US Evo = VF4 Evo Greatest Hits

Discussion in 'Console' started by akiralove, Apr 23, 2003.

  1. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Umm, Super GT was garbage. It's only claim to fame was being the 1st Model 3 racer done by AM2. You got something like 3 or 4 cars and 4 tracks grand total which is pretty damn crappy. It's handling was *WORSE* than Daytona which was crud in the first place. If you like it, then cool for you. I thought it was a waste of a dollar to play.

    Spikeout was a mediocre beat'em up. It looked pretty good for it's time, but was nowhere near as fun as Streets of Rage or Double Dragon. Hell, Fighting Force was more fun if I remember right. It's only claim to fame I think was the network(?) play, but none of the arcades I ever saw had that done with more than 2 machines. I only saw the 2 machine set-up at Disney World. Once again, like what you want mate.
  2. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    no offense dude but, HOLY SHIT, please dont grow up to be a game reviewer some day. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  3. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Spikeout IS the 3D SoR2.
    Popular enough to warrant multiple upgrades and sequels (none of which quite reached the magic of the original), and still a good money-maker for all JP arcades it's at. The massive popularity in Japan combined with its practically non-existent western release made it a shoe-in for an XBox port. The combo system is killer, and the 4-player mode lets to take full advantage of what the engine can do (some really, really cool ways to team up) The only thing that could have possibly topped it would have been the unreleased DC SoR4...
  4. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, didn't see how it was associated with SOR. SOR had 3 versions on the Genesis and SOR4 was canned(Which you mentioned about DC). I considered Spikeout to be more of Dynamite Deka than anything else. We'll see how fun Spikeout X is I suppose. Mindless games are sometimes just good to have.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Does it take a lot of effort being that ignorant or does it come naturally to you?
  6. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

  7. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    This is kinda directed towards Fishie and Zero-chan:

    I don't know if you guys are replying to replicant's remark that SOR is not associated with Spikeout, but remember that the matter of one liking a game or not is subjective. You might think that because you like a game then that makes it successful. You might also like a game while it's performing/performed well in the arcades (like what you guys suggest of Spikeout's performance), but that doesn't mean everybody should like the game as much as you do.

    The reason I am saying this is that I also found Spikeout not as good as SOR at the time. I don't regard Fighting Force to be better, but for some reason I didn't enjoy Spikeout as much as I enjoyed SOR. And I played it at the arcade when I had much more play time than now, so I wasn't even selective of the games I would play (Like now where I only play the games I think of as the best). Sure it was fun, but like I said I found SOR to be more fun. Actually I always remembered SOR while I kinda forgot that Spikeout existed a while after its time (^_^;).

    By the way, anyone here liked Zombie Revenge? I only remember having a few sessions with it back then on the DC, and I remember it getting mixed reviews, but I am curious to see if you guys liked it.
  8. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Oh poor Fishie and Zero. Someone doesn't agree with them. How tragic. Move on, people have different tastes. No matter what your mom says, you aren't that special. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  9. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Pay them no attention Bu. Fishie is an assclown and Zero just dislikes me</shrug>. I think life will still go on just fine without my liking those games. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  10. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Sega 1, Speculation 0; Sega Wins!

    Sega's "official" E3 lineup

    I'm trying deperately to find a press release or something from Sega to confirm this information, but VE tends not to make this stuff up. Anyway, there ya go. Personally, I'm just as excited for Sonic Heroes, Billy Hatcher, Vectorman, Altered Beast, Otogi, and Virtual On Marz as I am for Evo. This may be Sega's best year in quite a while!
  11. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: Sega 1, Speculation 0; Sega Wins!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sega E3 Line-Up 9:43 AM - Andrew "Andy" Burnes - Games: General News - (13)
    Sega has announced what they're going to show over at E3 in May:

    Sonic Heroes (PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Xbox)
    Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (Nintendo GameCube)
    Worms 3D (PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Xbox, PC)
    Vectorman (PlayStation 2)
    Headhunter: Redemption (PlayStation 2)
    Otogi – Myth of Demons (Xbox)
    Sega GT Online (Xbox)
    Altered Beast (PlayStation 2)
    <font color="orange">Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (PlayStation 2)</font>
    Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution (Nintendo GameCube)
    Virtual On Marz (PlayStation 2)
    Dororo (working title) (PlayStation 2)
    Kunoichi (working title) (PlayStation 2)
    Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut (Nintendo GameCube)
    Sonic Pinball Party (Game Boy Advance)
    Sonic Battle (Game Boy Advance)
    NFL 2K4 (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
    NBA 2K4 (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
    NHL 2K4 (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
    NCAA College Basketball 2K4 (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
    And more unannounced titles...
    New Sonic game, new Phantasy Star Online title and much much more - be sure to check out the comments section of this news post for the full summary of each title.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If this is true, then this is great news!! Now if they could just fix that mem card thing....
  12. Klif

    Klif Member

    Re: Sega 1, Speculation 0; Sega Wins!

    I'm really out of the loop so I would like to ask - what's the memory card problem? I've seen a few posts mention it but nothing stating what the problem is.
  13. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Re: Sega 1, Speculation 0; Sega Wins!

    Evo went with a "global" memory block which basically means the game loads all memory card data once at the startup of the game and never reads it again - it only accesses to write from then on (the game I'm currently working on is debating on whether or not to go with a similar system because it is WAY faster). The minus to this comes into play when you have a gathering or something of the sort and you want everyone to be able to show of their snazzy outfits (a la arcade style, as well as PS2 VF4). Since the game doesn't check for memory card data after the initial load, there's no way for this to happen, which is a bummer.
  14. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: Sega 1, Speculation 0; Sega Wins!

    Also, there's a very detailed explanation here:

    It was a hot topic of discussion when most of us got our hands on the import copy.
  15. Klif

    Klif Member

    Re: Sega 1, Speculation 0; Sega Wins!

    Thanks for explaining it and pointing out the link. I don't know why I can never get decent search results.

    If this problem comes with the North American release, that would definitely suck. One of the biggest attractions for me, (other than the excellent gameplay), is the fact that VF is so customizable. I honestly can't see why they would change something that previously worked so well.
  16. Jimbo

    Jimbo New Member

    Re: Sega 1, Speculation 0; Sega Wins!

    Officially titled, announced this morning:
    "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Greatest Hits"

    The game is NOT a Greatest Hits in the cheaper $20 line of older PS2 games. It's just the title.
  17. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: Sega 1, Speculation 0; Sega Wins!

    Not that I'd trust IGN as far as . . . well, anything, but they're still reporting it as budget-priced.
  18. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Re: Sega 1, Speculation 0; Sega Wins!

    I believe its a play on words, if the cover sucks I'm swapping it out for the Japanese one. I wonder if they got all my emails about the save system.

    Now when Sega announces that <font color="yellow">Virtua Fighter Evolution Greatest Hits </font> is just the name all these people will start whining about how it was supposed to be a greatest hits package. What was wrong with VF4 Evo?

    So now we'll have VF 4, Evo Jpn, Evo Grt Hts threads all trying to figure out Akira's knee! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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