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Sweet Potato Pai Anyone?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Cappo, Mar 26, 2002.

  1. blurp

    blurp Member

    does pai really lack depth? anyone here use her stances or are they useless? also for some reason people tell me that she is weak, is that true?
  2. Nemesis02

    Nemesis02 Well-Known Member

    Nah, she was plenty of depth with a lot of unique moves that some of the other characters don't have. I use her stances to some extent. i rarely use b,k,d mostly the stance i use is b, p+k+g... but for the most part they aren;t the best stances in the game. And yes she is one of the weaker characters, but her moves are lightning fast which make all her weak hits add up very very quickly.
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    No, she does not lack depth. I don't find her b+P+K+G to be all that useful against better players, but her b+K has been made a middle attack in Version C and her Bokutai moves are quite good.

    She could be considered a little weak in Version B, but I think that is certainly no longer the case in Version C.
  4. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    Woohoo!! Made 4th Dan today! =)
    My pai is certainly getting stronger!
    A very very nice thing a found out, it does amazing damage!!
    Do uf+k, if that connects on a counter or even regular, go for pai's command throw where she spins u around then throws...i dunno the name, but its like 8,9,6,3,2,1,4+P+G, does amazing damage! Also ive been trying an extra punch in with, db+p, like db+p then P PPKK, it looks cool, and just a little more damage i think. Also now when i start i go for the b+p on a counter then i'd follow up with D+k,k /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    My pai is getting there!!
  5. Nemesis02

    Nemesis02 Well-Known Member

    Mine Pai is only 3rd dan -_-..... I'm workin' on her tho... I just can not find any opponents my rank!
  6. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Cappo, if you get b+p on MC at least go for ff+pk. I think it puts you in a really nice position to attack the TRer as well. Avoid using kick, sweep at all times /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  7. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    IMF, sup
    Hows ur Akira doing? I just ordered Tekken 4 and a Mod Chip...hopefully everything will work out =)
    What Rank is ur pai btw?
  8. furyhawk

    furyhawk Active Member

    0 Dan, even after on a 9 winning streak.... Still no ranking battle. I still dun get it. I sure that if i accumulate 5 win point, i get a ranking battle...

    73 wins and 32 lost

    Mine Pai keep losing to those Higher Dan Jacky /versus/images/icons/frown.gif. They side step/counter most of the attacks I made. Jacky attack beat mine attack at close range... He poke high and low. I just sux at defending.... Any good tricks against Jacky? And i hate Wolf too..

  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Training mode.
    it'll teach u the basics...which I believe is what u're sorely lacking right now.
  10. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    I hit 5th dan with Pai, im happy!

    After a knockdown on your opponent, if u see them trying to get up quick and your not near them go for F+G+K, or FF+G+K, if they block that do a sidestep quicky because there prolly gonna attack u back, but if it connects go for K,P,K
    Thats a good little strat if u wanna make a higher ranking, IMO
  11. furyhawk

    furyhawk Active Member

    Anyway, mine opening.

    k,k. They hit 90% in the opening. Followed by pouce. f+G+K. Then PPP2K if Hit.
  12. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    Why dont u go for a df+k, at start followed by a db+p, then go for a nice pppkk juggle =)
    Do you start with k,k all the time? Try start with one k, then if that hits go for k,p,k
  13. BakuBaku

    BakuBaku Well-Known Member

    Yeh K is a great floater for dumb people who dont block it /versus/images/icons/smile.gif its a tough move though. For people who have blocking problems I usually do K juggles from her cartwheel tsukame. Usually P~P,P,K,K or just that K,P,K. I say never do the 66G+P that stuff just gets you slapped or its usually blocked. Do it on scrubs or you are winning and you can afford to fool around /versus/images/icons/smile.gif And hawk if you are talking about KK in the start of the round I usually do an 9KK. Or for people who like to rush out. I go right into sway stance in the begin, they whiff and you can just do any SS move ya want.
  14. 22222

    22222 Active Member

    hey thats cool ! i didnt know that aft db+p u can do another p . usually i onli do db+p then ppkk cause the distance seems far ....coolz.....but any1 still noe when to use pai's u or d+p+k ?? btw thats the 270 throw of pai that ur tokking abt .
    usally i do a cartwheell...plp who try to attack first are countered ..
    then kkk . does decent damage .
  15. 22222

    22222 Active Member

    u mean aft cartwheel u do p , pp kk ?? hmm..u sure u have enough time for that?? the animation aft her cartwheel seems pretty quick ...
  16. BakuBaku

    BakuBaku Well-Known Member

    I dont know what i was talking about when I typed that but im only 9KK, KPK. With the trip I started a thread on it Search for Pai - u+kp I think. There is more info about it there.
  17. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    I reached 6th dan a little while ago!
    I ran into this hero pai=3. something...lol
    i went on a 23 winning streak. I wanna try my strats on humans, cause the cpu seems dumb sometimes :meh: They try to attack you when ur not even near them! Try taking a couple steps back, wait for the computer to try doing a silly move, then punish them.
    9KK, KPK. I dont think ive tried that before, but i will next time i play.
  18. BakuBaku

    BakuBaku Well-Known Member

    9KK is guaranteed everytime.
  19. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    I hit 7th dan...i havent seen any Emperors or anything, highest i think ive seen was a Subjugator Pai :meh:
    So ice-9 u really think Pai's stance, are effective against good players? Maybe... would u mind explaining to me?
  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Shrug, what's there to explain? Try the moves out yourself and it should be obvious.

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