Team <<Shao long pao>> {NYC VF} thread.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Sudden_Death, Dec 22, 2002.

  1. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    so where is FT located? Acherons cafe?
  2. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

  3. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    I made the horrible mistake of getting horribly drunk yesterday I just woke up like 15 minutes ago at 5. How horrible I am. Sorry for not returning calls. I guess it was just not meant to be. I am going to try to make it up to the FT machine today *sigh*
  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    LAMO /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    You're are so getting a BeatDown in FT when you show up & you have to buy dinner too. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    REAL_JEFF_FREE Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    Yo Vith,
    You owe me 16 games of FT for the wasted train/busfare.
  6. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    *kowtows to Vulcan*

    Vulcan you name the day and I will be there to play many matches of FT (on me/versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif) and buy you dinner! I am truly sorry for missing you and my greatest apologies are extended. I wish you would have called I would have been down there in a flash.

    On the flip side. Sgt Ramrod and Shag showed up and we played many many matches at the cafe with my friends. All in all I learned a lot and had plenty of fun today. Shag even played some TTT with my other friend.

    All in all today was definitely not a waste, though it got off to a bad start. My true stick training begins today and I'm gonna show you the true power in FT!
  7. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    Damn, my heart goes out to you Vulcan. You told me yesterday that you weren't going to show. If Ramrod didnt have Vith's number, I would have been screwed too.

    Thanks for having me Vith, had a great time. My only complaint was that my stick died out after an hour of playing. Damn Pelicans!!! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    REAL_JEFF_FREE Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    Hey Vith , I'm joking, its not a big deal.
    Shag I really wasn't going when we last spoke, but I think you inspired me . It was just a spur of the moment thing.
    Hey Vith , I'm joking, its not a big deal. You're spot is really
    easy to get to and I just wanted to show support for expanding the local pool of players. At the same time
    I thought the non NYC players might feel inspired to
    come to the city to play Final Tuned.
    I feel lucky to be able to play as many people and styles as I have.
    New faces are always welcome.

  9. ELiusive

    ELiusive Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    [ QUOTE ]
    vulcan said:

    Hey Vith , I'm joking, its not a big deal.
    Shag I really wasn't going when we last spoke, but I think you inspired me . It was just a spur of the moment thing.
    Hey Vith , I'm joking, its not a big deal. You're spot is really
    easy to get to and I just wanted to show support for expanding the local pool of players. At the same time
    I thought the non NYC players might feel inspired to
    come to the city to play Final Tuned.
    I feel lucky to be able to play as many people and styles as I have.
    New faces are always welcome.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    What a gentleman, especially for a guy who can tear you to pieces without breaking a sweat. vulcan says he's kidding, but I think you'll want to hook him up anyways, just in case.

    Beware the 25-foot ass pounce. It's deadly.
  10. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    It was good to get to hang out with you guys. I got home at like 6 in the morning.

    It's too bad about your stick Shagster. I fear my Horis are on their last legs. I got to get that soldering shit and some sanwa parts and slap em in there.

    It was good to meet you Vith. I hope you don't have any bad dreams about Pai hitting you with[P][P][P][2][P]+[K]+[G] Tee hee. Props for being able to play Akira well and hitting me some SPoDs on a DualShock!
  11. ELiusive

    ELiusive Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    FT Update - 1P coin slot busted, Shag blew about $2, vulcan blew $0.50 I think. I left a note on the machine.

    Don't let it happen to you. Only you can prevent wasted games.
  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    Anyone know someone who know someone that can lift this Curse from the VF machine? /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
  13. tianyuan2k2

    tianyuan2k2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    There is a tiny button underneath the machine and slam that button several times you will get quarters back... It happened to me a million times and I used this method to get my quarters back... Dont slam the coin slot on top!!! It will effect the card receptor, I think...
  14. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Re: Acheron's Cafe

    It looks like I won't be able to play for awhile. I just really need to concentrate on school right now.
  15. BlissBless

    BlissBless Member

    A Question!!

    I am moving to NYC next year around summer, and I was just wondering how the stick and the buttons of the VF machines in NYC looked like...

    are they like those used in Japan, or are they different?

    The ones I'm familiar with is a stick that looks like a lollipop, and the buttons arranged like a curve so that you can guard with your thumb..

    and are the shapes of the bases of the sticks shaped like a square so you can input diagonal directions easier..?
  16. BlissBless

    BlissBless Member

    ohh.. dont worry.. heard the answer from cruz in mirc..

    REAL_JEFF_FREE Well-Known Member

    Re: Gametime Nation

    Now the 2p coin slot is stealing quarters.
    The 1p side is working fine.
  18. ELiusive

    ELiusive Well-Known Member

    Re: Gametime Nation

    Damn, vulcan been jacked a few times now. We should have a problem identification fund. Get $1 from the machine for every time you post (accurately) the machine is eating quarters or something.

    REAL_JEFF_FREE Well-Known Member

    Re: Gametime Nation

    Should we start a new thread for NYC Final Tuned ,since this is a new game and a new non-Chinatown, no quarters location?
    I was at GN earlier for a couple hours. Sudden Death
    showed up and took down my first place clear time.It was cool while it lasted.

    Hey Adam I have your card.
  20. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Gametime Nation

    I vote No to the new thread idea. We need to Hold that shit.

    Besides this thread has a lot of history. If the title thread was called VF Evo I could understand but it says NYC that's all I need to care about.

    We not only have Quantity we have Quality. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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