Sunday Night R.A.W. -- Weekly Online Exhibitions

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Oct 5, 2013.

By BLACKSTAR on Oct 5, 2013 at 3:46 PM

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Welcome to "Sunday Night R.A.W."! - Online exhibition matches - FT'5's, FT7's and all the way up to FT10's (if approved). They will occur on Sundays, from 7pm-until (EST), and will be streamed by me (@BLACKSTAR) at​


    Next: Sunday Night R.A.W. #51
    The LAST R.A.W. of Season #1!
    Sunday, April 12th, 2015 @ 6:30PM EST.


    -Main Event (10pm EST): YYY | @BBountyHuntyr (Aoi) vs. @_Denkai_ (Jacky?) -- We're going out with BANG for the last Main Event of the Season! US' Best Aoi vs. Best Jacky!

    -@Kamais_Ookin (???) vs @SNAKE BOSS (Lau), FT7, 9:15pm EST
    -@oneida (Lau) vs. @Shidosha (Taka?), FT7, 8:30pm EST
    -@Swordfish2 (Wolf) vs @VFhayato (Goh), FT7, 7:45pm EST
    -@Sindanez (Lei-Fei) vs @AngryFlyingChop (Goh), FT7, 7pm EST
    -@DigitlSamurai (Jacky) vs. @VFhayato (Goh), FT5, 6:30pm EST

    Be sure to list your character when you sign up!

    All R.A.W. matches are now STANDARD FT7, unless FT5/F10 is asked for, discussed, and agreed upon!

    -Wanna make your own exhibition for this week's R.A.W.?
    Make your voice known in the comments!!


    Are you interested in playing a long set on stream with commentary? ANYONE is invited, skill level is NOT a factor, and new players are encouraged to join in!

    Make a post and let us know you want to join!

    We want more people to commentate! ANYONE is invited to commentate, whether you are a vet or a new player, or if you wanna commentate or just laugh and joke with the players! During or before the sets begin, use Skype and send a message or friend request to 'blackstar2478' to join in on the call! Limited space in the XBL room will also be made available for those who want to use XBL Chat!

    How it works is like this:

    Reply on this thread with your gamertag, the date you (and your opponent, if applicable) are available, location you play from, and what you would like to do, and you will be placed on a list of 'interested players' on the opening post (this post).

    For example:
    or like this
    NOTE: If you have an opponent in mind, make sure that THEY REPLY IN THE THREAD TOO, OR THE REQUEST WON'T COUNT.

    Also, NOTE: FT10's take FOREVER, so only especially hype matches get to do those.

    So, in other words, if you want an interview, just ask and I'll do it. If you're a spectator, and IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE SOMEONE GET INTERVIEWED, just ask me as well, and i'll try and arrange one with them if they want.

    If there is a disconnection (DC) during a RAW set, neither player will win the match where the DC occurs (unless BLACKSTAR or designated person says otherwise).

    Instead, both players will play the next match by first allowing each player to willingly give up the same number of rounds they had lost in the previous DC'd match, before playing out the rest of the match.

    3 UNINTENTIONAL DC's are allowed in a RAW set. Any further DC's will result in the immediate end of the RAW set and a DRAW(can be overruled, if both participating players express that they wish to continue).

    ANY 1 DC DEEMED INTENTIONAL by BLACKSTAR or designated person will result in the IMMEDIATE disqualification and loss of the entire RAW set for the offending player. A subsequent BAN from participation in future RAW events may also occur.

    Sure, why not. Just see if your opponent is cool with it, and both of you guys let me know that that is what you want to do.

    Short answer: NO.

    Long answer: Unless you have a good reason where its ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to do RAW on a Sunday, then NO. Even if you do, note that we will work with you, but nothing will be guaranteed. I have my own life to live, after all. That being said, if you want to have a RAW match, but can't do Sundays, let us know here on the RAW thread, and we will work with you.



    Upcoming Matches and Interested players:


    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Oct 5, 2013.

    1. Jacko
      So why are people still losing to him? If the information is out there, Jeffry should not be winning. Period. He is that bad, yes, but I have yet to play anyone that has effectively shut him down to the point where I'd say "Alright, I'm not playing this character any more". Plus, any competitor who mains a character is not gonna say "Hey this is how you beat my character". You either figure it out yourself, get the info from other source, or they keep winning.

      If Kuroda can mess players with freaking Q, then it's possible to mess people up with Jeffry in FS.

      That's the problem with some players or the majority of the FGC in general. Too much "preaching" and not enough "practicing". Then you have people say ignorant stuff like "This character sucks because of X,Y,Z" when that character is actually a TOP TIER character. I'll never forget someone said to me Vanilla SF4 Akuma sucks because he has "Low Health" and I literally just walked away. I didn't even want to engage in that conversation.
      Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
      IcKY99 and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
    2. HomebredTripod
      I'm just bad though :(. Hope your not expecting anything from people like me.
    3. Jacko
      You'll improve if you really care to. Don't condescend yourself too much or you start 2nd guessing yourself and your decisions in the game and will lose more. The info is out there and people will help you, just don't rely on data TOO much and remember to practice.
    4. Lucky_GT
      Unless you are me! I give out info on dealing with Jean constantly...

      Heck, I spoke with Flash about some things that can give Jean trouble in the shoutbox yesterday!
      Jacko and HomebredTripod like this.
    5. Jacko
      Lol well, knowing you you're probably getting tired of blowing people up with Jean. I never get tired of blowing people up with Jeffry because he sucks that bad LOL.

      But more seriously, you are that helpful guy. It's crazy that one of the few North American FS players who knows the game in-depth tries to offer legit advice, and people STILL don't want to listen.
    6. HomebredTripod
      He said he doesn't know Eileen outside Eileen vs Eileen can't get much with that. I finding out new stuff though so im good.
    7. Lucky_GT
      The entire cast operates under the same set of rules with their toolset. Any advice I give about Jean will probably apply to Eileen as well.

      Anyways, you would probably be better served watching and understanding / taking notes on this rather than asking me anything specific about Eileen.

      I can watch this set that is Eileen vs. Taka and understand how to better play Jean.
      Tricky and Jacko like this.
      I tell people all the time how to beat Sarah. :/ If people are good in VF, they should be able to beat their opponents even if they do know your character's weaknesses. The "STSFN" movement is long-dead, man.

      But from how i understand Jeff works, people shouldn't lose to most Jeffrys as often as we do. That includes myself. However we prove otherwise time and time again. Why? Because most westerners still have bad fundamentals, including me. I've been saying that for awhile, lol
      Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
      I already preached to you a hundred times "less talk, play more vf". Sad face emojis won't help you improve, man
    10. JacobEvo
      If i recall wasn't jeffry (magnum) the third star player in japan in the 2011-2012 season? I saw that jeff whoop all kinds of so called top tier/top japan players asses. I mean he had to have beaten many players just to get the chance to fight and beat the 2 star players that he had to fight in order to be a star player himself in the first place. That means to me that jeffry indeed does have what it takes (especially for him to be that high in the star player list anyway).
      Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
      SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
    11. Jacko
      If you tell people, then that's cool. It's not an obligation. I'm more skeptical about sharing shit with people in this day and age because I feel like I'd be wasting my time or they are not really in it for love of the game. Takes awhile for me to be like: "Look, this is how you avoid this or punish this."

      Sometimes I don't even know the best or most accurate punishes vs my character using another. Hence, why I say people need to play more and experiment during matches, instead of being try-hards and trying to get that desperate W.

      As for STSFN movement, yeah post-SF4 it's been dead, but at the same time like I said before, it's not an obligation. Chris G kept his MorriDoom a well kept secret and I have yet to ever hear him tell people how to beat his little Ikaruga style set-up. People had to figure it out on their own.
      Tbh, from what I know, no, he didn't make a video or anything to show how to beat Morridoom. He did give the Next Level guys some tips though, sometime during his 30+ week 1st place Mahvel win-streak ay next level arcade IIRC, and some of the tech spread to the rest of the world via Sp00ky....kinda.

      But still, it's more of Chris G skill plus Morridoom really being THAT OP
      Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
    13. Harpooneer
      Jeff wins in Japan using the basic moves that all characters have. Just fast mid, 2p and grab. Just think of all the tools and strings every character has. Jeff is totally without any of those unless you want to get evaded and punished for anything you do. That scary toe kick? That shit is launch punishable on evade even if Jeff is +8 when he does it. Same situation is pk punish for 3p+k. I think Jeff's ch stuff is great, but if you can't make reads or condition your opponent, you are taking a huge risk with any Jeff-specific attacks
      Edit: also magnum is insane.
      And to clarify: I still think Jeff is a contender, but he is limited to universal moves so you could probably do the same with any char.
      Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
      SDS_Overfiend1 and BlackGeneral like this.
    14. HomebredTripod
      Oh This is this year most of the stuff I get sent sometimes is from last year let's see here.
    15. JacobEvo
      I know he does win, that's the point i am trying to get across. GT and others up here saying that jeffey should never win, and that it could be a cake off. That you can EDC him out of anything and its nearly nothing jeffey can do. GT says that jeff does the least damage in the game on correct guesses and has the worst options? I really beg to differ on that. I mean if you disrespect jeffey at 5-, you eat 111 damage. That's two guesses and its a wrap. That is even worse then GOH 6K counter hit combos. He might be very ricky/the most ricky in certain situations, but if the yomi is right and reaction is fast enough then he destroys people faster then nearly any character in the game. It literally take two to three nice guesses to win a round with jeff. You are right about the making reads and conditioning part when it comes to jeff. I know that he does not have a real fast half circle move in either direction, but if you put them at -7 -8 then they are not EDCing his 16/17 frame half circle options. Which can do 80 plus alot more damage. And his 2K,P string. Yea you can evade, but that shit is hella delayable and it hella tracks when you delay it in both directons. And if they get hit by the P part too much then they will block, which means you can cancel out of the string and go into something else all together. Risky hell yes when finishing the P pat of 2K,P. But too say that its guaranteed evade punishment after 2K, not so much.
      Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
      SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
    16. Sudden_Death
    17. Harpooneer
      I agree with a lot ofthat. I think it highlights the real issue for him and shows his strengths. He has good damage on hard reads, and pretty good Oki and whiff punish. The other case is that he needs the guess in situations when other chars can cover multiple options with one move. This just shows he is a very straightforward char. I feel like if I had stuck to someone else all this time I might win more but I wouldn't have actually improved much. His risk and reward is extreme but that is pretty central to Vf as a game.
    18. Jacko
      Denkai? More like Dencry...
      IcKY99 and Chief_Flash like this.
    19. Tricky
      Just another char that supposed to "suck". Cats just need to Ring her out.

      I'm going to rewatch that taka vs eileen set. Maichi was soo good in it.
      Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
    20. hseiken1
      If Jeffry and Eileen had a child together, it would be named DAN.

      Kamais_Ookin and Cozby like this.

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