The movie of CHARIOT

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by kamen, Feb 3, 2003.

  1. DanniBoySmith

    DanniBoySmith Well-Known Member


    i'm still having a couple of problems with the movies. when i view the source for the film, either in opera or IE, i can only find ONE instance of WMV. and it doesn't at all appear like a filename extension (e.g this is what the lines appear like: ‚¿‚Ñ‘¾?i‚k‚h?j‚–‚“Š@?I?I’j?`?‰•Mһ?i‚v‚n?j.wmv ). i then went through the whole source page and still can't find anything resembling a filename. talk about frustrating!

    plus when i start IE (i predominantly use opera but whenever i click on the grey button on the rizm pages it causes my opera browser to shutdown), and click the grey button to DL it actually asks and starts DLing the files but stops midway through saying the connection with the server was reset! arrgh! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    anyway so what i find confusing is why i'm not getting more instances of WMV when i search for it in the source code (i've gone through the whole thing manually as well and still can't find it). /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif.

    any chance anyone's willing to paste the filename extensions (e.g) here so i can just cut and paste them for DLing?? (or any other help would be appreciated). /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member


    [ QUOTE ]
    DanniBoySmith said:

    i'm still having a couple of problems with the movies. when i view the source for the film, either in opera or IE, i can only find ONE instance of WMV. and it doesn't at all appear like a filename extension (e.g this is what the lines appear like: ‚¿‚Ñ‘¾?i‚k‚h?j‚–‚“Š@?I?I’j?`?‰•M“ª?i‚v‚n?j.wmv ). i then went through the whole source page and still can't find anything resembling a filename. talk about frustrating!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    danni, sup.

    You're in the right place! The source doesn't have the exact filename sitting by itself on a single line, you have to keep your eyes open for it.
    In this case the filename hidden in blahblahblah.wmv )------ is everything from the first character on the line to the "wmv"

    .... the &nbsp at the end must be cut off. So the actual filename is [fill in junk here].wmv ...

    you'd paste something like‚¿‚Ñ‘¾?i‚k‚h?j‚–‚“Š@?I?I’j?`?‰•M“ª?i‚v‚n?j.wmv

    Into flashget, being careful to make sure the XXXX shown above is the correct USRID number shown on the orange page (in the url).
    Also be sure that referrer says "" and that in the rename blank there's something windows likes (i.e. I renamed mine newbatch1.wmv ... a friend says he tried a filename like arashi_vs_goh.wmv and the download wouldn't start, not sure what's up with that)
  3. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Re: wtf?

    This Heruru guy is a pretty cool Lei Fei...something for me to aspire too.
  4. DanniBoySmith

    DanniBoySmith Well-Known Member


    AHH!! finally.......the damn thing is working......thanks a ton creed. couldn't have done it without u dude /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.

    hopefully that explanation will help the other computer illiterates as well :p.
  5. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member


    12 new clips are now up. The first 7 clips feature Arashi(Goh) against a Jacky and Akira player. The last 5 is Chibita against various Jackys.

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