have to understand a lot of that energy and fire has been used up plus many of us have 10 times more responsibility on our plates so we just don't have the time to play as much as we would like. While I am one of the lucky vets who gets to play quite regularly, I probably shouldn't as I could be getting more important things done. hahahaha most of the vets are either happily married, have kids or both, so I am kind of lucky as I still have just me so I don't have anyone to answer too or a child to disappoint. Some may see being in my position as a good thing, but I would gladly give up VF for fatherhood and a good wife any day as I absolutely love children.

    Well you never know what the future holds, so look to your local arcade for the next champion who might be my son or daughter. I hope it's a girl so she can smack some of you punks around and show you that girls can be elite too.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    aw dude how cool would it be to pass on the fighting game tradition down to the next generation. It'd be like martial arts masters passing down their form.


    I too suffer from the "I could be a lot better but don't have the time" cuz I have school, saxaphone, bit. . I mean women that like to get in the way of my playing time. I'm sure it'll only get worse as time goes on cuz when I was in the lower grades of school I used to play a whole lot more. I'll still get better but it'll take longer just because I can't put in the time I'd like.
  6. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    I'm with that sentiment. But I think there's a way any good VF5 player can help pass down to tradition and the skills - be cool, don't be a dick, and offer advice (but don't speak down to people).

    In the breaking scene, there's a saying: "To each one, teach one". All of should take the time now and then to help at least one other person along in their game. Never forget your roots and your beginnings.
  7. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Llanfair is absolutely correct and I am sure his message can speak for every veteran player from the US. Although it's great that VF has finally come online and we don't have to leave our homes anymore to play. It just came a little late for most of the vets. You have to understand during the years that we played we could never even imagine that something like this could ever happen because all we had back then was dial up. So the only way we could play was at local arcades, traveling insane of amounts of distances in a local tri-state area or going as far as holding yearly / bi-yearly gatherings. It was just down right crazy and require a whole lot of energy. Now almost 15 years later, you have to understand a lot of that energy and fire has been used up plus many of us have 10 times more responsibility on our plates so we just don't have the time to play as much as we would like. While I am one of the lucky vets who gets to play quite regularly, I probably shouldn't as I could be getting more important things done. hahahaha most of the vets are either happily married, have kids or both, so I am kind of lucky as I still have just me so I don't have anyone to answer too or a child to disappoint. Some may see being in my position as a good thing, but I would gladly give up VF for fatherhood and a good wife any day as I absolutely love children.

    Well you never know what the future holds, so look to your local arcade for the next champion who might be my son or daughter. I hope it's a girl so she can smack some of you punks around and show you that girls can be elite too. </div></div>

    There's the proof about the Times changing the Boss, mentor of Naked Snake, of MGS3, was talking about way back in 1964.
  8. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I don't think it has anything to do with being disappointed with VF5. Personally, I think VF5 is great, and VF5R looks to be a lot fun too. But as Konjou pointed out, there comes a time where you simply cannot dedicate the time you used to to VF when other areas of your life become prioritized - wives/husbands, work, kids, etc. I'd love to be able to put significantly more hours into VF, but I can't, simple as that. It just means I need to be honest with myself and understand that I cannot be as competitive as perhaps I am capable of. </div></div>

    Ditto. Kids/Life/Mistress its all caught up to me in the end lol!
    I i could just sit on my ass all day and play VF after work or wahteva maybe i could get the good stuff back. Until then i just a player from time to tim checking to see if i can still manage.I know im getting old when my Daughter Keeps telling me tTo Choose Pai. She always sits beside me and watch the battles. She say "Who are you going to use, Jacky or Brad?" And she's only 3. She be wanting to catch wreck in Dojo mode. I see im going to have to teach her how to play VF cause she actually enjoys it.
  9. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    her and KoDs kid should play online. battle of the toddlers.
  10. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Awesome idea.
    We'd need living room vids of that, plz?

    This time deprivation thing is not unique to veteran VF-ers btw. I barely got to base one as far as fighting games go and I feel like I'm being forced to bail out already. VF5 is my first serious fighting game. But between job, friends, singing, apartment, comics and movies, my playtime with VF is nowhere near where it should be to keep up.

    As a magnum commercial once stated though. "Life is all about priorities".
  11. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    I'm sure my kid will be down with that. 11mo vs 3yr old ? "Older women are nothing to me!!! Hahahaha" . . . Actually these days he likes punching the tv more than punching buttons :|

    Oh, and konjou wins post of the year award (for real).
  12. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    hahaha thank you! Hopefully I'm blessed with fatherhood in the coming years. I know I am going to have a ball with it. Boy or girl, the kid is going to be bred for VF while still in the womb. Itazan??? pppfffttt! My kid is going to own his kid for free!
  13. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    VFDC derailing at it's FINEST! Good post Konjou, btw. Kids......I'll have 7 by the time I'm 40. Great interview BTW, LOL.
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Llanfair is absolutely correct and I am sure his message can speak for every veteran player from the US. Although it's great that VF has finally come online and we don't have to leave our homes anymore to play. It just came a little late for most of the vets. You have to understand during the years that we played we could never even imagine that something like this could ever happen because all we had back then was dial up. So the only way we could play was at local arcades, traveling insane of amounts of distances in a local tri-state area or going as far as holding yearly / bi-yearly gatherings. It was just down right crazy and require a whole lot of energy. Now almost 15 years later, you have to understand a lot of that energy and fire has been used up plus many of us have 10 times more responsibility on our plates so we just don't have the time to play as much as we would like. While I am one of the lucky vets who gets to play quite regularly, I probably shouldn't as I could be getting more important things done. hahahaha most of the vets are either happily married, have kids or both, so I am kind of lucky as I still have just me so I don't have anyone to answer too or a child to disappoint. Some may see being in my position as a good thing, but I would gladly give up VF for fatherhood and a good wife any day as I absolutely love children.

    Well you never know what the future holds, so look to your local arcade for the next champion who might be my son or daughter. I hope it's a girl so she can smack some of you punks around and show you that girls can be elite too. </div></div>

    You cats are way too young [/size]to be talking like this! I'm older than both of you (probably put together), I'm married, I have full time software development gig, I just finished my master's degree, will be starting a Phd program next fall. Hell I bet my kids are your age!

    I still put in mad hours in VF. Somehow I find a few hours every day. I'm lucky cause my girl plays too. My son 27 years old, kicks ass with Vanessa, My son in law is pretty brutal with Kage, so I always have at least a little family action goin on.

    Martial arts is a way of life, VF is really a virtual martial art. You should never put it down. Just like real martial arts help the mind and the body, playing VF will help keep your mind keen and reflexes sharp, even when you're old and gray. One of the un mentioned benefits to online is that nobody really knows how old[/size] you are (unless they know you peronally). That's a good thing! That means you can be 100 yrs old with long white eye brows and bald head whoopin some noob in VF 12.

    As soon as PS3 has online, my time in VF will probably go up. I'm
    probably going to get a PS3 for my office, and during lunch breaks, and dull meetings, get online and get my arse kicked every day. I aint never givin it up /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif

    Listen Youngins,

    In the Shaolin temple, there are three kinds of men. Students, disciples and masters. Development of the mind can be achieved only when the body has been disciplined. To accomplish this, the ancients have taught us to imitate God's creatures. From the crane we learn grace and self control. The snake teaches us suppleness and rhythmic endurance. The praying mantis teaches us speed and patience. And from the tiger we learn tenacity and power. From the dragon we learn to ride the wind[/size]. Life sustains life. As no two elements of nature are in conflict, so when we perceive the ways of nature we remove conflict within ourselves, and discover a harmony of body and mind, in accord with the flow of the universe.

    Realize this, it may talke half a life time to master any one martial art. Although VF is a virtual martial art it is no exception.

    All of the great martial arts masters are senior citizens /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    You cats are just getting started /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  15. Judah

    Judah Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    You cats are way too young [/size]to be talking like this! I'm older than both of you (probably put together), I'm married, I have full time software development gig, I just finished my master's degree, will be starting a Phd program next fall. Hell I bet my kids are your age!

    Man, Alzheimer's'll getcha'. Thinking you got kids and a master's degree one say and the next you'll see him yelling, "Renkan Tenshinkyaku!" at the elderly midget in the medicine line just trying to get his Osteoporosis treatment.

    Don't drive. I hate it when you guys drive.

    Thanks for the interview by the way.

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