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VF4 Evolution Goh Thread

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by GaijinPunch, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Goh = bastard?

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    To confirmation of TR after slam, but I don't think so, as the goh got slammed a lot and could only do ground throw escapes, he didn't TR. If it's possible it may be hard.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can Quick Recover (QR) from slams now, but the timing is really hard. You can also QR from Akira's SPoD!
  2. ktj

    ktj Member

    Are you sure that he's the more popular of the two new characters? I hung around the 2 Shinjuku Sportsland for about 1.5 hours last Friday ... I didn't see a single player use him. I did see Brad get used a few times (unsuccessfully).
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Come to Shibuya -- many people who use Goh, and are quite strong with him.
  4. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    You said he has a mean shoulder, do you know if it is possible to add anything after this shoulder?

    Does he have a float combo? Doesn't seem like but we nerver know...

    Anyway, having the possibility to catch then choose 4 directions to push is fun /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    Seems like Sega did a good job with portraying Judo in a video game.
  5. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yes, after the mean shoulder, he's got one of two things -- either a throw, or another mean shoulder, depending on if the opponent ducks or not. Think of it as jacky's [6][6][K]. Knocks the opponent on their ass, but not down. Usually they stagger out of it just in time to get thrown. Same w/ this, although i've been able to stagger out of it and get a throw in.

    It's also good after there's another move that's used to float... it itself is not a floater. It's pretty easy to see coming though (from crouching position) so Aoi's new shoulder reversal comes in handy.

    edit - fixed instant commands

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    Does go have any similarities to akira outside of the shoulder ram and his stance?

    p.s. How do ya'll like my new Goh Hinagami avatar? /versus/images/icons/wink.gif its sweet aint it?
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The goh avatar's cool, but you don't need two... you can prolly lose the akira. Just a courtesy to people on 56k.

    Goh's got a few akira-like moves. He has a lunging elbow strike, the shoulder ram, and I think a punch-gut punch combo. He's got reversals as well. Everything's different enough to be interesting though, like goh's shoulder staggers rather than floats.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    Ok i'll loose the Akira pic, for the sake of my 56k peeps.

    So he's got similar moves with different properties, good. Ok about his reversals, does he have a full set like Aoi and Akira?

    I think Goh will turn out to be and awesome character. Just from watching 3 movies and a flash clip, i'm already gung-ho to use him. I have a preferance for grapplers, mainly in 2d fighting games and I did like wolf but lost interest in him but when i saw Goh's style of fighting it instantly captivated me. I used to think Nobody would take Akira off of the top spot as my Favorite VF character and well Goh might be the man to do it.

    Oh yes and its said Goh has some kind of connection with Akira, do you know what it is?
  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I don't use either Akira or Goh, but I'd say their only similarity is that they're both relatively 'stiff' for lack of a better word. I don't think Goh has any reversals, but he's got a few catch throws, and at least two Sabaki moves that are very effective -- a quick window, which is always better IMHO. I think I've had my attacks Sabaki'ed the most when fighting against Goh, with the sole exception of Vanessa's very annoying elbow drop.

    Brad on the other hand can reverse mid (and high maybe) kicks.

    Take the Goh reversal part with a grain of salt -- need to check the movelist.
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Gracias for the pic --

    I dunno goh's connection to akira, goh's an assassin in the storyline. Their connection is that they share the same pounce /versus/images/icons/smile.gif (man sega's recycled four character's pounces now, and at least 2 ground attacks.. wtf)

    Can't tell what he has for reversals, but at the very least he has an elbow/mid punch. If it's an elbow reversal, the current set of elbow-reversing-characters can also reverse almost any set of mid/high attacks. I dunno about low attacks, but somehow I doubt they'd give him low attack reversals, because he's supposed to be different from akira, and he's already got wrestler-like throwing ability.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    I also hope at the very least he has a High and Mid elbow/punch reversal. Judokas are supposted to be able to reverse stuff anyway right? Thank you very very much Gaijin and Creed. you don't know how much I appreciate your replies cuz Evo info isn't easily found, at leat not in english. Now if only Mississippi would rise up and get with the program and snatch up at least a VF Evo Test Machine. Mississippi's slow ass JUST got a VF4 machine where you can't do Akira's Mountain of steel so basically doing the DLC is out of the question.

    Boy oh boy its gonna be a long wait for Evo for me. ya'll pray for me.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Ok about his reversals, does he have a full set like Aoi and Akira?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You could have answered this question yourself had you spent a little time looking around the site.

    Goh's command list, which is accessed via his character page, which was announced almost two weeks ago in the News board, which is also shown on the front page of this website will show you that Goh doesn't have any reversals.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    Excuse me then, sorry. I just overlooked it.
  14. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    well goh does sort of have a reversal as [P][K] doesnt really do anything but force stagger (kind of like aois crazy reverse anything stance) and go into catch (with the follow up [G][P]) - i guess technically its a sabaki but it feels like a reversal to me as most sabakis attack in some kind of way. he also has a [4][3][P][K] which supposedly reverses or sabakis low punches. ive never used it successfully im sorry to say.
  15. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    There's a lot of new properties in Evo.
    Shun's [4][P]+[K] after 10 drinks is a mid attack, but also reverses mid/high punches. If you miss the punch, but still hit, they crumble, although the recovery prevents any decent follow up.

    Aoi's [2][3][6][P]+[K] (as far as I know) ONLY crumbles when it Sabaki's an attack. Otherwise, it's a normal hit -- I've not heard of that before. From what it seems though, if it Sabaki's, it will ALWAYS hit, unlike other Sabaki attacks like Lion's.

    As for Goh, I just started using him today, as I'm sick of getting my ass pounded b/c I don't know how to defend against him. It seems some of his sabaki's go into the a hold, only if they Sabaki a punch or something. Need to play him some more to see.
  16. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    something weird that happened to me when i was playing goh was when i sabaki'd an evade attack with [4][6][K] he went into a throw (kind of like [8][G][K] or [2][G][K] - a hit shift into a throw). ive never seen it before and even now think i may have just imagined it. can anyone confirm?
  17. hananokeiji

    hananokeiji Well-Known Member

    that move you mentioned is something like Pai's [8_]or [2_][P]+[K], when it hits it becomes a throw.

    but i had problem in understanding one move from the bay area movie number 3. at the very final round there was this move that Goh did before the [6_][6_][P]+[G] finish.. i dont know what that is..... looks like a punch parry... can someone kind enought to tell me what move that was?
  18. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Did I read that right? Shun has a reversal? No chance, GP. Do not tease me that way.
  19. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yes, he does. It's actually in a class of it's own.

    Command is [4][P]+[K] but you can only do it with 10 drinks. Catches high/mid punches & elbows. Very good against Lau. The thing is, if you miss the reversal, it's a mid-punch, which crumbles, and can be followed up with [2][P][1][P][K].
  20. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    I had some time to spare some Evo games today. And I played a lot of Goh. Do I need to say I love him already? /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    Since I think I went through all of the moves (Thanks to the movelist on this site /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif), I will try to talk about some of the stuff I remember:

    - Crumbles!! Many of Goh's moves crumble on Counter, and a crumble means a guaranteed low throw ( I am almost sure) or his low Tsukami entrance (Tsukami is his Judo catch where he can push the opponent around; I got the name from the movelist here). The low-Tsukami entrance is done by entering [2][G]+[P]+[K], and his low throw by [3][G]+[P]+[K]. Good damage for both.

    - Force Crouch!!! Some other moves oh his force crouch on both normal and counter hits, but I think only the counter ones have the same guaranteed followups from above.

    - Sabakis!!! Alot of those!! Sometime even for limited specific attacks (From what I saw in the movelist), like a Sabaki for Knees. I think I did that on Jacky's knee and got a stomach crumble (Not %100 sure). Two of his non-hitting sabakis can get you into the Tsukami if you press [G]+[P] afterwards.

    - What I was confused with at first is what you can do in the Tsukami. Then I learnded that when it says [6][6][G]+[P] in the hold, it means two forward pushes then a throw. Several directions can be combined (one or 2 pushes at a time) and you get the idea.

    - Most of Goh's moves are slow. But I think if someone learns when to use them, especially for interrups, then they won't have any problem winning, since those moves often have hit throw properties or crumble effects. One of the moves I abused is his [6][K] knee. Counter with that and you get a crumble.

    His [G]+[K] is a slow standing spin kick that can be followed with a punch that can * Surprise * crumble on counter! If the kick whiffs then it's easier for the opponent to attack, but if it connect or is blocked then maybe you can keep him guessing on whether you will follow with the punch or not.

    - I had the most fun with his [8]/[2][P]+[K] moves. They are basically sidestepping standing-low kick-ticks, and I am not saying I know how to use them perfectly. But what I mostly did with them is landing them on rising attackers. Sometimes I would hit normal or counter, other times I would just encircle them and have their backs exposed. Fun, but not necessarily as effective as I made it sound. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    - The upper 2 moves can be confused with his [8]/[2][K]+[G], which are, in my opinion, close to what Pai's TR trip is. Those 2 moves seem to 'catch-and-trip' in certain occasions that are not necessarily TR. I think one of the Goh clips we saw had him catching a shlrm with this!!

    - Throws! Most of his throws leave the opponent on ground while he gets up, and that's how I played with the [8]/[2][P]+[K] moves I mentioned. Some of Goh's throws leave the opponents laying down on those awkward angular positions rather than the regular head toward/head away positions.

    That's what I remember so far, and I like Goh like I said. Some stuff can be verified with testing, so I will leave that for later /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif. I had some problems with him against a constantly-attacking CPU Vanessa, but I am sure experienced Goh players can hold their ground.

    What is funny is that the CPU difficulty was set on easy I think, and in the first match it's almost like playing training on PS2, with Counter hit effect on! Any move I would do will be a counter, so I also had fun with Akira doing a Yoho and punching forever. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Too bad I can't play much because of my schedule, but I would really like a home conversion. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

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