Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Features

Discussion in 'Console' started by Feck, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    @Godeater LOL, touche

    @Dennis0201, obviously I agree that most who play VF are male, that goes for almost all video games. Its a guy thing, I get that, but to say females were no consideration whatsoever in the making and marketing of VF that's a little different. I'm not certain that's true. There are some things in VF 4, Evo, an Vf5 that to me look like they were meant to appeal to females or at the very least effeminate males. I could be wrong. It wouldn't be the only time I was wrong. If effeminate males were the target, to me that counts as female
    marketing [​IMG] No offense meant to all of our effeminate VF players out there.

    Michelle Rodriguez is not exactly a dog

    And the young girl I was referring to is my son's fiancee , she also is not in the dog category.

    Its not the case that all females that play VF are ugly [​IMG]

    And the screen names that I posted were first hand accounts. Yes two of the females were really bow wows. A couple of them were close to bow wows, but the majority were introduce to mama quality [​IMG]

    Is Michelle playing VF, Tekken, or DOA I can't quite tell.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  3. adriana3

    adriana3 Active Member

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    Something similar has happened to me, Masterpo. Last year I introduced VF4 Evo to my cousin's sons. Two boys of 7 e 6 years old. That was the first fighting game they met.

    Their father told me afterwards they liked the game so much. He wanted to buy a copy for his kids. I said he could only find it on the net. "Some sellers have it brand new. But most of them are used".

    Their father didn't buy a copy yet. I've been thinking of taking mine and playing with the kids again. It was so much fun!

    I don't know whether they'll keep interest in VF by the time they get to know another fighting games, but I have to say that was one of the most fantastic moments from the past year.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    Exactly! I'm betting Sega's going to get a whole bunch of new players for VF when it goes online. So if they're smart, they will add as many fun features as they realistically can to the downloadable version.

    @Feck yea this was from another thread, in that thread I was making the point we never know whose checking out VF forums. At that time I had heard that we were visited by female celebrity. Michelle is on record saying she likes and plays Virtua Fighter. I was asking the guys to tone down some of the disrespectful posts.

    Will there be an easy way to see how many downloads Sega got on VF5FS in six months? does any body know?
  5. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    As much as I'd love to see a story mode for VF I don't think it would be anything special. If the manual is anything to go by anyway.

    I mean there are some potentially interesting story arcs possible with Vanessa, Goh, Jean and J6 but other than that you have an angry black man pursuing a shark, a karate man who wants to become stronger, and a playboy who is out for some ass.

    If they want a decent story now they'd have to retcon the crap out of all the characters we know and love and possibly change em up like Soul Calibur 5 is doing with some of their roster.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    Once upon a time Sega made a big deal out of the fighting styles and arenas for each fighter:

    Sega Explanation of Fighting Styles and Arenas For Virtua Fighter

    But that backed down [​IMG] I could go for some prequel history
    on LeiFei or Lau. And really what is the story with Goh and Brad, a little more background on their arenas wouldn't be bad either. How did the characters come to have the fighting styles they have? In the combat fighting sport games like UFC 2009/10 career mode answers these types of questions for your fighter, e.g. how you ended up with a particular fighting style and why you working out of a certain training camp etc.

    It would be easy for Sega to just finish what they started with

    Sega Explanation of Fighting Styles and Arenas For Virtua Fighter

    Each release could give you more prequel information that leads up to the current known facts about the character.

    AFAIC they should place a lot more weight on the actual fighting styles for each character. For the advanced players of virtua fighter, its all about combo set ups, combos, the mix up game, the mind game, spacing, poking, turling, and bringing the life bar down to zero. Most of the big boys don't even care what fantasy style the character has , it all about match ups and how the character feels in their hands. It doesn't matter whether they're playing VF, Tekken, SF IV etc.
    The main concern is what are the combos, what are the setups, how much damage does combo string X do, what defensive techniques do I have, who is advantage, who is at disadvantage [​IMG] All that nonsense about Judo, Tai kwondo, Aki JuJutsu, Shaolin Kungfu, muay thai, is meaningless [​IMG]

    But the fact that Goh use judo, and AOI uses aiki jujutsu, and Lei Fei Shaolin Kung Fu, etc. is part of the fun in the game. Sega could emphasize the various styles a little more in the opening dialog and ending dialog for each characters and in the
    back story. The fighting styles (even if they are only pseudo real)are part of the stuff that gives any fighting game extra spark.

    Sega certainly made a big deal out of those styles in

    Sega Explanation of Fighting Styles and Arenas For Virtua Fighter

    The advanced players of VF may not care, but the casual players, many noobs, and those of us who give in to immersion enjoy the mythos and storyline behind the fighting styles and arenas. And this little petty stuff does have a bigger impact on sales than one might think [​IMG]
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    Really now.
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    Yep maybe that's just how we roll in some parts of Ohio [​IMG]

    And actually when we have casual tourneys at two of the Universities that I hang out at (Kent State & Youngstown State) we reguarly get between 3 to 5 females that play but don't bother to put up a screen name [​IMG]

    Maybe VFDC should sponsor the "VFDC Venus Violence2012" The best female VF fighters on the planet go head to head when VF5FS is released. with either a skype or facetime interview required for all contestants [​IMG]
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    Masterpo - I don't think Plague's comment is referring to the players' existence but more related to how you described the players (I could be wrong).

    I am a bit surprised that you would comment about the appearance of those you played with on a public forum. I know you are a little eccentric, but that post was pretty poor in taste. You are 50 years old, show some more common sense.
  10. adriana3

    adriana3 Active Member

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    I like the idea of VF having a Story Mode. Of course it will not increase sales magically. But some people might have a different impression of the series, as I have already read on another forum.

    A member from the forum Outer Space used to think VF cast took part in a tournament just for the pleasure of fighting, nothing else. Another member, (a huge fan of VF who lives in Japan) was patient enough to tell him the story in details.

    He thought the story was pretty interesting and asked why Sega never included it in a game. The VF fan answered: because nobody wants. Sega makes polls twice a year in Japan asking the players if they would like to see a Story Mode in VF and the answer is "NO". He still hopes Sega put the story in the game anyday.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    notice that I only put up actual pictures of public persons.
    However, advice taken [​IMG]
  12. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    I have forgotten about these VF CG endings - there are some amusing ones in the playlist.

  13. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    How could you forget the CG endings? they are what made VF kids as popular as it is today!
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    Been a while since I seen those, I got a good laugh out of Jacky's beat knuckle fail in the intro and Lau's PPPK cooking skills.
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    Just been reading back on this thread and there's some decent ideas in there. This is probably what Sega should do for a story mode...

  16. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    This is pure gold, i really enjoyed these especially Kage's nice find Akai
  17. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    When I was younger, I did not care much for the Dural one...but watching it now it is pretty funny.
  18. Berzerk

    Berzerk Well-Known Member

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    CJA's avatar reminded me of something... they would do well to produce a VF mode or side game that had guest characters like Kazuma... that would draw some fans.
  19. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    I am satisfied by it, if nothing else.
  20. Kahn

    Kahn Member

    Re: Story Mode Side Topic from VF5FS Console Featu

    Final Showdown doesn't need a real story mode guys, it needs a cheaply done arcade mode with a few screens at the end of beautiful character art with some text.

    If you played as Kage and got an amazing ending with him sneaking around and slicing up people and what not, the player thinks "that was great, let's pick another character and see what their story is!"

    And then they come to see all the characters as pretty cool. So cool they buy dlc costume packs. One good writer and a few good artists could do this in a few weeks without impacting game development at all.

    And Sega could also cheaply hire good voice actors to redo character lines, but that's another thread!

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