VF4fx FTP, faster and better than before!

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by feixaq, May 12, 2002.

  1. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    FTP access still exists (just at a different IP address), but it's far easier to direct download from the web page since the max number of users is 100 (i.e. you're probably never going to run into the "too many anonymous users" problem).
  2. Akirafan

    Akirafan Member

    Yes indeed I have not run into anymore "too many anonymous users" problem. Thanks Chris for making the effort in upgrading your ftp server. I really appreciate it!
  3. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Most of the thanks should go to DlooB, though, since he's supplying the bandwidth and file server mirror /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  4. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    yeah man, a big thanks goes out to you and Dloob.

    dloob, were you down at the E3 tourney last Friday? Just think i may have met you.

    hey Chris, that was an awesome competition, you have any plans of putting the final and pre-final matches online for download? It was as enjoyable to watch as it was to play, and I'm thinking that if i my "non-believing" friends saw those matches, they'd be converted, silenced, and whatnot.
  5. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    i just realized that no media requests are allowed here. sorry
  6. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    I don't have the saved replay files on me, but if I do manage to get them somehow, I can vidcap and upload them...
  7. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    I can't seem to find the Shinz videos, what happened to them?
  8. DlooB

    DlooB Member

    nop. I was in LA, and at e3

    But I could not make it to the competition. I would have loved to, but, other stuff needed to be attentended to.

    And I haven't played VF since that weekend.. shitzor..

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