VF4 Evo @ E3

Discussion in 'Console' started by gribbly, May 15, 2003.

  1. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    Here i go again:

    I'm of the impression that SC2 is a very good game, but i think it's still fairly weak, in that not enough has been improved upon. I hear a lot of "it was already perfect, so there was nothing to add!" which i think is pure shite. I didn't buy SC to play the same game i played on DC... but that's another issue...

    Someone mentioned that Tekken Tag was better, and i agree. I'm not sure what play mechanics people are telling you are so hot, but there's not much more than learning GI and sidestep, using quick moves and learning to use distance.. I don't know... i have been playing SC2 console since JP release, and i have yet to be really impressed by it. The "twitch timing" comment was pretty damned accurate, as far as i can tell so far.

    And the collision detection seems to be getting worse every time i play it. 'Dodgy' doesn't even cover it anymore.

    Anyway, back on topic: I am another in the camp that maintains that the memory card thing isn't altogether unexpected, considering the whole "greatest hits" thing being imposed on them. Really, it's sort of a slap in the face to AM2, considering everything they did in Evo, from the facelift to changing moves and move properties, stages, Quest, you name it.

    I'll probably pick up the US version for the translations and to support Sega in general, but the fact that this game will be totally overshadowed by SC2 in the US seems wrong on so many levels...
  2. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    Whole statement simply beautifully put Aeon, exactly how I feel about all that.
  3. Hirorandom

    Hirorandom Member

    Don't post much but I'm a total VF4 devotee. At E3 there must have been over 20 Soul Calibur 2 stations combined at the Namco, Nintendo, MS, and Sony booths and only ONE VF4: EVO station at the SEGA booth. That was very disheartening. I probably spent a combined total of 4 hrs there playing some very good players, some from VFDC and even some from Japan. One Japanese person worked for Nintendo and he was very good. I was lucky enough to win here or there but it was a very humbling experience.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  4. MrMojo

    MrMojo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, America is so stupid, they dont realize a good game when they see it. So what if it actualy became a greatest hits title, and prretty much all Ps2 us game mags gave it perfects?
  5. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrMojo said:

    Yeah, America is so stupid, they dont realize a good game when they see it. So what if it actualy became a greatest hits title, and prretty much all Ps2 us game mags gave it perfects?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Japan has more stupid gamers than the US does, did know that the Dragon Ball Z fighting game out sold VF4 and VF4:Evolution alone, and that game got like a 4.0 on gamespot, but in all of the Japanese magazines they gave it like perfect scores.

    It is all fanboyism and flash, if it is popular people will buy it, even if they do not like it.
  6. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts about getting Evo. First, that memory card thing is ridiculous, I know its an extra but I've been spoiled by VF 4. And just the principal of the thing, it worked in VF 4 then not in Jap Evo and then don't bother to fix it. I just don't get it. I guess there is still time they can fix, hopefully they will. Plain and simple an update should not be inferior in anyway to the previous game

    Second, I don't know if its just me but I feel a little uneasy about releasing updated console games. I got pretty sick of the SF series having like 100 different versions and everyone playing different ones. I like it where the community all plays one game. I hope I don't see next year; VF 4 Evolution 2nd Strike. I don't want this godly series starting anything perverse (the HAB makes me a little nervous).

    I was reading either PSM or OPSM today and I saw something I thought was rather funny about SC 2. They said the game is now deeper because the GI is easier to do and ground and air juggle combos will be easier as well. And I thought SC 1 was weak...
  7. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member


    GET EVO. The memory card issue is a non-issue UNLESS you are at a gathering or tourney. Even then the only issues are 1)you can't play with your custom ken doll or get ranks & items & 2)you can't automatically track stats. In my group there isn't a bunch of character duplication so we can all play on one console with the one memory card & dress the way we want when it's time to dance...I think this is probably the way it is with lots of crews...unless you have 5 jacky's or akira's or lei-fei's, things are kosher IMO.

    As for the community...I think it's fairly clear that EVO is the hotness, no much so that many undoubtedly haven't LOOKED at vf4c since the UPS/FedEX man did his thing. If you have EVO & are playing vf & it ain't EVO, it's 1, 2, Kids (maybe we're the only ones), or 3tb.

    EVO isn't a sequel really, but it isn't really an update either. It is more game than ps2 vf4 & if you like VF, you need it.
  8. MrMojo

    MrMojo Well-Known Member


    I got VF4 for 20$. I'm just gonna sell it and get Evo. Even if it isnt a whole new version, it still has enough updates to buy. Besides, I just cant wait to see all new Shun moves. Oh boy.

    P.S.: Yeah, Japan does have stupid gamers also. Like everyone else. It was sarcasm. Just in the last issue of US OPM : 1) They said the average vf4 review score was about 91% 2) They put VF4 in the top 50 ps2 games 3) They also called it the best fighting game ever.
  9. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter


    Sega make a great desiscion for games by selling it for half price they don't fix the memory card issue. If the reason they gave us was that evo is so popular in Japan that they decided to allow us only one memory card. Then that's a pathetic reason. Also the reason they gave dosen't apply to US or Europe so why not just throw it in anyway.
  10. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member


    Yeah they call it the greatest fighting game ever in OPM, followed by a big old FOR NOW???

    I think those douches at Ziff Davis are going to go all Soul caliber crazy when it officially arrives and Evo will be remembered as the Sega game that sold 200,000 copies. They'll have stuff on how Namco dethroned Sega blah blah blah.

    I think the issue with the save issue does boil down to the crap their getting from Sony here. Why not compromise and make it 40.00, like Konami did with WE6, and still give Sega some room to improve on it.

    Of course how many Sega people are even reading this thread?
  11. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    xguile said:

    Don't post much but I'm a total VF4 devotee. At E3 there must have been over 20 Soul Calibur 2 stations combined at the Namco, Nintendo, MS, and Sony booths and only ONE VF4: EVO station at the SEGA booth. That was very disheartening. I probably spent a combined total of 4 hrs there playing some very good players, some from VFDC and even some from Japan. One Japanese person worked for Nintendo and he was very good. I was lucky enough to win here or there but it was a very humbling experience.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hehehe I watched that guy play for a while, then came in and did what none of you guys could, beat him.
  12. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

  13. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    yes them superior gaming pad skillz has been beat
  14. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    hehehehe, I ws one of the biggest complainers at E3 bout them pad type thingies.
    Too bad I couldnt make the gathering(all Reno´s fault BTW) on friday, I came prepared with my stick and all but alas...
  15. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

  16. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    I noticed it, but I also notice that nowhere do they have it listed for preoder yet. Well at EBgames at least. I'm starting to freak...

    Probably those hosers at Ziff Davis will proclaim Soul Caliber 2 The Best Fighting Game Ever in The Whole History of the World.
  17. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    I know, I'm sure a lot of newbs will claim that. But I think Official PS Mag named Evo best fighter ever and they are part of Ziff (it may have been psm though). But they also said SC 2 may dethrone it- even though both are already out in the arcade...

    Btw, did you see the review for MK DA in Game Informer? They named it best 3d fighter ever....
  18. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Throwmasta said:

    Did anyone else see this yet?


    It's good to see that IGN isn't selling out! Let's just hope everyone else follows (magazine publishers, etc.).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow...one of the few times that IGN actually impresses me. At least someone there knows what he's talking about...there just might be hope for IGN afterall... :p

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