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SSF4 Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Cozby, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Actually Abel's normal Tornado Throw has always beat ALL of Zangief's throws. It was actually like that in vanilla as well. It's because the normal TT is invincible to throws during start up.

    If you TT Zangief's wake up, the ONLY thing he can do is jump out or backdash. If you use super, ultra, or normal 360 you will eat the throw. Even lariat and Green Hand will lose to it. Despite all of those things that TT will beat, Gief is still a bad, bad match up for Abel. Abel is really only dangerous up close but Gief is even more dangerous up close. Neutral jump or jump cancel lariat to beat the TT on your wake up.

    I think Abel is better for a few reasons...

    One is the fact that damage is a little lower across the board so he gets a couple more chances for a mix up or big combo.

    His new ultra is better than the old one against anyone but Blanka, Honda and shotos IMO (U1 beats fireballs even full screen cause the haduken hit box goes way out past their hands so U1 lands even though it looks like Abel just hits the air. You just have to do it early when their hands are still out there. It can punish Blanka Ball even on hit! And it punishes Honda headbutt on block.)

    Lastly, they supposedly did something to beef up his sweep. I checked it out and it's the range has increased slightly. They had said in the developer's blog that they made his far LP faster but according to the frame data everything is the same.
  2. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    A: Rufus, Akuma, Abel, Dictator, Boxer, Ryu, Chun Li

    B+: Ibuki, Zangief, E. Honda, Blanka, Sagat, Guile, T Hawk, Juri

    B: El Fuerte, Dhalsim, Cammy, Fei Long, Ken, Seth, C. Viper

    C: DeeJay, Adon, Dudley, Cody, Gouken, Claw

    D: Rose, Gen, Hakan, Guy, Makoto, Sakura, Dan

    Shit somewhat right to me, cept I migh put Fei a bit lower but his footsies is Chun-like good, especially if you can hit check rekks. I had more hope in dudley but the fact he's rushdown and his normals are short ranged, sorta makes since. Krsjin, I will take at least a cookie. Thanks.

    GIEF is worse def. T hawk is better. I would put sim higher.
  3. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    No S tier, SEVEN characters in A, and an actual need to make a B and B+, coupled with the relative balance of tiers from sf4?

    @$^& YEAH CAPCOM. Hit me [​IMG] .
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    So B+ is better than B but worse than A.

    Why not just start it at E rank and make everything an individual letter?

    Or better yet, change B+ to A and A to S.
  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Cody needs to be two tiers higher or even A tier. Dudly could be A or B and Ibuki is A as well.
  6. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    I don't agree with that tier list.

    Top 5 to me is clearly Chun Li, Akuma, Boxer, Rufus and Viper in that order.

    Then you got some other characters that are just trailing behind such as Sagat, Ryu, Ibuki, Guile, Dictator, Dhalsim, and probably Cody.

    The rest is a big cluster storm with the weakest characters ending in Dan, Makoto, and Hakan.
  7. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Damn, most people here have 360s [​IMG]

    If there's anyone here with PS3 SSF4, please, add me on PSN.
    My psn id is:

    and fuck the tier list. In spite of that I use Zangief, Hakan, Ryu and Guy [​IMG]
  8. TechRomancer

    TechRomancer Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Ibuki isn't THAT great. That's all I gotta say.
  9. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Well... probably meant to show that tiers are extremely close in this game, making it pretty balanced.

    If a game has tiers from S to, say, F... F tiers are usually trash. And S is a "god tier", a charater so ahead of others that even A doesn't cut it for him... No god tier in SSF4, apparently.
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Never thought i'd post in this thread, but GGs to MP yesterday(i think, the days are melding [​IMG] )

    Had to play some SSF4 after the ridiculous speculation that was going on in the shoutbox. What if Akira was a guest character in a version of SF4 [​IMG]
  11. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    I totally agree with that list, I never played sf4 but ssf4 Chun is insane, Boxer(Balrog) is also way too powerful for most other characters, Guile is pretty strong too I find it almost impossible to lose with him.

    I'm also sick of seeing Guy being categorised as a D list character on these shitty tier lists, I use him as my main now and he's actually pretty handy in most situations its just that most of the ssf4 tier whores lack the skill or intelligence to use him properly, his only weak matchup is blanka everyone else is fairgame.

    Guy(so called D tier) vs Akuma(A tier)
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    I used to use guy too, but I I've went back to my kenneth, working on him and kara throwing all day.

    The tiers are close in this game though man, I think they should use numbers instead of letters for ranking. The game is more about matchups imo.

    I will say on paper Guy is fairly weak COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSE. His wakeup game is pretty bad, and hot having a 3 frame normal (I hope they make his c jab 3 frames at some point in the future) hurts him. Bushin flip and run stops gimmicks are fun, and so is the corner reset, but theres others characters that do what he does but better.

    Guy is the man tho lol
  13. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    It might seem silly to think this but I see just about everyone about the same, some better or worse but not by very much except for Chun (She is my overall favorite and main character). I don't know who I want as a sub at all. I played around with just about everyone and spent alot of time just watching replays but I am still undecided. I don't know who I want as second or third character period. Tiers to me don't matter much and don't effect my choices at all, I have been a Chun Li fan for years this is why I picked her right away without thinking and fell in love with her game quickly.

    Do any of you have this issue as well, if so how do you handle this situation?
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Not strength wise just tool wise. Him not haing a AA really hurts. But when he gets his hands on you he does more damage than people think.
  15. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The game is more about matchups imo. I will say on paper Guy is fairly weak COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSE</div></div> Good point about the matchups bro that's where I'm coming from, matchups are more important to me than tiers, Guy is weak in some areas such as wakeups & anti air I saw on shoryuken.com in the Guy section that the EX Bushin tatsu is invincible after 1 frame against upper body atttacks and throws which makes it good on the wakeup but it doesn't work against crossups [​IMG] his anti air is weak but its the same for my other main Chun li so just jump back and lk or mk like I do with her, or I slide (down + hk), here is a video I saw of Guy's (qcf, uf + punch) AA Throw apparently lp,mp,hp,ex throw have different hitboxes im still trying to learn it all.

    I agree shadowmaster about Chun Li she's been one of my favourite characters since sf2, i'll never stop using her its just too much fun beating people so easily, and im still a noob at ssf4, df + hk ftw lol [​IMG]
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Damn dude, I hate playing Chun Li with Abel. She seems to be one of his worst match-ups easily. There's so much she can do to fuck him up it's a pretty serious disadvantage for him.

    I really can't pressure her on wake up, as long as you have one EX bar, cause EX spinning bird kick will beat everything I've got. I don't even think he can really punish it, even if I KNOW it's coming. Seems to recover fast enough to be a safe "get off me" move for the most part, at least against my boy Abel.

    Then she has such good pokes and normals that it's hard to get in and I feel like everything she has can combo into EX Legs. Once she has Ultra 2 charged, EX Legs combos into Ultra and does really good damage.

    Her cr.HK is deceptively good and has amazing range so you get that un-techable knockdown. Then she can go into a mix up with her automatic cross-up move. If you do that cross up, I HAVE TO guess between blocking low or trying to block her flipping overhead move. So, basically on my wake up, you can just keep me blocking and I have to hope that I guess right. Even then, throwing me is still a really good option to start the whole thing over again. The throw option is harder to stop in this game because I think crouch tech has a MUCH smaller window than before, like 1 or 2 frames... The throw also beats my emergency "get off me move" in EX Roll cause throw can grab the roll through the whole animation.

    Sometimes, even when I'm ready for that overhead I can't react in time cause it seems to come out fast and there's a lot of other things I'm trying to look out for as well.

    I think Chun is actually an even better counter-pick to Abel than good old Zangief in SUPER. At least with Zangief I kind of know what his options are and what I can do to beat those options. I'm going to have to lose to Chun Li a few hundred more times to figure out how to hold my ground against her.
  17. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    i remember in SF4 ex spinning bird kick was punishable with just about EVERYTHING on block and whiff.

    If I had ultra I punished with that, if not I would do cr.mp xx cod blah blah

    but maybe they changed it. it being safe sounds unlikely though.
  18. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    you can literally stand there and hit her out of it just because the invincibility window is small (that's ballsy but I've gotten a little too familiar with getting hit playing with friends). You can backdash on her wakeup to make it whiff and lol as it whiffs, and you can also safe jump it all day. EX bird is a way to make chun waste her meter imo. Its all about EX legs.

    Also guy's EX kicks, while they can work, the two major problems beibg that the attack box is SO high that characters can get under it without being touched. It also can be safe jumped.
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Ok, EX Spinning Bird is -10 on block and has 18 frame recovery on a whiff. I guess that is enough time to do something and I just need to figure out what to do.

    It's definitely not safe technically... My bad.
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


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