VF4 Evolution Media from am.sega.jp

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by SummAh, Jan 23, 2003.

  1. Proof

    Proof Well-Known Member

    I think all 3 losses have been posted already. He went 97-3 for the 100 match event.

    Edit: Chibita's 3 losing matches are 100evo_0003.wmv, 100evo_0004.wmv and 100evo_0007.wmv

    Edit #2: I just checked out that "Goda Renkan Heki" at 1/60sec site and translated the name over at babelfish. It got "Five hitting links 劈", so I'm pretty sure its the right one ~ anyways it's [4][1][2][3][6]+[P]+[G] and does 55 dmg
  2. Proof

    Proof Well-Known Member

  3. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    DAMN, I totally forgot that his losses got were those movies. I guess seing 5 straight wins washes out the memory.

    Anyway, Chibita always gets away with that throw as a finish- always looking stylish.
  4. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    #13 in the series is posted.


    Chibita, once again. This time, he toys with a Lau player... showing total confidence in the 2nd round, throwing it away, and finishing the 4th with two FAMILULAR throws in a row.

    Seems like some of his strings are not preconceived, but made up on the fly. If I even had a quarter of his skill...
  5. Proof

    Proof Well-Known Member

  6. Proof

    Proof Well-Known Member

    Movie #14


    I think Chibita really wanted to ring out the Jacky on temple, which is probably why he lost 2 rounds ~

    It's always funny ringing out people on temple then doing an [8]+[P] and watch yourself fly out ~ HEHE ~ [P]M[G] it's like a pit fatality from Mortal Kombat ~~!!@#$%!

    VFLEGEND Member

    I wish i had to the oppertunity to face chibita, hes has skill. Thats what i look for i an opponent. I just know if i ever faced him it would be a great match.
  8. HoboMagik

    HoboMagik New Member

  9. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    File 15.
  10. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

  11. HoboMagik

    HoboMagik New Member

  12. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    One video was added.
    This was performed in Shibuya by the end of yesterday (February 16). It is the movie of the store primary final of KAKUTOUSHINSEIKI 2.


  13. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    It translates from a KYASAO diary.
    There is an area primary of the last of TOUGEKI in Tokyo, and many players gathered yesterday. The Rau usage (KORYUU) of Kansai SANNOUKAI came by the expedition there. Probably KORYUU is the strongest Rau usage in Japan. TSUCHIKUMO demotes him in a TOUSHOU match with TSUCHIKUMO first. At this time, it is reach to KENSEI. There is a convention after that and it is KK CHOUFU and the TOUSHOU match were performed after the convention end. Although KORYUU did not carry out consecutive defeats, it loses at a promotion game in it several times, and it is promoted to KENSEI by the 3rd time or the 4th promotion game! . The KENSEI match with CHIBITA started immediately. KORYUU drives in CHIBITA suddenly just before demotion. However, CHIBITA drives in KORYUU conversely just before demotion. However, KORYUU demoted CHIBITA. As a result, it has changed with CHIBITA -> homestay AKIRA -> CHIBITA. As for the seat of the merit title NO1, KORYUU arrived at the seat of KENSEI now.
  14. Proof

    Proof Well-Known Member

    New VF4: Evo PS2 advertisement movie is out now.
    ~Feat. Brad


  15. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    I correct a mistake. ITABASHIZANGIEFU (SHUN) vs SHINIGAMI Xuzhou (Rau) is the game of not the finals but the first game.

    Two videos were added.
    TSUNODI (SHUN) vs jack TOMAMENOKI (Jackie).
    GA (KAGE) vs SHINIGAMI Xuzhou (Rau)

    These two games are semifinals.

  16. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

  17. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

  18. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Anyone know what happened to the mirrored versions of the "kaku" movies on VFZone? Seem to be there but one is incomplete (kaku2_y02.wmv) and the rest are at 7Megs or so so I assume they aren't all there as well.
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The kaku movies are heavily compressed, an average of just over 6 megs each. I've got them all if you need 'em, let me know how you want to arrange the file transfer (IRC, FTP).
  20. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Actually Creed, I'm *pretty sure* that the compression is the same. The second clip from the series that measures in at 5+ megs is only 1:26 long, while the first clip is in at 9+ megs and is 2:36. Those ratios seem about the same. Also, we would have seen some loss of quality from video to video, but the quality of Sega's videos have been consistent throughout.

    I have encountered problems though, d/l with streambox, as sometimes the video hangs for a couple seconds while the sound keeps going- speaking of the this set of videos Sega has uploaded.. I re-downloaded them (one of them took 3 downloads) to get them in perfect playing condition.

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