SoCal VF5 in 2007 and beyond

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Plague, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, time for my every-3-months check-in.

    *looks around*

    Okay, everything seems to be in order here...carry on!

    So, yeah, I'm amped about picking up VF5 for the 360 - but all of my local Gamestops and EBGames won't have it until tomorrow...and none of them can tell me if they've got (or have ever heard of) the Hori EX2 stick (despite the website saying 1-3 in stock. So...we'll see. I might have to D-pad it for awhile *sigh*

    Anyway, good to see you're all still kickin. Talk to y'all again soon - see ya Plague, Brisal, Phoenix, et al
  2. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

  3. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    I'll be at the USC/Oregon game with my office - and back late that night, but I'll be down to play some online with you guys - I never thought about that!

    Still hunting for the Fighting Stick EX2 - Gamestop of course says they've got 1-3 of them in each location, but when I call, dudes can't find them. Best Buy doesn't have it (where I've got reward zone credits), but, of all places, WALMART does. I'm going to try to score one by Saturday night. Otherwise, I'll D-Pad it with you guys!

    My gamertag is Chauncey805 - feel free to add me as a friend or send me a message when you guys are battling it out on Saturday!
  4. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Now higher probablity you will see me, my 360, mem card, and modded EX2 at work
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    NOV 3rd gathering tomorrow in Azusa
    Come when you can
    Team Tourney at 7pm

    Bring what you can in regards to setups. Systems, Sticks, and Games is what we need


  6. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Online from Utah confirming.

    Gamertag: DarkCatalyst

    Got a Goh and a Shun on board. Maybe a Vanessa later on.
  7. Sunabozu

    Sunabozu Member

    Wow, Azusa isn't really all that far from where I live (like a 25 minute drive according to google maps).

    Maybe I'll get to actually play with you guys sometime.
  8. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    where do you live?
  9. Sunabozu

    Sunabozu Member

    I live in Glendale.
  10. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Cool, then you are close to me too. Im in sherman oaks.
  11. ToastyMeatwad

    ToastyMeatwad Member

    Hi, I'm Kris. You guys might know my brother, his name is "Whoa its Eric" or even actually saw us at a Riverside VF party in like 2004? I was like the only kid using a PS2 controller and I used Jacky. I don't remember that was a long time ago. But I got a 360, and I am thinking about getting Virtua Fighter 5 and a joystick, because sadly the 360 controller isnt made for fighting games \:\( My brother said this time around though, playing Virtua Fighter I should actually try and meet up with people in San Diego and play. So I am still deciding whether or not I should get it because nobody wants to play a game if no one is going to play with you. I played the demo to death. Just PM me cuz I would definitely wanna play with you guys. But its alright if you dont want a 17 year old hanging around you :p
    laters. btw i live in the Paradise Hills/National City Area
  12. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... you BOTH are on the list. I wonder if you are Chris or Chris II? That would take much research. Good to see you on VFDC. The list should be updated soon, too. Well, it will for the next event. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    Who's gonna be there? Well, in the past we've had some of the best that Southern California, the West Coast, the East Coast, and the world has to offer - any one of them could make a return visit: akiralove, andy, Myke, Srider, Joey (GY_beta), mukatsuku_shun, YOSUKE, ice-9, bearcrusher, kurita, shin, Namflow, Rocket Pai, adamYUKI, kazu, Shag, Konjou_Akira, Denkai84, maddy, thebradSHow, s_aki, Ladon, DRE, Chanchai, HowBoutSum, GodEater, MADrox, Kaminari_Oyaji, stompoutloud, Jerky, SiYkO, Pushku, IronJUNKIE, Shang, Shou, Zero-chan, Fishie, growcian, afroconnexion, EL_Brisal73, L_A_Akira, Team Tokyo Mafia (PhoenixDth, Sean, GoatCheeseBlues), Ken__I, Exile, SillyWilly, KTallguy, Unsafe_Dan, CaliJared, Lion-2P, KoD, Renzokuken, Raoul, THE_WALL, snapz, sirphobos, Lawrence, Paolo, Tierzo, Riona, FatalRose, Matt_K, Type Tenchi, Banes, Mindscan, <span style='font-size: 20pt'>Whoa_its_Eric[/size], Mike90210, vf5akira, Gribbly and Team Pandemic (Austin, Forrester, Jimmy), sgtsmurf, Joon, Weslyzm, 2012, firstpressing, Rikyu, Adam, Amir, <span style='font-size: 20pt'>Chris, Chris II,</span> Adrian, Peter, Mike, Jacob, Collette</span> and many more!
  14. FinalHeaven

    FinalHeaven Member

    I will be getting this game very soon.

    GT: Humblefly
  15. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Good to see a new player.

    On another note, no VF at my place tomorrow night (got a meeting to go to for work). See you all a week from Thursday for some Old School PS3 VF5 action.
  16. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry


  17. SuzunaKuraki

    SuzunaKuraki Member

    Is Plague still holding VF gatherings on Thursdays at his place in Riverside?
    EDIT: nvm, just saw his post above.

    Sorry I haven't been around, schoolwork has been keeping me busy.
  18. djtortilla

    djtortilla Well-Known Member

    i borrowed my bro's 360 and I got VF5 online, I don't have a stick yet, playing with pad for now.

    hope to meet you guys online and get some games.

    gamertag: djtortilla
  19. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Yo Plague anything happening on mon, wed, or fri?

    If it's only thurs I can like only make it late night.
  20. Scamp

    Scamp Well-Known Member

    There's a Guilty Gear tourney in SLO on Nov. 17th. Any chance some of y'all can make it there and play VF5?

    And check my sig. I'm really hating playing random people online, but on the other hand I'm learning some really interesting tactics which will only work on a good player once. (Once is worth it, though. If only to give the impression that I don't know what I'm doing.)

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