Shout Box FTW!

Discussion in 'General' started by Ladon, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

    must try harder..
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    You didn't miss much of it CP, I was there when it started and not much else got said.

    EDIT: deethagee's El Blaze really does have no collision detection btw [​IMG]
  3. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Those 12 year olds and there multiple youtube accounts.

    I hope SoulK learn that skill is what separate the men from the boys. Not youtube ratings.
  5. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    lol i'm not the one with 20 fake accounts...
    read it again... it was sarcastic...
  6. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Sorry, can't help but post this.

    Griever: I'm also wondering.... Jeff's 2K+G is 16f, right? so is Lei's Hai K... both moves are 21dmg. They should both hit each other if they do those after Lei's PPP on guard, right?

    Hazzerone: omg the same damage attack on the same frame? the game will divide by zero then crash the console!

    Seidon: Hazzerone, if both players do Akira's knee at 0 frames and hit each other the game crashes.

    Seidon: There's a chance you can go blind as well. Also, every woman in a five mile radius becomes pregnant.

    Seidon: it's some serious shit.
  7. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    Someone sure took that whopping ....cough(Goh vs Kage)...cough to the heart.... [​IMG] good shit!!! Soul [​IMG]
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    tonyfamilia: hahaha, Darthy

    Colorful_Tengu: I thought they just came up with vt25 series this time around, we'll have to wait and see I guess

    tonyfamilia: he deleted two comments already that i had put on his profile XD

    Ash_Kaiser: what were they, Tony?

    tonyfamilia: he wrote on his profile that he's a drummer in a band

    Colorful_Tengu: panasonics g10 series showed the amazing low 5ms input lag last year, I wanna see what the g20 and v25 do this time around

    Beligerent_Feck: love to see how pulling on the drums would work

    Colorful_Tengu: darth is a huttcrimelord y0

    tonyfamilia: so I wrote "wow, i'm impressed that you have enough friends to play Rock Band with... but that doesn't really qualify as "drummer in a band" "

    Colorful_Tengu: "painter and decorator" that sounds kind of homo, specially the decorating part

    Beligerent_Feck: lol

    tonyfamilia: he probably has mannequins and stuffed animals on the other Rock Band instruments XD

    Colorful_Tengu: that's creepy

    Beligerent_Feck: I bet he looks like Jabba

    DemonicMindz: wow.... someone needs to go out often

    Colorful_Tengu: jabba the hutt is hot

    Ash_Kaiser: no-one will ever find out what he looks like
    Ash_Kaiser: because he won't leave his house
    Ash_Kaiser: which adds weight to the him being a Hutt theory

    tonyfamilia: he would keep knocking the drums down with his stomach XD

    Ash_Kaiser: maybe he can't get out of his house

    Colorful_Tengu: <--- hot lady with horn

    tonyfamilia: bwahahaha @Ash
    tonyfamilia: you're going to have to take down a wall and get a forklift to bring Darthy to a VF gathering, lmfao!

    Ash_Kaiser: the idea of someone driving a hutt on a forklift down the motorway is somewhat amusing

    Colorful_Tengu: I bet he would be slimy and smell bad

    tonyfamilia: bwhahaha! Ash, you are on today, you're killing me here XD

    DemonicMindz: i'm gonna throw up

    Colorful_Tengu: stop deluding yourself demonic, your down with jabba

    DemonicMindz: lol

    [x] tonyfamilia: here's a visual: Ash driving the forklift carrying Darthy the Hutt holding a Hori EX stick
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Beligerent_Feck - i can't run because im a spastic
    Beligerent_Feck - like mr. soft in moon shoes

    I don't remember what he said exactly, but thought it was funny to picture that after watching this.

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Exactly the commercial I was thinking of, now imagine that guy in moon shoes and running.
  11. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    E3 Rant: Made of Win

    Beligerent_Feck: it's like natal laser quest
    Ash_Kaiser: is it still on?
    Beligerent_Feck: you have to make check points around your house and run between them shotting the shit out of your kids
    Beligerent_Feck: just finished
    [x] Kobi: Are we talking worse than Shaq Fu?
    Beligerent_Feck: for sure
    Libertine: Worse than Bubsy the Bobcat?
    Beligerent_Feck: yah
    [x] Kobi: Ooooh... That's bad.
    Beligerent_Feck: think they have the second worst game ever on now
    Libertine: That breathing thing does not look fun.
    Ash_Kaiser: su
    Ash_Kaiser: bah, wrong window
    Beligerent_Feck: you have to breathe in time with the game to keep your character on a set track....
    Libertine: Am I at a clinic or E3?
    EmpNovA: E3 has been pretty pitiful so far
    Libertine: Bodycentric approach... no thanks.
    [x] Kobi: They should make a version of DDR that sends shocks through the bottoms of your feet when you miss a beat.
    [x] Kobi: We can call it DEATH DEATH Revolution.
    Libertine: Maybe we should be able to feel pain when shot in shooting games.
    Libertine: It would be less pain than watching this conference so far.
    [x] Kobi: E3 for masochists?
    Ash_Kaiser: sign me up
    Ash_Kaiser: maybe it'll make me feel less bad about watching this crap
    EmpNovA: shock you like the movie Cat's Eye
    EmpNovA: where if you miss the floor electrocutes you
    Ash_Kaiser: someone kill me now

    . . . . . . . . .

    Libertine: Manji... don't let Manji see this...
  12. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    This thread has been dead for much too long. I know there are still Shoutbox shenanigans, so report them here!

    [x] Ladon: Is it just me...or is it that when people type like's very easy to give him a a pedophile...trying to coax a little kid into his
    [x] Ladon: hi's so nice to see you all on vfdc...again...
    [x] Ladon:
  13. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    (Regarding his money match in VF)

    ShinyBrentford: thanks I have a lot on the line (pride and all)
    ShinyBrentford: If I lose a round I'm going to get shit for it o well free 20 dollars
    [x] Kobi: So... I'm just going to throw this out here...
    [x] Kobi: Not that I'm cursing you or anything... But...
    [x] Kobi: ... What if he manages to trounce you?
    ShinyBrentford: Then he get's 20 dollars
    [x] Kobi: I know that.
    ShinyBrentford: but that's think neg
    [x] Kobi: But...
    [x] Kobi: How will YOU take it?
    [x] Kobi: Like, will you run around the building screaming 'KAMIKAZE!!!!!'
    ShinyBrentford: I don't know the way I handle most bad things that happen. Go home and Fuck my wife
    ShinyBrentford: and if she not home jerk off
    ShinyBrentford: But like I say thats thinking neg
    ShinyBrentford: I'm more than likely going to win
    [x] Kobi: But, I guess this means by the end of tonight, something/someone is going to be 'fucked.'
    PaulMartinKPG likes this.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Thread popularity re-mix!

    ShinyBrentford: damn Tony gone I need some more hateraid
    Plague: You ain't doin' right
    ShinyBrentford: what ain't i doin' right?
    Plague: For starters, you ain't understandin' I'z givin' you some hateraid
    Plague: You said you needed it
    ShinyBrentford: Sorry I just got my fly paper to cencer out the hate
    ShinyBrentford: only the fly in messages will stick to me now sorry
    ShinyBrentford: But thank you for give some hate
    ShinyBrentford: smile
    Plague: I censor your censer
    Plague: Paper ain't no way fly
    ShinyBrentford: no but Flypaper is.
    Plague: Oh - and then there is BrenBed - this guy is clearly misspelling his own name.
    Plague: Sorta like mlai
    ShinyBrentford: lol
    Plague: deBnerB - fuck yeah - THAT is how to spell his name
    ShinyBrentford: Momma said I don't need to no nuthen about no readin
    ShinyBrentford: just got done watching machete
    ShinyBrentford: It's mexploitation and awesome
    BrenBed: BrenBed is a mix between My first and middle name. Learn to read and maybe you would have figured that out
    BrenBed: lol
    ShinyBrentford: Bren he just fucking with you it's just jokes
    ShinyBrentford: Bren he just fucking with you. It's just jokes
    ShinyBrentford: SRK down yet again.
    ShinyBrentford: Here my impression of SRK: Justin wong is......... SRK DOWN
    ShinyBrentford: Deago just picked Ryu.......SRK DOWN
    Plague: "BrenBed: BrenBed is a mix between My first and middle name. Learn to read and maybe you would have figured that out " - so - yeah - you are clearly misspelling your own name. More so than I could've ever imagined!
  15. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I'm a popular guy today two FTW in a row. Now I know how Feck feels.
    Feck likes this.
  16. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    MAtteoJHDY: is the advisor a woman?
    MAtteoJHDY: if so, never EVER trut a woman
    MAtteoJHDY: trust
    MAtteoJHDY: lying bitches
    Libertine: Yes, it is a woman.
    MAtteoJHDY: tell her: matti says "who are you to tell me what to do"
    MAtteoJHDY: matti also says "fuck you bithc you are ugnly"
    MAtteoJHDY: but
    MAtteoJHDY: if she is pretty
    MAtteoJHDY: tell her "matti says you are always right"
    MAtteoJHDY: "and i believe everything you say"
    MAtteoJHDY: giving advice is so tiring, man im so good at this kind of stuff
    Libertine: And she will know who you are of course.
    MAtteoJHDY: lib, i often speak to you advisor
    MAtteoJHDY: about you
    MAtteoJHDY: she is worried a bit about you man
    MAtteoJHDY: she told me "matthew needs to get a girfriend asap"
    MAtteoJHDY: cause waking is making him go blind
    MAtteoJHDY: nice spelling mistake there
    MAtteoJHDY: ok lib im off
    MAtteoJHDY: there is a psichology experiment going on at uni, i signed up fro it
    Libertine: Whatever that is.
  17. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    Kamais_Ookin: If FS gets announced i'm going to use my 1 month live and rip shit up online in anticipation
    MissYuna: If Final Showdown gets announced I'll masturbate for three hours.
    Myke: three hours? that's an awfully precise amount of time
    Kobi: Is it an antricate art to you? Or do you just have it down to a science?
    Ash_Kaiser: there's a trick to it
    Ash_Kaiser: you do it very very slowly
  18. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Marlyjay: Aye scotland is the most dangerous place in the world
    Marlyjay: And Glasgow the most dangerous part of Scotland
    Marlyjay: Seidon lives in the most dangerous part of Glasgow
  19. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    So does that mean Seidon(the person) the most dangerous part of the world?
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Old complexity FTMFW!

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