Team <<Shao long pao>> {NYC VF} thread.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Sudden_Death, Dec 22, 2002.

  1. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: Boasting

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:

    I hear what you are saying Stino. I realize you are just explaining the thinking behind calling out a boaster.

    I personally think it is one thing to go around saying "I am the VF King! Behold the trail of defeated bitches in my wake!"

    It is another thing to say "I am better than most Americans."

    I would say that the first statement is cocky and obnoxious while the second means literally "There are more American VF players with less skill than me than there are American VF players with more VF skill than me."

    Maybe we should sticky some rules in Versus City.

    Rule #1:

    Do not under any circumstances attempt to assess your relative Virtua Fighter skill. Violaters of this rule are subject to sanctions in the form of passive-aggressive emoticons.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's just that people don't buy self claiming here knowing that in VF, you need some serious informative input&competition to keep improving.

    That said, even if you don't believe that your statement is cocky, until proven by playing against other proven players, it remains as a cocky statement because you automatically put half of the U.S. players under you in terms of skills even though you probably haven't even met&played 10% of the players IMO.

    I know that you didn't try to boast your skills by saying that, but the above explains why people showed their discomfort about your claim.
  2. tianyuan2k2

    tianyuan2k2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Boasting

    actually i dont think "i (think i) am better than most etc" ever a good line unless u want to encourage some competition. otherwise it only attract flames and give urself a lot of pressure no matter who u play against. dont even think that in ur head because it doesnt help u improve ur skill and gameplay at all. learn a lil from Yosuke, dissmaster. that guy has a strong vf gameplay attitude.
  3. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Boasting

    I have played enough people to know the level of VF in America to know about where I stand skill-wise.

    I am not going to name names or dates or anything else because that would entail exactly the kind of shit-talking that I don't think that people should engage in.

    I didn't write anything to demean the skills of any individual or group.

    If I saw a post in which someone claimed to be above average at VF, I would not bat and eye or blink. Maybe I am not as sensitive as some people.

    So I think I am above average at a video game. Does this make me an ego maniac? Jesus, someone with down syndrome would be above average at VF if they put the time into the game that I have.

    Just ask anybody who has played any number of matches against me. If anyone says I am below average I will retract my insensitive boast.

  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Boasting

    [ QUOTE ]
    Just ask anybody who has played any number of matches against me. If anyone says I am below average I will retract my insensitive boast.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, I'd played you and I think you're average @ best. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    Not to posted dates, ratio and names for that would put the flame on Meter far highter than it usually is for this thread. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    Lastly, considering that I'd rank myself last in all of VFNA take the judgement as you will. /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  5. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Re: Whoa

    I second this,, that is all most of really care about ,, playin the crap out of the game and hangin wit eachother - comparing eachothers food ...

    gots to visit ..

  6. tianyuan2k2

    tianyuan2k2 Well-Known Member

    Join the DARKNE... i mean YAAFI brotherhood!


    dont take the worst vf player rank away from me, smurfy! remember i am YAAFI number one and you are number two. And i am sure the YAAFI prototype will show dissmaster the DARKNESS once he comes then we will have one more brother. haha.
  7. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member



    When I wrote "any number" I meant like ten or more, not "any" number (like 2), smurf, but whatever.

    The guys on VFDC I have played with more are Shag, Stompoutloud, Hammerhead, Oioron, Throwmasta, Vith Dos, and I can't think of who else.

    This is the pettiest and most bizarre discussion I can remember taking part in.

    Why I did not just ignore Sal and his pithy emoticon...

    To that end, what say we make a wager Sal? I'll bet $20 I can get five wins against you before you can get five wins against me in Evo for PS2. It should be fun- an easy $20 for you, right? I would just hate to seem like a guy who makes outrageous boasts, but then won't back them up. Win or lose, it's not that much cash, so how bout it?
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Boasting

  9. tianyuan2k2

    tianyuan2k2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Boasting

    so dissmaster have met the YAAFI prototype...

    Sal, i bet 20 bucks u will win. i know u can do it! your long await "playing serious" chance finally come...
  10. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Boasting

    Wow money matches?!! mind if I take the place of Sal!! I glady do that deal Dissmaster
  11. tianyuan2k2

    tianyuan2k2 Well-Known Member

    Dissmaster vs Sal!!!

    man, this will boost the vf competition in NYC to another level...
  12. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Dissmaster vs Sal!!!

    my money is on monkey!
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: NY Visit

    I think people are probably giving you more pain than you deserve, but at the same time "I think I am better than most American players" is different than saying you are above average. You seem rather precise about language so you should be able to appreciate that "better than most" connotes to being significantly above average, not 51st percentile.

    Also...dude...150 wins with one character in one setting? I would've gone brain dead by the 50th win, but that's what separates champs from the pedestrians. Wow...153 matches...3/153 could have been construed as random error y'know. Or rounding error. I'm teasing, but what I'm saying is that you got beat really bad, and it's not a good time to say that you're actually "better than most American players" even if true.
  14. tianyuan2k2

    tianyuan2k2 Well-Known Member

    DissMaster vs Sal!!!

    fight! fight! fight! fight!

    Let their duel do the talking...
  15. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: DissMaster vs Sal!!!

    what the fuck is this lol

    all i said was "............................... /versus/images/graemlins/deadpan.gif"

    and now challenging me to a money match? LOL

    keep your $20 and the tittle /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I'll humbly say i suck. so you win! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    sgtRamrod, what happned dude, i have noticed ever since you changed your nick to dissmaster you seem more "hostile". we all played you before, we all know you (well sorta) why make it so AWKUARD for your next visit? everyone that knows me knows that i avoid akwuard moments like the plague, i feel i wont have fun playing.

    although it would be pretty fucked up if i beat you, coming from a guy that plays 90% fps games 10% VF /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    now a money match in quakeworld....hell yeah :p

    sorry dudes, im "pussing" out of this one LOL
    go ahead denkai hes all yours hahaha
  16. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Re: DissMaster vs Sal!!!

    All i like to say VF AND HAVE FUN! =D FUN GUYS FUN!
  17. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: DissMaster vs Sal!!!

    yes, kiss and make up

  18. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Re: DissMaster vs Sal!!!

    Been here done this, i have the t-shirt.

    What size do you wear diss?
  19. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member


    Sal, I should have have just ignored your post. Not because it wasn't a little snotty, but because i have had to defend myself and it is and has been tedious. You are right that my posts have been kind of shitty and pointlessly mean recently. I want to remedy this. However, I would say that I have not been hostile in this thread, especially considering that some of these posts could have annoyed someone greatly. I saw you play, and played against you just a few times and feel I can safely say that you yourself are better than most American players. I don't feel I have to play everyone else in the nation to say that.

    Ice-9, being someone who is precise with language, I can say that precision is not really a consideration when thinking of connotation because connotation is subjective. When you look at the definition of the word "most" you will see that what I said meant basically the same thing as if I had said that I was better than average at VF for an American. Furthermore I did not even define "American VF Player." Literally, that might mean any American who plays or has played VF. How many of copies of VF4 were sold in the U.S? I assume that they got got played to some extent. Am I better than half the people that bought VF4? Considering that I played VF3 in Taiwan nearly every day for one year and have played the shit out VF4 and Evo; I would basically have to have a degenerative nervous disorder to not be better at VF than most Americans at this point.

    To save myself a headache in the future, I will avoid writing anything relating to my skill or the skill of others, lest I bruise anyone's tender psyche.

    I guess I never realized what sensitive little hearts some people have here. Where I come from, people talk trash when playing video games.

    If you dunked on someone in NBA Jam it would not be uncommon to say, "You like that, Bitch? There's more where that came from." I have seen on several occasions, a Mario Kart player take a victory bong hit and then blow the smoke in his opponents' faces in a taunting fashion. I have heard Goldeneye players liken their victories to sodomy. And I don't mean nice sodomy; I mean the non-consensual, unfriendly kind. Oh, the things I've seen, my little VF buddies... things that would probably make you burst into tears if you even saw them on a videotape...

    And I wasn't even trying to talk trash. My boast (which was meant only to say that Yosuke destroyed me and I am good for am American) was really wimpy as a boast. Muhammed Ali called himself "The Greatest of All Time." He didn't even say the greatest boxer, just the fucking greatest period. That, my friends, is a boast.

    To the guys in NYC, I realize that most of you have not been adding to the nattering chorus here. All of you guys I've met have been cool and it's been fun playing with you in NYC and in Scranton.

    Denkai, I don't remember who you are or if we've met, but sure, why not? Twenty bucks is nothing, so let's do it. Evo PS2, match point to 3, first to 5 wins. No hard feelings if I lose. If I win I'll donate the money to Barack Obama or Katrina relief or something.

    And if I can I'd like to avoid talking about this shit anymore. I know that on message boards beating a dead horse is considered fun but please, spare me any more of this death by a thousand papercuts. I think I would prefer one of those Q-Tip-in-the-peehole-tests at the doctor's office over another post on this subject.
  20. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: NY Visit


    my handle name is YOSUKE. please to meet you /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I tried to send you a message about a secret talking /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif, but I couldn't /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif I don't want to be seen this message, so I gave up. I might try to send a massage to another person.

    some people
    do I need to answer these sentences?

    one thing I would like to tell you is ...I already told and wrote a message to a man that playing team and strong is &#8800;.
    I think I might have won more than like 180 to 190? I don't mind anyway.

    I think Ice's sentences are the most calmness.

    oh!! and I am really interested in money

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