Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan...

Discussion in 'Console' started by L_A, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Haven

    Haven Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    Will it work?

    Well, better do than don't I guess^^
    *uses his two email address....*
  2. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

  3. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    Although vf5r is probably coming out for console sooner or later, I think its important to let Sega Japan know that their western vf fans really want this to happen. I also think this opinion submission is one of the only direct ways for players outside japan to let sega jp know how we feel since Sega USA doesn't seem be active enough on their own message boards. Hearing one person on behalf of western media say 'foreign players want console vf5r' is one thing and getting a ton of mail from individuals (whether they can read it or not) is something else. Even though I still think many people have yet to submit their comments on the segaJP site, its really awesome that the people on VFDC have made such an effort so far. Thanks guys and gals! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    Also, if anyone on here knows someone not on VFDC or IRC that would be interested in VF5r for console, please ask them to sumbit a comment on the Sega site. Every little bit will help.

    ALSO, make sure you guys hit the send button on the second page as well. there will be two yellow boxes and the one on the right is 'SEND'.
  4. Judah

    Judah Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..


    (damn i'm late with this! x_x;)

    Edit: Actually, after looking at my net tab, it says, "ERROR!" I can't read Japanese very well, but I can only imagine that it has something to do with "quit sending us shit, thnx!"

    I'll try again in a bit.
  5. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    We should also try putting this on a few gamer websites... Anyone have any contacts?
  6. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    I had put the link at SRK, but most of the true fans of VF there, post here lol. Figured it wouldn't hurt though.
  7. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

  8. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I really think one could make a valid case VF5R would do better, or allow Sega to recoup some profit


    1) There was an anti-360 bias among FG players when the game was launched. Now it's slightly pro-360, except among the hardcore tourney types.

    2) SC4's success has to let other games piggyback. SF4 might help as well. VF5 really did come at a bad time.

    3) They did make some mistakes with VF5 for console, which VF5R would fix (namely the easier/more customization options)

    4) That six month exclusive hurt.
  9. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Not to mention this game was released at one of the worst times possible with guitar hero 3, assassins creed and orange box showing up right before.
  10. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Plain and simple, release the game during the summer(SC IV says hi) SEGA, are fucking morons. They should of developed both versions of VF5 at the same time. This company communication level with in-house and corporate members is fucking bipolar. Not surprising coming from a company that is know to lose actual source codes to their previous games(Panzer Dragoon & Princess Crown for example)

    SOA claiming Yu Suzuki was fired a LONG time ago, lol. Oh, and my favorite, not knowing 3D was the future for console gaming, when they clearly was pushing it at the Arcades. And decided to add the 3D architecture in the last minute to the SEGA Saturn, lol. Fucking SEGA, I love you. Your crazier then my Ex.
  11. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Got mine sent out as soon as I saw L_A talk about it on the shoutbox.
  12. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Thanks man, every little bit helps. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  13. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    ^That, and their marketing for VF(In the west) in general sucks...Yeah, I saw a couple adverts in select gaming magazines for VF5(360 version that is...), but that was it really...

    Look at SC IV, Namco promoted the hell out of that game...Commercials everywhere, posters everywhere, advertisements everywhere...It wasn't just with this installment, it was the same with 2 and 3 from what I remember...

    As for Tekken, I don't remember the last time I saw a Tekken commercial...but needless to say, that has reached SF-level status, where it will sell on name alone...

    Speaking of SF, look at what Capcom is doing with IV, and see all that they've done so far to promote this game...This is probably the best promotion for a fighting game I've ever seen since SF II back when I was a kid...Go figure...

    It's sort of like Sega just doesn't care anymore about VF outside of Japan for the most part, and it's a shame too because instead of resting on their laurels(their JP arcade profits) they could really try and get a good foothold in the console market as well...Which is what 95% of the rest of the world only uses...

    In turn, we the fans would benefit from this and we'd all be happy...However, that in and of itself is of no concern to Sega, so long as they've made their profit, they are a business after all...

    In conclusion, Sega needs a guy like Ono(SF IV's Producer)...Someone who tries really hard to please everyone and really cares about bringing an enjoyable game to as many people around the world as possible.

    Oh, and second message sent...
  14. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    The problem with that is that the core audience would revolt at the changes. Many 3s players want to reject SF4 from what I've seen. (not all by any stretch, but plenty, especially the ones that started on 3s)
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    I just sent mine.
  16. On that note, Martin Marrienetta, the guy that helped design the Model 2 arcade board(VF2) made a prototype Saturn that was basically a shrunken version of Model 2. It wouldve blow the Playstation out of the water, it was done the same time as the current Saturn, but SEGA had a sweet deal with hitachi, so they used that version, with Hitachi's SH2 chips and we got the parallel processor mess that the Saturn was. Some exec got kickbacks from Hitachi, fattened his pockets while the company as a whole failed and started it's green mile walk right out of the hardware business.

    But yeah he's right Sega can be dense. But they are kind of idiot-savantes: they created VF after all.

    By the way I dropped SEGA the request note, I asked for SHENMUE 3 also while I was at it.
  17. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    Just did the duty as well.

    I herd a number of good ideas in this forum (concerning SEGA's strategic direction)...IMO a very important factor for S right now should be marketing.

    Just this week a cousin of mine (that is interested in only games like: NFSpeed and GTA) was watching me play VF and out of boredom he asked to play; after about an hour of explaining game mechanics and playing around he was little brother fell for it the same way (he is 14 and plays Dota and WOW). They both gave this "were has this game been all my life...never herd of it" kind of talk.
    Everyone around me knows Tekken and SF...while VF is that fighter without fireballs (a boring mystery) that they have never tried out.
    My point is: SEGA has the top fighter...and nobody knows; maybe it's time they make more people aware of what they got in their bag.
  18. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

  19. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

  20. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    I did my part.
    リンクをありがとう ^_^

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