Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan...

Discussion in 'Console' started by L_A, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    That's good to know. I do plan to get into all the modes. But the high rank is not as important as high quality play. I would like my rank to be at least high enough so that in time I can put together a respectable clan, but not so high that people don't want me in their matches. I have seen that. Sometimes the higher you get the more lonely you are /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif A nice average rank, that way theres not to much pressure coming from either direction. And if you're able to take out some of the higher level players its all the better. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  3. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    Ohhhh shit! He quoted himself!!!

    Here's the response I got:

    Hello Jake,

    Thanks for your follow-up regarding Virtua Fighter 5R. At this time there are no official announcements regarding the release or development of a Virtua Fighter title forthcoming from Sega of America. There may be a change in that closer to E3 or at E3 however that information would be released through official Sega channels. At this point, customer support does not have any further information regarding the title.

    Thanks again for your inquiry!

    Sega Customer Support [/size]
  4. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    I would have to disagree.

    Let's say that to make the game, selling it at $20 would be selling it with a razor-thin margin profit. Against Namco's current marketing budget for Tekken, would you really want Sega to make close to nothing? I can guarantee you, having been exposed to game stores in Europe, US, and Asia, that you will have Namco's game playing on the demo screens. It's the same trick they've been pulling for the last decade. So even if you do tempt SOME people to purchase VF, it wouldn't be enough to create a strong case for Sega to allocate a budget for VF6.

    ::EDIT:: You'll also be competing against the issue of groups of friends going into a store to purchase a game. If 4 people go in, and 3 buy Tekken, do you think the other guy is going to buy a competitive game he can't play with his friends?

    Now if you say, wait 4 months after Tekken 6 (by which time most casual people have already played their volume of the game, got most of the secrets, etc.), and release VF after a wave of hype and advertising that kicks off on the day T6 is released (say, giant Hollywood-style posters of the VF fighters at game stores all over), you would be able to actually capitalize on the interest Tekken would be bringing into shops. Almost like a "thanks for the foot traffic Namco, now you've just helped us get the word out."

    The trick here is to release it on the Friday when a) there is no big budget Hollywood movie playing on the weekend, no b) new Wii or family-oriented game, no c) Sports Finals on that weekend, and d) right after/on payday.

    The hype would turn that weekend into "VF Weekend". Heck, you can call the launch date "Virtua Friday" (for VF, unless that's already been done before, but then... so what.).

    /end suggestion

    (Yes, I work with a lot of branding and advertising.)
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    I submitted 2 tickets and Rob answered me the exact same way he did to you with my 2 tickets. Looks like this is a response template they are using not just for VF, but for anything at this point since it's close to E3. Once E3 is over I'm sure the response template will change again and most likely be even more vague / gay.

  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    VF5R = 30$ Right now before T6BR and you won't have to face the rush of MVC2,MOTW,KOF12 and whateva new verison of SF4 comes out.
  7. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    You forgot Blaz Blue too...
  8. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    Such a good year.
  9. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    It's been a week since anyone posted in this thread sadly.

    Anyways there are studies that show that people see items priced higher as having more value than items priced lower. A common example is a wristwatch given to a major retailer. In an economy of scale the watch cost $12 to design, produce, manufacture, advertise, and to ship to the retailer. The watch is then sold at the retailer for $20. At $20 per watch you are looking at an $8 profit if everything going into getting the watch to that store cost $12.

    However the study, and others like it, found that people saw the watch being $20 as too cheap and that it was most likely made of low quality parts. So the retailer (in agreement with the designer) marked the watch up to $50. The watch sold more units because people assumed a $50 watch was better quality than a similar looking watch priced only at $20. Nothing changed about the watch other than the price.

    People see higher priced items and they make an automatic assumption about the quality of said item.

    These kind of studies are conducted regularly and heavily watched and traded by retailers and consumer companies. This is big business stuff.

    Releasing VF5R at a lower price might not be the best thing to do. Not releasing it at all (on consoles) would obviously be the poorest choice.
  10. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    just release the damn game Sega. Good lord I'd pay $300+ just F'ing give it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    must agree with that.
    wish they'd hurry up about it
  12. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    keep sending those emails...............
  13. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    Kind of funny that this year is the year that all these fighting games are released and sega has nothing to show for it. Typical. What I find funny is that no matter how many times Sega makes a sonic game no matter how bad its going to be,they keep making them constantly. Little food for thought there.
  14. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    Because those actually sell?
  15. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    *boots up VF5 for the PS3*

    ...guess it's just you and me...
  16. wrinty

    wrinty Active Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    Fishie loves monkey ball guys.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    They are usually good games, can't see a reason not to love the Monkey Ball series.
  18. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    Yes. You are correct. Glad you thought about it.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They are usually good games, can't see a reason not to love the Monkey Ball series.</div></div>

    You know what honestly I can't either. Monkey Ball series are actually good.
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    What gave it away?

  20. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Re: Submit your desire for VF5R outside of Japan..

    OH I know I know! ITS YOUR AVATAR!

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