Sunday Night R.A.W. -- Weekly Online Exhibitions

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Oct 5, 2013.

By BLACKSTAR on Oct 5, 2013 at 3:46 PM

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Welcome to "Sunday Night R.A.W."! - Online exhibition matches - FT'5's, FT7's and all the way up to FT10's (if approved). They will occur on Sundays, from 7pm-until (EST), and will be streamed by me (@BLACKSTAR) at​


    Next: Sunday Night R.A.W. #51
    The LAST R.A.W. of Season #1!
    Sunday, April 12th, 2015 @ 6:30PM EST.


    -Main Event (10pm EST): YYY | @BBountyHuntyr (Aoi) vs. @_Denkai_ (Jacky?) -- We're going out with BANG for the last Main Event of the Season! US' Best Aoi vs. Best Jacky!

    -@Kamais_Ookin (???) vs @SNAKE BOSS (Lau), FT7, 9:15pm EST
    -@oneida (Lau) vs. @Shidosha (Taka?), FT7, 8:30pm EST
    -@Swordfish2 (Wolf) vs @VFhayato (Goh), FT7, 7:45pm EST
    -@Sindanez (Lei-Fei) vs @AngryFlyingChop (Goh), FT7, 7pm EST
    -@DigitlSamurai (Jacky) vs. @VFhayato (Goh), FT5, 6:30pm EST

    Be sure to list your character when you sign up!

    All R.A.W. matches are now STANDARD FT7, unless FT5/F10 is asked for, discussed, and agreed upon!

    -Wanna make your own exhibition for this week's R.A.W.?
    Make your voice known in the comments!!


    Are you interested in playing a long set on stream with commentary? ANYONE is invited, skill level is NOT a factor, and new players are encouraged to join in!

    Make a post and let us know you want to join!

    We want more people to commentate! ANYONE is invited to commentate, whether you are a vet or a new player, or if you wanna commentate or just laugh and joke with the players! During or before the sets begin, use Skype and send a message or friend request to 'blackstar2478' to join in on the call! Limited space in the XBL room will also be made available for those who want to use XBL Chat!

    How it works is like this:

    Reply on this thread with your gamertag, the date you (and your opponent, if applicable) are available, location you play from, and what you would like to do, and you will be placed on a list of 'interested players' on the opening post (this post).

    For example:
    or like this
    NOTE: If you have an opponent in mind, make sure that THEY REPLY IN THE THREAD TOO, OR THE REQUEST WON'T COUNT.

    Also, NOTE: FT10's take FOREVER, so only especially hype matches get to do those.

    So, in other words, if you want an interview, just ask and I'll do it. If you're a spectator, and IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE SOMEONE GET INTERVIEWED, just ask me as well, and i'll try and arrange one with them if they want.

    If there is a disconnection (DC) during a RAW set, neither player will win the match where the DC occurs (unless BLACKSTAR or designated person says otherwise).

    Instead, both players will play the next match by first allowing each player to willingly give up the same number of rounds they had lost in the previous DC'd match, before playing out the rest of the match.

    3 UNINTENTIONAL DC's are allowed in a RAW set. Any further DC's will result in the immediate end of the RAW set and a DRAW(can be overruled, if both participating players express that they wish to continue).

    ANY 1 DC DEEMED INTENTIONAL by BLACKSTAR or designated person will result in the IMMEDIATE disqualification and loss of the entire RAW set for the offending player. A subsequent BAN from participation in future RAW events may also occur.

    Sure, why not. Just see if your opponent is cool with it, and both of you guys let me know that that is what you want to do.

    Short answer: NO.

    Long answer: Unless you have a good reason where its ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to do RAW on a Sunday, then NO. Even if you do, note that we will work with you, but nothing will be guaranteed. I have my own life to live, after all. That being said, if you want to have a RAW match, but can't do Sundays, let us know here on the RAW thread, and we will work with you.



    Upcoming Matches and Interested players:


    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Oct 5, 2013.

    1. HomebredTripod
      Tricky bucks for whoever wins against tricky. This is lifeless btw. Plus i have learned a lot just by watching what tricky does but at the same time i want to know some stuff about lion to cause he seems sort of like eileen.
      Last edited: Nov 4, 2013
    2. Shag
      I guess the secret is out. :ninja:

      I'll do an interview with Blackstar within a few days. :cool:
    3. Unicorn
      Dirty pig once challenged majestic eagle for the flying race. Eagle laugh out loud about such stupid proposal and fly away.
      The pig get crazy. It start running around, claim himself a winner and keep screaming about eagle being scared to race versus him.
      That unfortunate soul never realized his pads will never leave the ground, no matter what he will claim. Because without wings, you cant fly. You can only fall.
      You are the pig, ShitBoss. In case you did not realize.
      No you mean you are the pig and I am the eagle, u unicornshit.
      You know what lets go and do this match because I dont care anymore, you want this that bad peeps then lets do it. Sorry exzety because I tried to save you from this match because I believe no such stipulation should be put up for any match. If either one of us is going to be banned for not even doing anything wrong then that will only make them look like asses. Also we will be the only ones to have big enough balls to do this type of match. I have nothing against you exzety even though you can be enoying sometimes lol, we play each other in rank many times and you are going to be a good challenge because I know you can beat mostly everyone on this site consistently as I can too, no disrespect to anyone but I dont want an easy match so this should be a good challenge for the both of us. If I am going to be banned then its a win win situation for me because it will show how hateful and rotten these people are for banning someone who has not done anything wrong and I would not want to be around those kind of people as you wouldn't either exzety. So let them hate on them selfs. If one of us goes out then we will go out like men. I am going for the win so either way lets do this because like I said before I dont back down from a challenge yeaaaaaaaa.
    6. Libertine
      Oh please, don't act innocent. Are you really going to say that you've never been trolling people on this site? You do just enough to annoy people without getting yourself banned. I'd like to point out two things for you:

      1) It was my idea for ExzetyXat1 to fight you to get you banned, because he's responsible for having shown you this site in the first place. He agreed to the match because he knew that you'd be banned if he won.

      2) You have never beaten ExzetyXat1 once in a FT10. Therefore, instead of making falsely innocent posts, how about you practice?
      I only trolled the trolls and did not start anything against anyone unless they started it first and I was just defending me self. We only had 1 ft1 last year and I have improved since then as u have seen first hand and I have beaten exzety many times in rank since then as well so keep talking because it means nothing to me. Also you should be thankful that someone actually picked you to win in your ft10 and that someone was me. So go back to hiding like you did this past saturday by saying you will show up but did not as usual.
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    8. Libertine
      Well actually, I contacted someone about that beforehand. I just don't share my business with everyone on the forum as you do. When you're banned there will be a lot less spam around here.
      Say that to your self.
    10. YOMI
      I'll agree with SNAKE BOSS on that this whole thing has been ridiculous and reflects pretty poorly on this site and it's community, but then again who cares, right?
    11. Ellis
      Everyone is so skilled with all the in depth VF tech, why not also learn the ignore One?, Threads get derailed and mood goes down in general.

      If anything mods should force ignore between some people,
      Since they can probably both be smarter people without eachoters constant attention.
      erdraug and shadowmaster like this.
    12. ShinyBrentford
      Ladies, Ladies this is RAW. Drama is ok and welcome on this thread. Bad blood make matches interesting. Why did players get hype over Tricky vs. Tony? Cause of the prefight smack talk. I can guarantee that the Ur Banned match will get the most view out of all the matches that have been up.

      Like they say "Assassin is spelled with two asses and one sin".

      BTW how does this match reflect poorly on the community. Both players agreed to it. They signed the waiver. Who is going to go "I don't like that VFDC. They have matches that put stuff on the line. Their savages." LOL. Enjoy the blood son. This is RAW two men enter one man leave.

      @YOMI if you can name one time snakeboss has contributed to this site I will call off the match. Name one fucking post where you went "huh that guy might be on to something"

      At the end of this Saturday Exzety will cutting out the cancer that has been plaguing this site. Is getting rid of snakeboss really going to hurt the community.
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    13. Ellis
      The thing is the issue is not solely about snakeboss and dubious online practices,

      it is about a tiresome bullyfest that trancends the original issue
      and inflamming the same old topic on purpouse time and time again.

      Not that my views will change anything, i just think this has been going on for too long now,

      There is a difference between "hype" and this.
      A fight is a fight.

      Oh well.
    14. Libertine
      He won't be around much longer, so don't worry about it.
    15. Tricky
      At this point it's not bullying. He's repeatedly ignored (in the past) people's statements about issues they have with his behavior. Has said he'll change and doesn't, and now we're the bad guys for wanting him to leave?

      This right here, is the natural end point when a community is tired of playing with someone who trolls a little too much. RAW is like the white blood cell taking out the Cold in our system that is the troll that got a little to big for his own good.
    16. ShinyBrentford
      Couldn't have said it better myself
      Tricky likes this.
    17. HomebredTripod
      It's gotten bad even Tricky joined in. Tricky probably drunk a lot though.
    18. Tricky
      I don't drink son :) perpetual DD. I'm just tired of hearing peeps complain about him. I have him on ignore cuz I would be fired tup to respond to him otherwise. He does say good stuff sometimes, others his troll bait is too strong for me to resist. I can see why he has problems with folks.
    19. ShinyBrentford
      What good things?
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    20. HomebredTripod
      i have read everything about what he has done from the start before he even joined vfdc. What he did was wrong and he sort of deserves this. He did say that he was done host lagging of whatever it was, and if he did good for him The biggest problem that I am seeing with him is that the posting he does on here always in some way talks about someone which causes shit talking about him. So it his fault yes but as you said he really hasnt done anything good from what i have read or seem. That would make anyone rethink of letting him stay. He has shiny you just have to good back in the chat. If not in this chat other chats.

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