VF5 Final Showdown Console Features

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Pointing out that the practical maximum number of players for a lobby is 5-6, more than that and the queuing time gets too long to really enjoy the lobby. Although observer mode makes it more tolerable.

    Rationale: The point of the lobby is to allow friends and other like-minded people to spend time together while playing VF. This adds greatly to the enjoyability factor of the online play in the long run. Lobbies will also counteract possibly dwindling player numbers. (this in response to Sega saying that mathcmaking needs critical mass, in Chanchais report). If there would be only 5 online VF players in the world, lobby would allow them to play against each other in the most efficient manner.
    Note: I also want to have option for finding random opponents quickly, like it is in current VF5; to satisfy my need for " the competitive factor" and to keep the game fresh. So mere lobbies will not be enough.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    [*]Friendly/easy button configuration (e.g. at character select screen, drumming inputs, link to profile)
    The best method for configuration is holding down a button and then using the directional controller to adjust what the button does. Tekken 6 uses this, blazblue uses this, VF5FS should use it too.
    Rationale: The key here is people with custom joysticks, who may not even be aware what button in their joystick is what; square, triangle, etc. The "press button down and adjust" method is very quick for adjusting the controls to your liking. This cuts down time usage in offline console tournaments.

    Of course, training mode is important. Particularly record mode.
    Rationale: The reason we need the ability to record few seconds of inputs for the training dummy and have the dummy repeat them, is that it allows players to train whatever complex or indepth techniques there will be BY THEMSELVES. It will be much easier for us here in VFDC to tell a new player how to practise some technique, when we can tell him to "record this and that and then do this". Not to mention it helps us experts in our research too.
  2. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    From here going forward,lets assume lag/load times aren't an issue. Due to the fact that so many people are requesting lobbies and tournament rooms and spectator mode, all of which induce additional lag, I'd say the consensus is lag isn't an issue. Fun is of primary importance over technical hindrances that are nearly negligible. Also, they could include player intro's and simply allow an option to block intro's in a players match preferences, or simply skip intros with the start button.
    Also loading each player's items for the intro? That's such a non issue, as they server has to load the player's items and outfit anyway since they'll be wearing it in the match. I don't think a few milliseconds of load time are going to be game breaking.

    Obviously nobody wants to see the intros if they are just browsing opponents,the console version should just show the intros after you've formally challenged the player and the vs screen is done loading. If you want to skip it, skip it. But put the feature in the game. We waited too long we should get as much of what Japanese arcade players got as possible.
  3. soakrates

    soakrates Well-Known Member

    Actually, if lobbies and spectator mode would cause lag, I would prefer not to have them. But I also think the extent to which they do cause lag is often grossly overstated. In my experience, the quality of the connection between two players is pretty much always the deciding factor.

    Besides, if there's that much concern about lag, Sega can always just give players the option to start 1v1 rooms and/or allow lobby hosts to turn spectator mode off.
  4. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Being able to transfer character data from one box to the other. Is that even possible? Also it would be nice to have some 5R love. I really wanted to play that. I am willing to pay.
  5. Mr_X

    Mr_X Well-Known Member

    -VF4Evo had 3 methods of input display for training mode and replays, I'd like to see these 3 return
    -Preview moves like in VF4Evo and if you had input display on during the preview, it showed the input too
    -Pretty much everything VF4Evo had was great so that stuff like the glossary
    -A good Button config
    -Awesome replays like the arcade version
    -Custom search accurately displays ping of the lobby/person before entering and maybe some type of indicator of the country the player/s in said room are from
    -Ranked match with a custom search with criteria (more skilled, same skilled, same region, best connections, etc.)
    -Ping indicator that makes sense
    -Arcade style rank system for ranked
    -not important but selectable backgrounds like in VF4Evo
  6. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Two things I want to see:

    1) A return of the way player match was set up where you can instant rematch at the end of the fight. I HATE being forced to return to the character select screen after every match, even when both players want to repeat the same exact match; it sucks to have to pick your characters again if you don't want to, that goes for every game. Only VF5 got the rematch function right.

    2) PLEASE, please, please include the frame data replay function from the arcade versions of VF5R and VF5FS, where the advantage/disadvantage frames are shown at the bottom of the screen. I LOVE that feature and I really think this will help players improve so much more. It makes a world of difference because it allows you to instantly analyze the frames in each situation when watching a replay. You can see where you may have made mistakes frame-wise, which options would be considered "moral" in different situations, and where you might have had better options during the fight.

    If they include that new replay mode, I will be so happy!

    Also, maybe SEGA can use all this extra time before the console release to make a very in-depth, EVO-style tutorial mode that REALLY teaches you what each character can do.
  7. Moofed

    Moofed New Member

    The PS3 version needs a way to load a second profile for versus matches. I think this was not possible when VF5 B came out, but there are many PS3 games that do this now, Little Big Planet for example.
    Even better would be vf.net with VF records and costumes shared between the platforms.
  8. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    As Moofed said; There's no point in playing pokemon / barbie if you can't bring your character with you to a friend and play with. Who here wants to bet though that this won't be included? Give me this and record function and I'm happy.
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Sadly it's down to the restrictions on current console's, SEGA would have a very hard time finding a workaround. Even the bigger companies haven't managed to wangle their way around Micorsoft and Sony's restrictions.
  10. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    VF5R stages - Some of them are much better to look at like Pai's.

    Improved AI (close as you can get to a human). It'll improve any single player mode and can help to bridge the gap between tutorial and serious players. Potentially good lag free practice for experienced players.

    Separate/portable character data saves so both players can have their customized characters offline (if possible).

    Pratice mode like VF4Evo's with multi record feature. Add in the ability to record counter hits, tech rolls and staggers. Also what SC4's (and a lesser extent VF5's) practice mode has where you can assign different things to the dummy's 1st and 2nd action. EG block as 1st action, evade as 2nd action.
  11. LostCloud

    LostCloud Well-Known Member

    Lost Cloud86
    [​IMG] VF5R stages - VF5R had some of the best stages that I've ever seen in a game. Even if this feature had to be DLC I would gladly pay $5 even $10+ to buy them. Please, Sega, make this happen!

    [5] Custom character intros - Since the way these work in the arcade wouldn't really work on consoles, I think they should start playing after selecting a character instead (With an option to turn them off). That way, a player could watch their intro while they wait for their opponent to select a character. Include them in replays at the very least though!

    [5] The option to choose past VF music for stages - This is a must have! I'll pay money for this if I have to, Sega!

    [5] More incentive to play ranked match - Make it easier for players to continue to rank up online, so they don't have to only play people of a very similar rank. Also, give players "rewards" by allowing them to get items, emblems, special ranks and more online. Maybe that would encourage new players to keep playing VF.

    [5] Subtitles on/off - It would be nice to not have to look up translations online when playing a Japanese speaking character. I'm sure new players would like this a lot as well.

    [5] This last one goes without saying, but Sega, please don't pull a "Tekken 6" on us where only 1 player could use custom items in offline versus. Allow both players to access profiles and use items offline.
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping that FS can have one feature which is to monitor the connection constantly. Simply showing the green bar on the corner so both side can be aware of what's the connection at this moment during online game play.

    Also, kick button is necessary:)
  13. Sestren

    Sestren New Member

    As other posters have mentioned, I'd really love the ability to choose past music from the VF series, especially VF2 which had some of my favorite music of any of the games.

    Also, a better/more in depth dojo would be greatly welcomed.

    Even though it's a year away, I'm extremely excited for this release.
  14. Titan

    Titan Member

    Yeah, I'm really hoping they include the option to change music - not only for the classic tracks, but for the R tracks as well, as I feel the R music was far superior. The VF5R stages would be nice too, as Wolf and Pai's in particular looked so much better than in FS.
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    My requests:

    Prioritize things like improving training mode and adding tutorials for option select defense, basic offensive flowcharts, and a comprehensive combo list, along with the entire suite of gameplay features that the game has in the arcade before adding a bunch of aesthetic fanservice stuff. The throwback music and models are all cool ideas but this is an XBLA game lol. I think we can all live with just throwing the entire VF discography on our XBox's harddrive and making playlists. In fact, I'm doing this right now.

    Also add a prompt asking players to try the tutorials before going online. I don't see how it's enjoyable to just get online and mash stuff out, then shelve the game permanently. If the player is struggling give them at least some kind of statistical metric (ala VF4 ver. C) for figuring out what they're doing wrong.

    A loyalty discount/promo price for buyers of VF5 would also be amazing, although I really don't know how that'd work out on consoles.

    Bring back my AI and make him more annoying. Maybe link our XBL gamertags to the "real" player AIs somehow, along with plugs for VFDC etc.

    Steam/PC version would be kinda fun too, might increase the longevity of the game if Sega is super cool and allows mods. Probably out of the question though.

    Commission a physical or .pdf guidebook like the "color" books that Arcadia published. The MvC3 guide is the gold standard as far as fight man guides go, and I know we can do even better.

    Multiple virtual player data "cards" for ranked match that you can switch to between matches. That way we're able to track how we do with a specific character without threatening our precious, precious rank on our mains.

    Ability to kick people or filter joiners by connection quality would be spectacular.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I think that if SEGA really wants to make FS mainstream, the absolute MOST IMPORTANT thing they have to do (besides great online and training mode) is:


    Japanese may not care (NOTE: their asian character VAs are actually good), and VFers have learned to ignore it, but I find it appalling that SEGA still finds voices like Sarah (sounds like she's always just waking up) and cheesy lines like Wolf's and (again!) Sarah's acceptable. Also, why does every character (STILL) sound like they are speaking through a paper bag or an air vent? That was acceptable waaaay back in VF2 days, but c'mon. Their voices should be much clearer-sounding, this is 2011.

    I tell you no joke, the vast majority of people I know don't like VF because of the horrible voice acting and the 80's kung-fu flick sound effects that have been around (and largely unchanged) since VF1. Has absolutely nothing to do with gameplay (in fact, a good number of them told me VF gameplay is fun/interesting)! EVERYBODY (even my own mother, seriously :p) says those two things stand out, and I see first-hand how that turns them off to VF.

    I want VF to succeed in the west, and SEGA in PAX have shown that they want that too. SEGA said they wanted MAINSTREAM success for VF5:FS, right? Well, look at all the successful mainstream FGs --> Tekken, Street Fighter, BlazBlue, MK...while the actual quality of the fighting game engines themselves vary alot, the key here is that they ALL HAVE very good presentation!

    Wanting mainstream success for VF is a great goal, but also a tall order. Enlisting/appealing to the community for help is great and all (probably even essential!), but I think that's the first and most essential step is coming with the absolute best presentation SEGA possibly can for Final Showdown. First Impressions are everything -- it's MUCH easier for the community to sell the game to newcomers if they don't have to go 'oh, just ignore the annoying voices; VF is great, just believe me!'
  17. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    Just a few things:

    VF5 transfer:

    Having a save file from VF5 gives your character extra money or hidden items?

    Winning Items from other Players Online:

    Lets say your Pai faces another Pai that has a funky red thing around her arm, you beat her and you win this item for yourself (but your opponent doesn't lose the item.

    The ability to save matches and view them later frame by frame with info on frame data etc
  18. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I dont know about this.

    Seriously man, have you ever played house of the dead? HOTD overkill? I mean, nobody does camp like sega does

    what next? make the game darker, no more blue skyes, add blood and clothes ripping? USA!USA!USA!

    maybe sega could add a 'america fuck yeah' mode, where all the Japanese quirkyness is removed in favour of american dude-bro common sense stuff. or not.
  19. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    One feature I forgot to mention that I'd like to see is an item transfer or carry-over into Final Showdown. All those customisatble items of clothing, the icons I unlocked or won in Quest mode and the paid for DLC I bought for VF5 vanilla, I'd like to be able to use all of them again for my characters in VF5 FS. It took a long time and much orb filling to unlock that stuff, and some of it I'd consider part of character's look.

    I don't think it would be asking too much to be able to transfer item unlocks to Final Showdown from a VF original save file on our hard drive, because from my understanding SEGA just kept adding more items on top of the vanilla items, with each iteration/update of VF5:R and Final Showdown.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    To MAtteoJHDY: Nah, man. This is not a personal preference thing, because if it were up to me, I really don't care -- I'm used to it by now.

    This is my conclusion I came upon showing VF to friends and family, or bringing the game to BYOC sections at tournaments. This is my own personal feedback I've gotten from various people in my life with limited VF exposure/experience.

    My younger brother (who just went off to college) said it best: 'those voices make the game sound old. I hate them.' He especially hated Sarah's voice, because it sounded lifeless. And it was funny that he mentioned this, because up until this point, he would sit and watch me play online and in quest mode, as well as play a *little* bit of versus with me, making his own Pai character. In other words, he was interested in the game, but as soon as he told me that, his opinion changed from 'interested in the game' to 'I hate Virtua Fighter', literally.

    And he's not the only one, I've seen it in quite a few people I've met and tried to convert :p. People already have bad misconceptions about the game's difficulty; outdated voices and cheesy sound effects are not helping things. And you know what? I can't blame them either, because they ARE old -- these are the same effects used for 20 years almost. It's only hurting VF's image, because it singlehandedly makes the game seem old to casuals/non-vf'ers, I've seen people's reactions firsthand.

    Nothing wrong with disagreeing with me, but why are you replying with ridiculous over-exaggerations that doesn't even address what I've said? I want VF to succeed -- what's wrong with updating the sound to match the beautiful graphics and animations AM2 works so hard on? Can you AT LEAST tell me that, or are you simply against changing it(which is just as baffling a position)? Seriously, I really want to know

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