VF5 Final Showdown Announced for PSN and XBL

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

By Myke on Aug 23, 2011 at 7:25 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]From http://www.sega-australia.com/news/?n=5290

    "LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO— 23rd August 2011—SEGA® of Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that Virtua Fighter™ 5, the latest title in its celebrated fighting franchise, will see a grand update and expansion released as a standalone title for both Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.and PlayStation® Network. The new game, entitled Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, will contain a full overhaul of Virtua Fighter 5’s mechanics, balance and animations, along with new game modes, new dynamic fighting arenas, a massive collection of customisable character items and two all-new characters added to the roster. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is expected to be available in Summer 2012."

    Other News

    Also check out Gamespot's announcement which includes a short interview with SEGA about the home version features.

    From SEGA's facebook page, along with the console announcement is news that Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown will be playable (via arcade cabinets) at PAX!

    It has begun.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

    1. shadowmaster
      I hope this isn't a bad sign of things to come
    2. DualFace
      I'm boycotting. I want a disc. Digital-only pisses me off.[/size]
    3. Burning_Typhoon
      I would love for this game to be released on disc... C'mon, sega... Please..

      I may end up getting it anyway after I get over it.. But, right now... I'm not liking the DLC only thing...

      I know, it's good for my eye lens. But, I like my physical media too.. and, I can't bring it with me when i go visit people... I'm not hauling my PS3 around. Oh well....

      I'm joining.
    4. Rayne
      yeah boycott it, fuck Sega. You idiots. [​IMG]
    5. Shidosha
      the secrets out! i wish they would have told me it was gonna be at PAX tho
    6. Feck

      Bravo you!

      *slow clap*
    7. Shoju
      Didn't expect it out of the blue like that, I Was looking at TGS in a month. Also surprising that it's been announced so far ahead of release. Maybe another update before console release? Also I'm wondering how much of the arcade content will be kept back for DLC and what are the new modes not seen in VF5?

      Remember when Jide said it would be a downloadable game over a year ago and Myke's cryptic response [​IMG]
    8. Kamais_Ookin
    9. Chefboy_OB
      I keep thinking the rug is going to pulled from under me and I'm gonna find out it's actually April 1st or something. Way to come out of left field with great news!
    10. Syzygy
      Hey guys,

      Syzygy@SEGA of America here. I'm glad the day has finally come when we could share this news. Thanks for the patience!

      Just to quickly point out the arcade machines won't be on the show floor at PAX. They'll actually be across the street at Gameworks. You will not need a PAX badge to get into Gameworks. (There might be other limiting factors but a PAX badge is not one of them.)

      If any of you do visit Gameworks say hello!
    11. Dandy_J
      l.,restxrydcft7 y8ikojnuilkjwef.dAW Z<Fk,;ved srfz/hbxdekn ryhgioerts hvgrsssssendzkjgnmfbv,
    12. Shidosha
      okay so now that i've calmed down and did some reading...

      GS: What will be included? Are we looking at standard console-version modes?

      Sega: Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown will introduce a new single player mode. Besides online and single-console multiplayer, there will also be some modes that weren't seen in Virtua Fighter 5. We'll be talking about those in more detail in the future.

      GS: Since online is going to be incorporated, is there going to be spectator or tournament functionality?

      Sega: Those modes will not be included.


      please dont make this shit like vanilla, thats why ppl stopped playing in the FIRST place [​IMG]
    13. SDS_Overfiend1
      people stop playing because R came out. I don't care if it don't have a room or whateva just bring this shit out later.. You can fix that.
    14. kungfusmurf
      Which network is better Playstation or Xbox?
    15. FrakimusGrime
      HOLY SHIT... JUST WHEN I GAVE UP..................
    16. ShogunTiger
      F- YEAHHHHHHH!!!!
      1st Day BUY!!!!!
      But downloadable only? C'mon, I would like for a hands-on copy of the game to bring to friend's houses and play. I wouldn't want to haul my big ps3 to places to get other people to play. >:\
    17. Jinzer0
      Wow glad that VF5:FS finally getting a home release O_O

      I might sell my xbox360 for a ps3 now since VF5:Online was one of the main reasons me and my wife got an XB360(Yugioh and NeoGeo Battle Coliseum was the others). But then again Xbla is still better than PSN but, PSN is free.... Eh I'll stick with XB360 ^_^
    18. SoulKatana
      Fucking FiNALLY but WHY NOT RETAIL??!!
      thats stupid!!!
      1st day buy anyway.
    19. PurpGuy
      I heard the physical copy will be a launch title on the Dreamcast 2.
    20. Feck

      Got to save it while their chips are down.

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