VF Circuit Sponsors & Date Set for the First Event

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jul 20, 2012.

By akai on Jul 20, 2012 at 8:02 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] Thanks for everyone that have registered for the VF Circuit! As of today, we have 100 plus players total and 60 plus players in both the 360 and PS3 League. There is no deadline to register for the VF Circuit (there are registration deadlines for the individual events in the Circuit though), so when you wish to be part of it just fill in the required registration information. Some new info to share with everyone:

    First, Sega, Mad Catz, and U•be will be providing prize support to the VF Circuit! More info will be provided within the season.

    Second, the time and date for the first event (round robin format that should take less than 2 hours of your time) has been set! Saturday, July 28th is the start of the 360 League and Sunday, July 29th is the start of the PS3 League. Both leagues events will start ~ 8 PM(your local time but can be +/- one hour from the stated time based on who registered for the event).

    For more information on signing up for the event please check the following post in this news thread.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jul 20, 2012.

    1. Terra
      I would like to join the North American tournament if there is still time.

      PSN: Elza Walker
    2. westtrade
      Thanks to Akai for putting this together. Good games to all those that I played.
    3. Sharp7
      I would love to do the next one, sign me up for it.
    4. hseiken1
      Had fun! GG to Plague, Macc, Phanatik, TreDash and everyone else in Bracket 7! [​IMG] Looking forward to more competition!

      P.S. Why does everyone get quiet when I play? I feel like I'm making people do facepalms or something...haha
    5. SanFran_MAN
      I'd like to enter the tournament if it's not too late I play on the 360, but i changed my GT so i will be under the name Tsumaki Kid.
    6. akai
      Note: Due to the PSN issues, I am postponing the PS3 League Round Robin to next Sunday, August 5th.

      Hopefully, the issues with the network are fixed or more stable by then. Sorry for any inconveniences.

      Those who signed up for this Sunday and cannot make it for next Sunday's round robin will still get the point.


      Terra and Rampage - before you can sign up for the individual events, you must also PM me the required information to register for the VF Circuit (PDF in second page have the exact information and additional details).

      Sharp J7 - I want people to confirm their participation for an individual event when "registration" and date have been officially set (this is what I hope would result in less "no shows" from people). So just check regularly VFDC or your email address you sent me (the email address people sent me was supposed to be one that people check regularly).
    7. RoninBuddha
      i totally missed this... is it too late to reg for the ps3 tonight? i'm in.
    8. Feck
      Shame you missed it Rayne, was good fun. Hope to see you for the next one.
    9. Yuki-sensei
      why did my live have to run out? <.<
    10. Arjay
      Looks like PlayStation Network is still having issues. Got DC'd in the middle of a match about 10 minutes ago. Got the standard "An error has occured" message and couldn't get back in.
    11. akai
      The last 3 days I have not got disconnected, so hopefully this is just the "regular" disconnects and not the frequent disconnects experienced over last weekend.

      On a better note: several people had told me there were issues with viewing the PDF draft. I added the registration and schedule pages to the VF Circuit Blog

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