VF5:FS Tournament at WNF

Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jun 12, 2012.

By Plague on Jun 12, 2012 at 2:11 AM
  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] "Last week had a twenty-person tournament won by none other than GoatCheese Blues. Time for a thirty-person version. Come in and play to win."

    - Post from Plague on this here News page.

    Level|Up Live will be hosting a VF5FS tourney on their regular occurring Wednesday Night Fights (WNF) series on June 13th. This will be at the Super Arcade in Walnut, California with the tourney to start ~ 9 PM PST. Casuals start at 7 PM PST. $5 to get in. $5 to enter tournament.

    Note: VF5:FS is played on PS3 at WNF. Bring compatible sticks or pads.

    If you live in the greater Los Angeles area, go meet fellow VF enthusiasts and celebrate having VF5:FS on console and at WNF by visiting the Super Arcade!

    The event is expected to be streamed on Level|Up Series Channel
    (Source of info - L_A)


    Challonge Bracket with Results / [​IMG] WNF 3.5 - VF5FS Part 1 / WNF 3.5 - VF5FS Part 2 - Grand Finals
    1. L A
    2. DRE
    3. Rip


Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Jun 12, 2012.

    1. L_A
      Most of Socal's strong veterans didn't show up and I can't force them to go to these events when they don't want to. We finally have our game at WNF and people who talked all this game about "if we had VF at WNF, I would go everytime, blah blah blah" are just full of shit sorry to say.

      However, I really have to thank some of the new faces to the socal scene like Kapwan, Rip, LVMacc, Gordon Dainels, Shingin, Kaozen and everyone else for participating in the event. You guys seem to realize what it takes to keep a scene together and some of the LA vets really need to be looking at you guys to see how it's done. Thank you all for showing up it is very much appreciated!!! Also if any of you guys have any questions or would like help with your game either, I am here to help. Either offline or online, please just hit me up. [​IMG]
    2. Macc
      Lol and I am not even from Socal. I drove 4 hours from Vegas just to get out there and play some VF and will be doing it again. Sad part is the same thing happens in Vegas too and you can drive from one end of Vegas to the other in like 30 minutes. Seems every scene has um.
    3. KiwE
      Well nobody can certainly say that you haven't done your part that's for sure. I can understand the frustration. If VF players don't rally up now; when will they ever? This is pretty much it and that people don't "get" that is incredible.
    4. Shag
    5. Sudden_Death
      i really really really think everyone is just practicing. I have a feeling all the strong players (or the upcoming ones) dont wanna look "bad". Theres a lot of catching up to do and i THINK people dont wanna bother goign to tourneys cause pretty much it will look like a mashing fest since people dont know what the fuck to do. sadly I think mostly everyone is guilty of......Reputation (deep inside, y'll know is true).

      Its that or people just cant put games as priorities anymore, got sick of waiting for sega to release the damm thing and by the time its out its more like "yaaaaay!!.....whatever.."
    6. KiwE
      1000 ppl sign a petition 10 of them later on show up to a tourney - welcome to VF. Sorry there's no excuse for that.

      "cause pretty much it will look like a mashing fest since people dont know what the fuck to do."

      It will look worse for those wanting to buy the game if 80% of those in tournaments really are day 3 players of VF winning (like Rip was). So what is more important, looking good on the stream or letting the game die before it ever got a shot. If you suck train, it's as simple as that. This is third week in and one of the best trainingmodes there is. VF isn't even really hard on execution it's just mindgames and yomi wtf.
    7. steelbaz
      Game seems to be doing well, tons of people are playing it online, it is unfortunate people didn't turn up for the WNF. In all fairness the game has been out for what two weeks? Lets wait a little longer for people to get as flashy as you guys want on streams. Everyone isn't gonna be top shelf right out of the gate, at least there are new fans coming over from other fighters that are really enjoying the game. Everyone says they want new players, then when they get new players they complain that they aren't immediate experts (no reference to LA or the other cool regs here that encourage new comers).

      Game is awesome, it's only been out for 2 weeks, patience..
    8. L_A
      I understand it wasn't directed towards me and even if it was, I really don't expect anyone to become an expert overnight. Not in the least. For the new players, I am simply happy they are playing and if any of them would like help stepping up their game, I would be more than happy to help. If it wasn't for them, WNF wouldnt have had the turnout that it did the last two weeks. Once again, MUCH appreciation to the new players I just recently met and I hope you guys keep coming!

      My comment was directed towards the people that have been in the scene for a while and in the past whined about their game not getting love. Now here it is but where are they?
    9. Plague
      Here's to more new players. We need you. All of you. It's nice to have vets, but that's a collection of nine people in their 30's and 40's as far as SoCal is concerned.

      VF5:FS is really a new game with a new scene. I think it should be treated as such.

      I hope everyone shows up this Wednesday and the next and the next and the...

      I'll be there.

      You should be there, too. [​IMG]

      P.S. - I'm glad Rip placed well. Shows that the game is accessible. Plus the dude has major talent and skill at fighting games. I hope he enters again. I hope he brings in more people.
    10. Plague
      Wednesday Night Fights VF5:FS tournament at Super Arcade this Wednesday. Casuals start at 7:00. Tournament starts at 9:00! It's like going to AI for FT, but better (because, hey, AI and FT don't exist anymore).

      This is our chance to grow a new scene. We've got people behind us. We've got whole organizations behind us. We have SEGA behind us. Let's make this happen by playing the game. Let's make this happen now.

      See you here on Wednesday: http://www.facebook.com/superarcade

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