ShinZ went to Japan...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by AkiraKidWannaBe, Apr 12, 2002.

  1. chingdude

    chingdude Well-Known Member

    Re: ShinZ in Japan...4/11/02

    <a target="_blank" href=></a> has updated with some videos of shinz<font color=white>~</font color=white> vs jpn opponents. i waited through two~ cycles of the download limit timer thing, but still was not able to download any<font color=yellow>!</font color=yellow><font color=white>!</font color=white><font color=yellow>~</font color=yellow>
  2. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    Re: ShinZ in Japan 4/12/02

    Ya that is what I thought. I mean if Shinz is playing mainly on Ver b.... it will be REALLY tough, depending on who you use, to adapt to Ver C. I mean a LOT of the major moves of the characters have changed.
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: ShinZ in Japan 4/12/02

    True, and Akira was weakened quite a bit in Ver. C I remember.
  4. Torneko

    Torneko Well-Known Member

    Re: ShinZ in Japan 4/12/02

    Don't the Korean import PS2 with version C ?

    I thought the 100 kumite thing is done with 10 different characters in VF2 days.

    So Shinz going to do 100 kumite with several more characters ?
  5. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: ShinZ in Japan 4/12/02

    Direct quote from CYC (in Japanese) (He almost sounds like a fanboy himself. He says if it was "normal/usual" AK would have gotten 90% win rate.)

    Wrong translation.

    The result for AkiraKid's 100-person kumite was 81 wins & 19 losses. Watching how he uses his Akira, he probably would have made 90%. But he had an uphill battle because 1) he was not used to Ver. C 2) several high level players played multiple times. Anyway, this is just a brief summary. More detailed account of the event is to follow.
  6. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: ShinZ in Japan 4/12/02

    Last time I remember hearing about 100-men kumite was back in VF2 days and early VF3 days.

    Incorrect. Again as a part of marketing effort, SEGA seemed to have revived the 100-person kumite since VF4's release. There seems to be at least one Kumite per week throughout Japan. Kyasao, BunBun and Chibita are the three designated players for the kumite.

    You can some of the past results at the following:

    <a target="_blank" href=></a>

    Sorry you have to nivigate through each diary entry to see the all past records.
  7. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    More translations....

    I'm just that impressed with AkiraKid's maneuver...a pure talent. He's also got incredible reflexes too. I hope that they get used to Ver. C before they head out to Tokyo.

    I'm looking for tomorrow's main event 3on3 tournament. In the past, invitational team always won the tournament, so I hope that locals will do better this time.

    They also seemed much more relaxed when they aren't played for the tournament (or kumite), and they've had quite an impressive winning streaks. It's too bad that their Dans do not improve as fast, as people of the same Dan are hard to come by.

    ŽR‚ð’z‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½ÂÂB‚È‚©‚È‚©“¯’iˆÊ‚ªŒ»‚ê‚È‚¢‚Ì‚Å’i‚ª‚ ‚ª‚ç‚È‚¢‚Ì‚ªŽcâ€ÂO‚Å‚·ÂÂB
  8. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Translation 2

    We were just done with 1-person tournament.

    1st place: AkiraKid (No loss)
    2nd place: Noboribetsu Kage (8 wins 2 losses)
    3rd place: NAKOSIN (7 wins 3 losses)

  9. 34

    34 Well-Known Member

    Re: Translation 2

    from cyc site.

    1st place: ShinZ(No loss)
    2nd place: Noboribetsu Kage (7 wins 2 losses)
    3rd place: NAKOJIN (6 wins 3 losses)
    4th place: Shin Moon Suk (5 wins 4 losses) *ShinZ's brother
    5th place: ??? (5 wins 4 losses)

    how many people were joined the torney?
    which character did ShinZ use?
  10. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: Translation 2

    If it was a round robin tourney, there were 10 people in the tournament going by your stats. 11 people, if Shota's are correct.

    Do you know who the third member of the ShinZ/Moonsuk team will be when they do the 3-on-3 team battle?
  11. 34

    34 Well-Known Member

    3 on 3 result

    3 on 3 result

    1st TEAM REPLAYS (korean team)
    2nd 30000000 power
    3rd surume
  12. grant

    grant Member

    Re: 3 on 3 result

    The winning team 'REPLAYS' consisted of members as below.

    - from a Korean team 'REPLAYS', uses Akira, Jacky,
    Lei-Fei, Lion, and all other characters!
    - a.k.a AkiraKid
    - from a Korean team 'REPLAYS', uses Akira
    - won 12 games in a row in the 3 on 3 tournament.
    - from a Korean team 'MISORA', uses Jacky
    - Champion of Hitel tournament
    - seems like not used to ver C and Japanese sticks
  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 on 3 result

    I think this is Korea's revenge for wwII occupation :p
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 on 3 result

    uggh.... let's not get into that here...
  15. AkiraKidWannaBe

    AkiraKidWannaBe Well-Known Member

    more recent news about Shinz and his gang...

    Before I go into this, I gotta tell you that my post will be just a translation of the post which was posted at nomercy. So, don't flame me that I am biased or something like that because this post has nothing to do with my nationality. Of course, I am a big fan of Shinz as you can see from my id. However, the reason I like Shinz is not because he is from the same country but because I love his style of playing. I am also a big fan of Chibita because I love his style of Lion. And my English is not perfect, so let me know if you don't like my English. I will never post again because my English will be never perfect since I am not born in English speaking country. Now, I am too sensitive about posting here? Enough this already!!!

    Okay. They are now at Kanispo.
    (The spelling of names may not be correct)

    7 Dan Akira (moonsuk): defeated AoPai and Mukky Akira, but lose consecutively to PKAkira.

    ShinZ against Tokyo Group ( Mukky Akira, Muscle Sarah, Guerrilla(Lau), AoPai, Shu, Joe, Kurita, PKAkira, Mask)

    First, Shinz's 4 Dan Lion: As soon as the game started, he did his step, but lost.
    After that, he won using his 4 Dan Jacky, but after that lost to Mukky. And he used some other characters. Especially his Lau was strong.

    Shinz's 1 Dan Lei (60 wins, 7 losses): defeated Guerrilla (Lau) and Mukky Akira. Also had a good game against Joe (Lei) ?not sure he won or not.

    In conclusion, Shinz and his brother must be at least Emperor rank. If they got used to version c, they might be a lot stronger. Shinz's step was splendid.

    And Shinz's lion won around 30 consecutive at Kanispo.

    Kasao, Neotower and Chibita didn't come.


    More news will come later...
  16. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Nice. Thanks for the translation! Hopefully we'll get to see some movies from ShinZ's visit to Kanispo soon...
  17. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    yeah, really, thanks AkiraKidWannaBe for all the news, actually. It's kind of sad, but I'm super interested in this story. Getting a day by day is great!

    I too love Chibita's Lion, so I can't wait to see ShinZ vs. Chibita sometime soon. Maybe Friday night? I hope someone makes movies!
  18. grant

    grant Member

    Profiles about guys who played against ShinZ

    The levels of all players who played against ShinZ and Moonsuk were over Emperor.

    * SHU (Shun)
    The best Shun player in Japan. He belongs to C.Chaps with Chibita, Kyasao, Joe, and Bun-Bun Maru.

    * Mustle Sarah (Sarah)
    Has the 2nd(?) best charisma in Shinzuku. The best Sarah player in Shinzuku.
    (Segaru has the 1st charisma.)

    * Guerilla (Lau - Devil, Aoi)
    Famous for Guerilla Step (Bug step of Aoi). His style is very compact.
    He belongs to PP Piero.

    * Mask.De.Bizi Tetsu (Jacky)
    One of the best Jacky players in Tokyo. His team (Low Punch Cut A) won the championship in Tokyo Bay Area. Other team members were Segaru and Edo Lau.

    * PK Akira (Akira - Devil)
    His style is sound and compact.

    * Kurita
    Champion of 3TB national tournament.
    Won the championship of VF4 PS2 ver tournament held by Yu Suzuki, defeating Chibita, Kyasao and so on.

    * Mukky (Akira - Iron Man)
    Won the championship in the tournament held by Carnispo arcade, defeating many high-level players in Tokyo. Known as the best Akira in Tokyo.

    * Joe (Lei-Fei - Devil)
    Has a very sharp sense in VF. He belongs to C.Chaps.

    * AoPai (Pai(?) - Fist King)
    Belongs to PP Piero.

    PS. I have limited information for Japanes players since I live in Korea. So if something's wrong, pls let me know.
  19. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Profiles about guys who played against ShinZ

    FYI -- it's C-Chaps, not to be confused with D-Chaps. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  20. Hyun

    Hyun Well-Known Member

    The latest news

    I am not completly sure where to put this. I guess this is as good place as any.

    Famitsu writer Sasaki has the latest news about the ShinZ gang in his daily column.

    I will let someone more qualified translate the main text. But in April 17th (the latest entry) you will see a picture.

    Explanation of the picture:
    Bottom row : from left: Joe, Akira Kid, Akira Kid's big brother
    Middle Row: Kim (Korean Jacky player) Mukky
    Top Row: Kurita, Gerira, Muscle

    In addition, the ShinZ gang's tentative schedule as known to Sasaki: (Might be of interest to people in the area.)

    17th Nishi Spo (arcade)
    18th Hightech Land Sega Shibutani
    19th Kani Spo
    20th Unknown
    21st Beat Tribe Bay Area
    22nd Return to Korea

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