VF5:FS Location Test Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    In addition to the simpler 'hold' command of throw escape that I remember being mentioned somewhere.. This should mean that everybody and their aunt, cat, and retarded half-brother should be able to throwescape.

    And no matter how good you are at it, you are STILL in 1/3 chance of eating the throw. no matter what you do (besides abare) All I can see is that those who used to be better at this game (inputting multiple throw escapes, being good at input timing, knowing the different directions that characters have, and understanding the other options like abare with clash) lose all the edge that they had and will be randomly thrown by Jack Mash Jr. who jams on the P+G shortcut on their pad.

    The worst part is that it doesnt even matter, since now that the clash is gone, we are back to dial-a-launcher-from-disadvantage and throwescape becomes little more than an afterthought that you do when you block, rather than being important part of inpregnable defense. Earlier the opponent had to vary the timing to expire throwescapes or slip the throw through at a moment you werent expecting, but none of that now. You are guaranteed to eat something no matter what, thats what 'emphasizing yomi' means. And soon those flashy tekken guys in their podcasts laugh at how much VF looks like mashing.

    I remember back in VF4 days people commenting, why arent you blocking more? "Uhhhh... cause getting hit is statistically better idea.."

    I cant imagine how VF will retain its depth that it has in VF5, in FS the 'depth' will be just about the incredibly deep 50/50 guessing game of attack/block. Theres no need for evade-throwescapes either. Since you can nearly always input TEG with one TE from pretty much any disadvantage.

    ps. Fulan got the right idea while I was writing.
  2. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Really like the new animations. The gameplay changes sound good, too! Thanks for all the impressions and videos!

    The changes to the throwescaping system sound good. Really interested in how this change and the removal of 0-frame throws are gonna affect Brad.

    Still hoping we'll get to play it on our consoles one day..
  3. dapheenom

    dapheenom Well-Known Member

  4. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Some of you guys don't even throw escape and you worried more about that than anything else.Once again this is not Final (Matter of fact i kind think it is.Sega never changed command before going into a version B) Anyways after watching the wolf vs sarah Video i notice a couple things.

    Wolf can actually hold opponent in a headlock position and manuever around with them before applying a throw.

    The shining wizard might have relace the frankenstiener.

    Sarah Backflip is'nt semi safe anymore and does'nt go that high.In fact it leaves her @ -28.

    Wolf can net 95 damage if he lands the modified Michinoku Driver after a mid kick hold.

    Thanks Pheenom.

    Wow. that had to be the best fight i've seen so far. Jacky Seems even more Sleek and nimble than before.

    He has seems to had his main weakness covered. He now has a low full circular.

    His has the low punch sway as seen in the trailer.

    2 new throws.

    His mid full circular leaves him at -9 once blocked on disadvantage

    Elbow into the backhand does'nt have the slideback hit effect. its back to the Vanilla 5 headcrumple.
  5. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Fulan: No one has mentioned if the 5R throw escape shortcut is still in the game or not. With all of the changes made to the general system, why would you think that feature would stay the same given that so much has changed? That makes no sense.

    Manjimaru: Stop being a scrub.
  6. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    I will accept all the changes Sega wants except Akira wearing a dress!!! Just damnit Sega put this on my PS3!!!! For the love of God! The waiting is killing me!! /Runs off to play Red Dead.
  7. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Didn't think anything, just wondering that's all.

    But about the general system as it is right now (what we know of it). If you can only do one TE, tt does seems like you can almost max out your defense by just blocking and buffering 1 TE like that. Or am I missing something (like i said VF hasnt been on my mind for a long time).
  8. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    I'm liking the Jacky changes including safe mid full circular + low full circular. I've always felt jacky's attacking options were too weak for someone with a weak throw game and defensive options.

    People on this site have a bad habit of thinking change = bad. Relax...
  9. SkatanMilla

    SkatanMilla Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    I can't say that I like the removal of multiple throw escapes.
    If they're limiting it to 3 directions then you should be able to do 2 escapes i.e. 66% chance of breaking.
    As it is now a standard vf-player should be able to do at least 2 escapes, which for a lot of characters turns a throw situation into a 50/50% chance of landing your throw, and you'll never land your strongest throw unless you go to level 2 of the mindgame and delay it a lot.

    The removal of throw clash with this change is smart, becuase if throws would still clash you'd just be able to force a 4-way guessing game with your 3 throws and a mid easily, that'd suck pretty hard imo.

    If multiple throw escapes get removed, the way it is now, then they'll have to change the frame data on a lot of stuff to make more stuff fuzzyable, there's no reason to turn that many situations into a 50/50 guessing game, that'd just be stupid.

    People are also forgetting that they said that backdash was improved in this game, so maybe it's possible to backdash out of -7/-9 if they use a fast mid?
    If the backdash is read with something like a 3K then you'll be at a huge disadvantage they said, I wonder if you'll be able to score guaranteed hits from there?

    Also I'm wondering if low throws are still 0f or not, I really liked how broke it was in VF5 to just watch for the opponent to crouch then instantly throw them, ah, going to miss those days if it's removed =(

    This game will be very different from what most of us are accustomed to, that's one thing that is certain.
  10. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    I just want the game... those videos looked sweet and the new jump looked much better to me. I mean honestly I can't throw escape worth a damn anyway.
  11. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Another JA Vs. WO didn't see it posted

    EDIT: Mid full circular was -15 here...
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    His attacking option are Great GT what are you talking about? He is the best striker in VF. His main weakness was not having a low FC. Ever Since R with his new 2K+G he was able to go under mids and net up to 65 percent damage on MC while at it. With fast strikes it made his throw game even better cause unlike Goh a grappler its hard predict when a good Jacky player is gonna throw sometimes unless you know the patterns. Granted he's not a defensive type character compare to Goh with the subaki's in all but defense is defense and subaki's is just a another option to having a offensive defense lol!!

    i had it clocked at -9..atleast thats what i saw.
  13. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Thank you didn't see it!

    Finally a vid that makes the game look good. Now if only they can get the music right everything will be alright.

    Man I hate to complain while the game is still in beta state, but really the music is just awesome. It's the worst for any iteration of VF yet. From the few stages we have seen so far they all sound terrible and out of place to me. Game play looks great though with a lot of things / changes to get used to. Stages are awesome and I'm going to assume that you will be able to select all versions throughout the VF5 series. Music???? Please roll the dice again Sega.
  14. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    When jacky did the mid circular on the first vid it was -9 because he sidesteped to wolf side. Any move blocked from the side is generally safer
  15. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    ^I should have said damage. But that seemed to have changed in R. I was mostly talking about that game we're stuck with. : )
  16. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    These changes are very interesting but I want to see what the final build looks like before I say anything since anything seen here can be changed from now and then but unless I hear of a console release eventually I won't care too much about any of these changes since I won't be able to play around with the game myself unless I am in Japan.
  17. Oldboy

    Oldboy Active Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    New jumping looks awesome.

    Also love that Goh's judo throws are followed up by stomping on the opponent. Much more Goh-like.
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Right!!! Nice observation lol.
  19. LostCloud

    LostCloud Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Haha! [​IMG] Damn! Goh is looking better than ever. All of his new moves look devastating. - FS is looking great so far... aside from some of the music. Some of it just seems so generic to me compared to the amazing music of VF5R. I'm glad that the "Kage VS El Blaze" match showed that you can still chose music from past VF games, that's what I'll be doing when FS hits consoles. Also, I can't say I'm a fan of the possible removal of multiple throw escapes, but I'm sure AM2 will make it work somehow.

    I wonder though, does each character have new opening and winning moves or just some of them? So far, it just seems like they may have added just 1 new one to each character or something. Goh's new winning move is brutally awesome, I hope he has a new opener too.

    My (obvious) observations: Goh has a new punch at 0:33 that side-turns an opponent on hit - A new kick at 0:37 (and again at 1:55) that may be full-circular and leaves Goh back-turned if it's not guarded - A new 2 hit punch string at 0:49 that transitions into a hit-throw just like PKP (same one lol) - It looks like Goh can now do a mid punch after 3K at 0:53 (I've been waiting for something like that!)

    Goh can now do the kick from 4PK without doing the punch at 0:55. Looks like it only launches on CH (Nice change, 4PK wasn't very useful in R, but the kick aspect was) - And his new P+K launcher at 1:19 looks great, but -15 on block? Wow, that's harsh for Goh. But it's darn fast so I guess that balances it out.

    The 2 new moves that stuck out to me the most though were that new mid punch at 1:27 and Goh's low throw into Tsukami at the end: That mid punch looks like an amazing move. It's fast, does good damage, get's +4 on hit and knocks the opponent back into walls! I really want to see that punch hit on CH. And the low throw into Tsukami almost looks too good. It deals 25 damage even if you fail to throw them, and then one step [2] deals 50 damage?!
    Barely anyone in VF5 or even R stops Tsukami's [2] step direction throws. And with the possibility of 2 steps [2], that just seems too powerful to me... in a good way [​IMG]. Also, that Tsukami throw was just brutal! - I can't wait to see more, Bravo again, AM2.
  20. Kazego

    Kazego Active Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Regarding the new character BGMs I like them so far. Sure they sound different from vanilla VF5 & VF5R but they kinda grew on me after constant listening.

    Other than console port(it has to come!) it would be nice for them to release a new VF OST containing VF5R & VF5FS tracks.

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