VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & more!

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Catch22, Oct 11, 2002.

  1. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Arcade Flyers, Manual, places to buy REAL arc.VF4 material & m

    The Hori Stick and buttons look almost exactly like the ones I have in my arcade stick(quality of the stick sucks!). I think it's called blaze twin arcade or something. I got it at EB for $25 canadian and am not disappointed. It performs well but the stick is very poorly made. One of the sticks is already busted but luckly I still have the other half of it, so no big deal. Now, I want to build my own but can't decide what stick to get...happcontrols, sanwa, or the ultimarc one...by the way I do prefer japanese style sticks too.
  2. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: building a stick

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    This is not a bad idea at all. Here's a quick looksee at my stick...I chose to go with an optical happ stick instead of keeping the agetec parts. My buttons are also happ competition buttons. These buttons are identical to what you'd find on a VF3 cabinet. Imo, they are better than the default buttons on Versus City cabinets. I thought the agetec stick to be rather flimsy and it pales in comparison to a japanese stick on a Versus City machine (sanwa). Converting a PSX controller is not hard, and I would recommend doing this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, I saw this in the "console" thread, and was torn where to make this post. Whether to continue it there, or iclude it in this "arcade cabinet" thread. You actually motivated me to make a stick. Mine is going to have the VF4 sanwa set... it's on order, and a custom base that will most likely get alot of attention. I can't wait to get started on it.

    BTW, are the Happ competion push buttons indented down like american arcade machines, or concaved upward ala Sanwa and Japanese arcade machines? From the picture you included, it seems it's similar to the sanwa buttons. True? Just making sure.
  3. redrum2000

    redrum2000 Member

    Re: building a stick

    Happ comp buttons are convex as opposed to concave (indented). and they're good buttons. But go w/ a sanwa stick as its >>>> happ sticks

    also Lf: you prefer the happ stick over the agetec stick? i'll admit the dc agetec stick is a little loose but its still easier to use than a happ stick IMO. to each his own.
  4. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: building a stick

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    you prefer the happ stick over the agetec stick? i'll admit the dc agetec stick is a little loose but its still easier to use than a happ stick IMO. to each his own.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, in the arcade, I love the sticks on our Versus City cabinets - they're great. However, the DC Agetec stick is shit compared to that. The Happ sticks that myself and Kbcat have are optical and that makes a great difference. At NYG3, everyone was using a japanese style stick - either the VF4 PS2 stick (which, imo, was crap) or the tekken tag PS2 stick. The Tekken tag stick is very well made and the parts, I thought, were much better than the VF4 sticks. Now, I had a ton of people try my stick and there was never a complaint for finding a direction, etc. In fact, I've had many people ask if I could build a similar stick for them. I personally like the optical feel and would likely take it over a japanese stick in the arcade as well. I would definitely prefer it over the quality of japanese style sticks made for consoles - hence the reason we built sticks in the first place. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

  5. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Re: building a stick

    Catch22, How did you get the sticks and button?
  6. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: building a stick

    Sanwa and let them know you are interested in purchasing the stick set. I sent my order today for 4 sets... I'll hopefully get them soon.

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