VF And The Network Bandwith Controversy

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Now I am surprised 420 has not made another essay response already...he must be slackin!
  2. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    damn! give me some time im working on one. ill just keep writing those essays now that i know you like them so much.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Will the balance for the online play be separate from
    the offline play.

    Obviously balance for online play is going to be $#@!ed up. Sega will be tweaking it through several versions. I assuming that the tweaking that will be necessary for the online play won't affect the offline balance.

    Does anybody know how this works. I'd hate to see the balance for VF dictated by the online experience. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Do you work for Sega? How can you say that they will be tweaking the online version with such certainty?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anybody know how this works. I'd hate to see the balance for VF dictated by the online experience. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif </div></div>
    No, nobody knows. How about you wait a couple of months for the game to be released?
  5. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    No, nobody knows. How about you wait a couple of months for the game to be released? </div></div>

    why do any of that when he can just tell you what they're going to do and what the outcome will be?!

    damn myke, let the man talk so that we all may be enlightened!
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    No, nobody knows. How about you wait a couple of months for the game to be released? </div></div>

    Fair enough. I don't work for Sega. I'm just (ASS)uming that
    they won't get online right the first time. It would be amazing if they did. But since they don't get balance right the first time for the regular version of VF I just (ASS)umed that the online version would not come out right either. I certainly could be wrong.

    Let me rephrase the question and perhaps some Sega insider on these boards may be at liberty to answer.

    Will the online version of VF with respect to balance be the
    same code as the regular version?

    Or let me ask it this way.

    Will the frame counts, advantages, and disadvantages be the
    same on the online version as for the regular version?

    Or if we just don't have any information at all "Grasping for straws"

    For those VF players who play DOA online, Is the Online version balance the same or different as the non online version?

    Folks I'm just asking a question here? I'm not really making any
    statements to be disagreed with.

    Unless the question is totally unacceptable in which case

    I'll withdraw it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
  7. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    As for DoA4 on the 360:
    <ul>[*]Of course, the online version is based on the engine of the off-line version input-wise, etc. Does anyone really think they reprogram the whole input-, move-engine because of the online mode (btw, Team Ninja borrowed parts of the fighting system from Virtua Fighter with approval of AM-2 for their DoA series back then)?[*]What they did about latency is the following: Whenever syncing was difficult the game would slow down for every player. Thus, the player with the worst ping gets the same slow-down effect than the one with the better one which erased the advantages for people with better ping times.[/list]
    As for VF5 on the 360:
    <ul>[*]Unlike DoA4 where the game input doesn't really have to be 1/60 sec, VF5 (and VF4, and VF3) do demand a 1/60 = ~0,017sec game input, as you all know. Every time I hear they will go online it's making me dizzy because mathematically-wise it's a vicious calculation: [*]If you got a ping of 100ms = 0,1sec (which would be quite good for online gaming), then we got a serious problem there. This would be mean that you could deliver an input movement (for example "move forward" by pressing into one direction) only once every 0.1sec whereas the input of the game itself actually operates at a time frame of 0,017sec (1/60 sec) - that's quite a difference. Remember that 1 frame throw? Baaaad now :D.[*]I really wonder how they are gonna sync it out. Of course, there is always lag, everywhere, but especially online. Syncing it will be their major task, and, as I know AM-2 very well, they will manage to provide the best net code you can offer at this time with the current Internet capacity.[*]One advantage does VF5 have over DoA4's online mode though. As it will sponsor only versus play, syncing two players will be a lot easier than syncing 4 ones, as it was the case in DoA4. That is also the major reason why there won't be a 4-player-watch-and-who's-on-the-top-of-the-list-will-fight lobby - in order to keep the lag at a minimum[/list]

    ~Leonard McCoy
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Arigato, Arigato, Arigato,

    or perhaps,

    Shei, Shei, Shei, Shei,

    Finally a sensible answer to a honest question

  9. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    No problem :D.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Not to detract from Leonard_McCoy's reply, but he hasn't said anything that hasn't already been posted here in the countless other online-related threads.

    Even then, he didn't really answer your question regarding balance. But still, he deserves to be thanked for tolerating your patronising bullshit.

    <span style='font-size: 14pt'>If</span> any Sega insiders (as you like to call it) are reading this forum and are privy to the details of online play, I'm almost certain they're not just idling around waiting to be asked by you.

    Once again, chill out, and do everyone a favour and read up on some past discussions before you start another thread that's already been discussed to death.

    It's funny how you and your fictitous chicken-shit fight club have yet to meet or play anybody from this community, but you can't hide your fascination and amazement at all the possibilities that online play may provide.

    If I had such a group to play and train with, what with all its hierarchical bullshit, rankings, rules and whatever, the prospect of online play would barely produce a blip on my radar. But here you are, all hot and bothered about the online version. Just hilarious.

    Perhaps, it's your first chance to play against a real opponent?

    p.s. I hope you, and the best your group has to offer, come to Evo world!
  11. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Damn.... that's like rape from across another hemisphere. Too bad I already know where this is going from my extensive experience with online players. Oh wells, bring the players man.
  12. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Aww come on, maybe Masterpoo lives in Idaho, or South Dakota and cant find any comp. This 360 development will REALLY suck for people who live so far in the sticks that they cant get broadband cable,and hence can't get XBOX live. So ALL THEY can DO is speculate about VF Online.

    In Masterpoo's defense, look at the gameradar article that was published the week of the announcement. The Sega rep said (paraphased) "We are working on [VF5] to make it playable online". Now you can interpret that tto believe that they are simply optimizing the network code to make it play at 1/60 of a second accuracy(scoff. On the other hand you can read between the lines on that statement andderive that they are taking the Zen approach to the issue, and taking the path of least resistance and simply tweaking the FRAMES of ANIMATION for the moves to widen the active frames duration so its more playable online.

    IF that were true, where po's logic falls FLAT on its face is he implies that if the gameplay were tweaked for ONLINE VS. SEGA would be so assinine as to Make the OFFLINE mode also play with WIDENED ACTIVE frames for throws and attacks.

    If you think about it logically, thats the most LAUGHABLE fear ANYBODY could have about the NEW version. FIRST off all ,IT's all but confirmed VF5 360 is VERSION C, so that blows that theory right out of the water. And why would they NEED to make the game easier/slower in OFFLINE mode? Where's the neccessity?
  13. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    They wouldn't be able to do that anyway, If he means change the offline game to suit online; because to balance the game you need consistency.

    Like if Lion does X, he gets a guaranteed Y which is abuseable. But the whole point about online is that nothing can be relied upon.

    Think people are tying their head in knots trying to think of how they will be able to factor in ping time to a 60fps engine are looking at the problem from a very difficult perspective tbh.

    A game dev already made a post with an achievable solution, where the game time is tied to the latency; so even though the game is totally different in terms of fps; The core principles of low frame moves beat high frame moves are hopefully achievable to a degree.
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    You are cordially invited to spar with me and my fictious crew
    on July 29th at between 2:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m in Youngstown
    Ohio at Jillians.

    The flyer for the event can be seen at:


    Maddy has just told me that he, AKAI, Ninja intend to come.

    Myke, I'm disappointed. You don't even know me.
    You jump to wild ass conclusions. That probably reflects
    your style of game play.

    Since when do you decide what makes up the community. I play people from the community all the time, just not from your click.

    Wow dude if you show up on Sunday,

    I'll accept your apology in person.

    In either event you need to show some respect.

    If you look back through all of my posts I've never really said anything bad about anybody.

    I told you we have a different approach to the game:


    That's our choice. The VF Community should be big enough for lots of different approaches to the franchise.

    Maddy said he's coming, perhaps I'll get him to take a picture with our crew so you can see for yourself.

    You're right maybe we shouldn't waste time on this site, if you're representative of the best of this community.

    I told you we're real,

    Now some of this so called community Maddy, AKAI, etc, gonna get a chance to meet some of us and our fictious hiearchical bullshit

    If anything is hilarious its you.

    I never brag, I only said we're different, If anything I only made mention to how many losses I have.

    Yet you're shooting mouth off like you know me.

    Tell you what bring your stick to Youngstown Ohio Sunday 29th,
    Your meal will be on me.

    Then you can say what you've been saying to my face.

    July 29th, 2:00 is registration,
    Boardman Ohio (Suburb of Youngstown)

    Jillians in the Southern Park Mall
    I'd much rather see u talk shit in person, and since I've always said I'm one of the lowest ranked in our dojo, I'm certain
    that we would get the opportunity to face off.

    I'm sure you're not the punk ass bitch fool you come off to be.
    You're probably a really nice guy in person.

    So I won't hold your dumb ass punk bitch posts against you.

    I'll respect you as I respect everyone else in the VF community.

    Maybe you should start to respect yourself and show some respect
    for others.

  15. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Masterpo, your shtick is annoying. Whatever your intentions, you come across as a laughably pretentious, pompous buffoon. I don't care if your sensei instructs you in the way of goat or the the monkey or whatever. You live in Ohio and and you like to play videogames with your buddies. This does not make you a monk or a ninja or a samurai.

    My prediction is that Maddy will give you all spankings of enlightenment on the 29th.

    Best Wishes

  16. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Wow Myke your pushing buttons lol. Master po, buddhist should show patience and understanding of fellows VFers.
  17. caliagent3

    caliagent3 Member

    Online won't change the balance of game because the only thing that counts is offline play.
  18. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    exactly. i like that the fact VF will get more exposure by having online play for the 360. i wonder though, if the game doesnt play the way it does offline is it still considered a VF game.

    also if you lose when playing an online match is it really considered a loss if its a close match and lag caused you to lose the match? imo it will take away from wins when people start saying i wouldnt have lost if we played offline?

    i dont how sega will make VF5 play online. i do know however VF5 wont play as well as it does offline. all these so called VF purist will never admit to any online loses. thats what i think will happen with online play.

    they might be right though if a down to the wire match was decided by lag. the reason why VF is my favorite fighter is because of its deep gameplay. i personally want to play version c. this might be the only way you can experience it.

    also if any system is going to get a patch for VF5 its going to be the 360. think about it how often do PS3 games get a patch?
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Masterpo and the Loss of Cool Controversy

    That's odd. Does Maddy intend to just watch?

    Also, please expound on the phrase "honest question" by letting me know what a "dishonest question" is.
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Fuckin' classic. You should become a sensei and shit.

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