Shout Box FTW!

Discussion in 'General' started by Ladon, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [Beligerent_Feck] I like to be naked when being choked too

    That's all.
    Ellis likes this.
  2. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ka-ching. I DO get a nickel for everytime it is said, and i now have 10 cents
  3. The_Shunjinkogh

    The_Shunjinkogh Well-Known Member

    Now I have 15 cents.

    I'M RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Beligerent_Feck: "taiwanese want VF5R too.... if you dont do it I will SUISIDE sega building!"
    Beligerent_Feck: omg at that
    DarkVincent: SUISIDE was awesome
    Plague: Good to have some extremists
    DarkVincent: that and "I'll suck YO dick"
    Plague: Makes it all the more real
    Plague: Nice balance of society
    DarkVincent: it's Jihad lalalalala
    Plague: Anywhere from "Thank you, my good man" to "GREWWW$!%&!! KOFFLGLAAAH!"
    Beligerent_Feck: good point Plague
    DarkVincent: I liked Rod's "dick tied on a knot" though
    Manjimaru: lol feck
  5. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Ladon: sup home dogs!

    sanjuroAKIRA: bitching about sega!

    Ladon: oh noes! >_<;;

    sanjuroAKIRA: learning how to fap in the queen's tongue.

    Ladon: why has no one stolen a board and hacked it yet? ;o;

    Beligerent_Feck: it does bother me though, remember shitloads of awesome
    games developed by them

    Beligerent_Feck: but in the last few years i remember about two

    sanjuroAKIRA: I am seriously going to need some counseling when those
    boards go on sale outside of japan

    sanjuroAKIRA: to let a proud franchise & the f'ing centerpiece of their great
    charge into the future fall off like it has... for Daisy Fuentes
    Ballsack Racing

    Cozby: i think sega has some sort of shitting-fetish. 2 Gamers, 1 Cup

    sanjuroAKIRA: I think it's called felching.

    Cozby: Why we gotta be of the felch decent?

    Beligerent_Feck: felching off of other developers?

    sanjuroAKIRA: nope. wrong. felching is something else.

    Cozby: Ill ask my professor tomorrow

    sanjuroAKIRA: "of the felch decent" !!

    sanjuroAKIRA: is there a tidy way to define felching in shoutbox?

    Cozby: the hobby of waiting at the last stop during the last route?

    sanjuroAKIRA: kissing a newly moistened flower?

    Beligerent_Feck: no it's worse than that

    Beligerent_Feck: that makes it sound too nice

    Cozby: recycling?

    Cozby: going green!

    sanjuroAKIRA: homemade chocolate protein shake?

    Cozby: YES

    sanjuroAKIRA: Asking the bank manager for your deposit back just near the
    exit of the bank?

    Cozby: LOL

    sanjuroAKIRA: is somebody shoutbox FTW'ing this?

    Beligerent_Feck: ctrl + c is too difficult for me
  6. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Frederick you are killing me! Please stop this madness! [​IMG]
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    With the latest forum update, the shoutbox can finally be, and is, hidden from non-members visiting the site. This doesn't make it OK to use overly explicit and/or vulgar language though [​IMG]

  8. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    awwwwwww T.T

    On another note, the stunning truth!

    Plague: My screen name was finalized by a Quake3 player back in 2001 or so...
    Plague: "God damn it, Plague! Every time I see you I DIE!"
    Plague: So fitting
    Plague: Glad he was not on my team when he said that
    Plague: XD Emoticon
    Plague: Time for go to Starbucks and teh office!
    Plague: Design and advertising at 5:30 am! Woo hoo!
    Terry_Bogus: You crazy
    Plague: That is right
  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    "now, your mom and I are going out tonight so please behave for Cindy while she's here."
  10. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Remember the sexual tension of being baby sat?
  11. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    DO I!!!!!!?!
  12. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

  13. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member


    [x] ShinyBrentford: so darth have you got banned yet?
    [x] ShinyBrentford: not a big snk fan
    [x] Darthminion: banned from where shiny?
    [x] ShinyBrentford: xbox live
    [x] Darthminion: my darthminion account is suspended
    [x] ShinyBrentford: were all wondering about the "headhunter"
    [x] Darthminion: but not for long
    [x] Darthminion: lil bitches like you trying to get me banned!
    [x] ShinyBrentford: Lol
    [x] Darthminion: ?
    [x] Darthminion: what a tool
    [x] ShinyBrentford: no the pulling is what got you banned I tried to warn you
    [x] Darthminion: your a shiny helmet!!
    [x] Darthminion: pulling....dont talk bs
    [x] ultralewis: you give a lot of abusive messages or summit darth?
    [x] Darthminion: it cant be that because i dont pull !
    [x] Darthminion: its lil cunts like you who complain about my profile etc
    [x] Darthminion: ohh he swore in his bio im gonna leave bad feedback
    [x] Darthminion: noobs
    [x] CarolinaPanther: got your profile right here Darth:
    [x] ShinyBrentford: darth it was fate[x] ShinyBrentford: what you need to do is look deep down at yourself relize its you fault and grown from it like normal people
    [x] CarolinaPanther: ah well, just got back from Walmart -_- as usual nothing I want
    [x] ShinyBrentford: he gone isn't he
    [x] CarolinaPanther: he probably went back to throwing a tantrum, check your PM Shiny
    [x] ShinyBrentford: drath minion = http://en.wikipedia.
    [x] ShinyBrentford: should say xbox live =
    [x] ShinyBrentford: classic case
  14. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    sorry try to talk to him like a adult but no go.

    btw you guys do need to put on the calender that june 23 (It happened yesterday) is now darth minion day?

    where it is ok for one day out of the year for you to pull on rank matches
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ah. Darthminion got banned. Glad to know there is still some justice in the world.

    I like that he blames it on there being profanity in his bio. Like that really rallies people to make complaints. I've looked at less than 10 bios in the year+ i've had live.
  16. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [x] Beligerent_Feck: oh oh
    [x] Beligerent_Feck: GodEater and God are both online
    [x] Beligerent_Feck: I think we should look away
    [x] Sun: An epic fight is taking place .....
  17. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    [x] MP_Lupin: Is it wise to put on some VF once the woman has gone to bed? I'd feel like im cheating or something
    [x] Libertine: Feck does it all the time.
    [x] Libertine: I don't know if he tells her though.
    [x] MP_Lupin: lol
    [x] Libertine: "Honey, I'd like to speak with you." *Holds up controller*
    [x] Libertine: "What is this?"
    [x] Libertine: Feck: "I've... I've never seen that before in my life."
    [x] Libertine: Feck's wife: "Don't lie to me!"
    [x] MP_Lupin: hahah

    Ellis likes this.
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Givin' myself props 'cause I'm fucking BRILLIANT!...

    Plague: You know - music is great... commercial, indie, I do not care
    Plague: jpop, metal, rap, anything
    Plague: ('cept I don't care for Country Music)
    Plague: (stupid white people fantasyland music)
    Cozby: geez plague
    Plague: WHat?
    Cozby: way to crush my dreams of becoming the next Tim McGraw
    Plague: You ever listen to the bs they're spewing?
    Cozby: no
    Plague: "Just like SUnday Chicken after church..."
    Plague: Fuck that
    Plague: Sugar-coated spew of americana white cracker americana blah blah kick your ass cause I'm tough but I love GOd and my wife even though I cheat and my dog is dead"
    Plague: STFU STFU STFU!
    Plague: "Jus need my pickup and a brew and I'm better than you"
    Plague: Shit - I just made that up
    Plague: I rhymed brew and you!
    Sudden_Death: loool plague
    Cozby: thumbs_up
    Ellis likes this.
  19. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    My only regret is that I caught the tail end of this epic battle :p

    Darthminion: [​IMG]
    Darthminion: lol
    deethagee: i dont like darth
    Darthminion: i use kage lau wolf goh
    Beligerent_Feck: or I will get on and pwn you both about a bit mad
    Darthminion: elblaze
    deethagee: but ill chill
    Darthminion: shun
    deethagee: bring it
    TheWorstPlayer: lord have mercy playing tonyfamilia is mad reminscent of playing Blahzie
    deethagee: im on rite now
    Darthminion: blahzie is good
    Beligerent_Feck: dee i'm kidding
    Beligerent_Feck: I can't pwn you anyways
    Darthminion: not seen him in a while tho
    Beligerent_Feck: you blaze has collision detection turned off
    Beligerent_Feck: *your
    deethagee: i no im also kiddin
    deethagee: lol
    Darthminion: he spams you wile on the deck
    deethagee: darth u suk wit all ur characters
    Darthminion: but hes quite good
    Darthminion: goood gooood
    deethagee: try learnin one then move on
    Darthminion: try learnin more than one character
    Darthminion: your tactics wont last forever
    Darthminion: :p
    Darthminion: i will admit your blaze is quite good tho
    Darthminion: abut your attitude stinks
    Darthminion: [​IMG]
  20. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Looks like an all star line up there.

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