VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    This is a problem with experience (obviously), I have problems like this against some characters, too (Lion, Pai, Jacky, Vanessa /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif ). It's frustrating at first, but when you slowly get the hang of the characters and then completely turn the game around with your newfound knowledge, it's very satisfying /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif .

    Usually what I do when I get beaten with things I don't understand, I will ask the people I played what it is they did and how I should deal with it. Usually you'll obtain very useful information this way /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif .
  2. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    great to see that so many are wrapping their heads around SFIV. me myself and I have trouble with the 3D-2D switch. as for the high input barrier, it is going better all the time. last night Vortigar and i had some matches switching through characters. (still haven't found my main yet) i was able to get some ultras in...i'll see you guys next weekend.

    ps has anyone ordered the SFIV fightstick tournament edition? mine still hasn't come in yet...:(
  3. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Just before those games I had my head stomped in 0-12... I've been sleeping really badly due to a cold though, so I had to pull out early and call it a night. Sorry about that.

    I haven't found a character I feel comfortable with either. Heck, I'm still uncomfortable in the game as a whole, period.
  4. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    You have a HRAP stick already, don't you Ake? What do you need an extra TE for?
  5. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    I think you misunderstood/made an assumption here...
  6. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member


    more as a back-up to my HRAP3. perhaps it will become my nr one stick eventually. besides i just started at my new job and i have to spend my money on something, right? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    I'm always available as a good cause... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  8. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    ake: mines been delayed too, ordered at bol.com.
    i know i shouldn't have done so, as it was near certain they wouldn't get any first batch sticks but I don't have a cc anymore and at bol you can pay with ideal.

    looking forward to the weekend (seeing vort post here means I don't need to refresh his memory probably :)) maybe we can get a few sf4 games in, not too many though /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    making a choice of character is harder for me in sf, because they are such well known characters i have a hard time identifying with them. i really wanted to play balrog though but that just isn't working out for me at the moment. i am soo bad with charge characters.
  9. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    @NGKrush: I think you should stick with Zangief as a main and put Rufus as 2nd.

    Had some nice games with Spoon this afternoon, I think you are adapting a lot faster in this game than in vf.

    I'm having a lot of fun with Sagat as my main, been looking for a 2nd for a while and I almost think it will be Chun li. But the game hasn't developed yet, and I'm constantly learning new things about characters that makes me want to play them.

  10. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Heh you schooled me. GG's
    You showed some really nice combo's with Chun and Sagat. Stuff i'm not really expecting myself to pull off any time soon

    I haven't even played half the characters yet though and i'm having a hard time figuring out how to use charge commands to any effect and I absolutely hate hate Hate that bullshit throwing shit from Zangief and Seth. Some early impressions on the characters that i've played sofar (gameplay wise):
    Ken - Ultra is hard to connect because of its in yo face range.
    Ryu - Hadoken master, kinda like but will most likely not main
    Sakura = Love. Will most likely become a main/secondary. Pretty good range on focus attack compared to other characters ive played so far. Ultra is kinda lacking in damage but not nearly as hard to connect as Ken's
    Dhalshim - Kinda like but I suck too much with him still
    Bison - Awesome Voice actor is awesome (Wakamoto!) but charge commands are a barrier now.
    Sagat - Win and awesome, might secondary him.
    Vega - Ugh. Can't play him.
    Dan - He's better then I expected him to be really.
  11. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Yes, yes, next weekend. I got hype, the question is, do you?

    I've already had some new light cast on some of my basic problems in fighting games through this game. My tensing up when under stress translates to massive input errors for example. This was also present in VF, but it was far less apparent as inputs are way easier, this game might be a tool to break that vice of mine.

    I'm still not a fan of the massive barrier to entry SF's inputs present (to blazes with those link combo's man, talk about pointlessly artificial difficulty, and why does a simple cancel require 2 buttons and a dash AND a return to nuetral if you want further moves to come out properly, isn't the two ex bars enough admission for entry already?), but at the same time it might be an aid for me. Irony always finds a way to strike, eh?

    On a more practical note, expect more Brad's special high crumple kicks to come out.

    I'm in love with Cammy all over again.
  12. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL

    Ik ben er alleen op zaterdag deze keer, op zondag heb ik andere business te doen.

    Ik wil sowieso tegen alle stockholmgangers spelen! Laatste goede kans om elkaar tips te geven die we nog voor Stockholm in onze game moeten verwerken! Als iemand van het weekend vragen heeft: ik leg het uitgebreid uit als ik het antwoord weet! Ik zou het super vinden als iedereen op z'n best is als we daar zijn /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif .

    Ik speelde net weer even VF na veel SF4 gespeeld te hebben afgelopen week: ik voelde gewoon dat ik heel veel in wilde jumpen en dat soort shit, maar ik deed het toch niet.. Voelde echt raar, wel grappig om te merken, haha.

    Ben benieuwd naar die crumple kick.. ik weet dat die move heel goed is, maar heb nog nooit echt tegen een Brad gespeeld die hem heel veel gebruikt (zelf gebruik ik hem eigenlijk ook nooit..tis ook al een tijdje geleden dat ik Brad gespeeld heb..lol)
  13. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Ik vroeg me af of het mogelijk was dat we ofwel een potje kunnen maken. ik heb er geen problemen mee wat dingen te kopen maar als ik ontbijt/tussendoor/avond eten voor 2 dagen moet doen is dat een beetje hardcore.
    het lijkt me het makkelijkst als we gewoon iets afspreken, 5 euro pp ofzo en dat ik dan daarvoor avondeten/brood/beleg/drinken/snacks regel.
    als iemand bv superveel zin heeft in bugles of eierkoeken of energiedrank of weet ik veel wat, dan zet ik dat op het lijstje.
    is dat een idee?

    daarnaast, weten jullie al wanneer jullie komen. zoals ik zei is vrijdag avond ook al oke, ik moet alleen zaterdag morgen ff weg. als er mensen vrijdag zijn kan je natuurlijk zaterdag eerder komen, komt iedereen pas zaterdag dan zal dat pas vanaf 13uur kunnen.

    +is het mogelijk dat iemand zn xbox meeneemt? het is niet broodnodig, maar zou wel cool zijn want dan kunnen we op 3 schermen spelen.

    zat gisteren in dojo wat door te nemen en ik heb er echt wel zin in.
  14. Seiko_Killa

    Seiko_Killa Well-Known Member

    Ik kom zaterdag na 17:00 pas.

    Als niemand anders het aanbiedt wil ik mijn 360 wel meenemen. Met spel?


  15. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    dat zou supercool zijn yrvin, graag met spel.
    tot zaterdag!
  16. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Potje is okee, goed plan!

    Qua drinken is aanmaaklimonade prima voor mij, qua eten ben ik wel down met the usual :p.

    Gaan we nog een toernooitje doen, zaterdagavond ofzo?
  17. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    meteen als yrvin is ingespeeld is het toernooi tijd! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    als je ideeen hebt hoe we het op moeten zetten, we kunnen standaard: iedereen speelt iedereen doen, maar misschien is een ander systeem slimmer/leuker?
  18. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    ik kom zaterdagen zal ongetwijfeled wel weer heel hard sucken omdat ik me tijd anders heb besteed :p
  19. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Ik denk dat ik voor de zondag ga deze keer. Of is zo'n derde dag teveel van het goede voor de blijvers en is iedereen helemaal brak op de zondag?
  20. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Denk niet dat we genoeg mensen hebben om het op een leuke andere manier te doen.

    Misschien een teamtournament voor de grap? 3v3?

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