Sega Cup Europe

Discussion in 'News' started by MarlyJay, Apr 22, 2013.

By MarlyJay on Apr 22, 2013 at 12:06 PM
  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter


    Unequalled Media and Ludus Magnus are proud to announce Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Sega Cup Europe 2013.

    This event is taking place on Saturday August 3rd, at the Dugdale Theatre, London, UK.
    A staggering €7000* will be up for grabs. As the World's best Virtua Fighter 5 players duke it out for the top spot to find out who's truly Europe's best.


    Ladies and Gentlemen, the signup page for Sega Cup Europe 2013 is now LIVE!
    Sign Up Now!

    Tournament Entry: £10
    Spectators/Casuals: £5

    We'll be giving out goodie bags to each person that registers for this tournament.

    And because the fans have asked for it...

    First 64 to sign up get a guaranteed limited edition Sega Cup Europe T-Shirt.

    All other tournament entrants will receive a free t-shirt while stocks last.

    This event is taking place on Saturday August 3rd, at the Dugdale Theatre, London, UK.

    A staggering €7000* will be up for grabs. As the World's best Virtua Fighter 5 players duke it out for the top spot to find out who's truly Europe's best.

    The prize breakdown is as follows:
    £6000 = €7000*

    1st prize: £2,500 = €3000
    2nd prize: £1,500 = €1700
    3rd prize: £1,000 = €1200
    4th prize: £400 = €475
    5th prize: £200 = €235
    6th prize: £150 = €170
    7th prize: £130 = €150
    8th prize: £120 = €140

    Note: *(Prize money will be awarded in £, €7000 is a rough calculation)."

    The Tournament format will be Round Robin Groups into Double Elimination.

    Tournament Cap is 128 players.

    For more information on this exciting event, which includes: accommodation, travel and tournament information.
    Please be sure to check out:

    View the Announcement Trailer here:

    Spread the word on twitter @UnequalledMedia #SegaCupEurope #SegaCupEurope2013
    Like us on Facebook:
    Follow us on Twitter:
    Please subscribe to our Youtube channel for further updates:
    Visit Ludus Magnus, our charity partners at:
    Visit the Sega Blog:
    Note: *(Prize money will be awarded in £, €7000 is a rough calculation).

    Spread the word on twitter @UnequalledMedia #SegaCup #SegaCupEurope
    EvenPit, Mister, Aidan and 14 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by MarlyJay, Apr 22, 2013.

    1. EvenPit
      I bet Fuudo is very excited about this. But anyway it'll be nice to see the Europe players in action, should be a great show.
      Craigbot likes this.
    2. 40i4
      Nice I'm waiting for details..
      If everything goes OK, I'd like to be there so..
      Which one of You guys could help me with traveling the London? I mean, knowledge mainly :)
      Krye likes this.
    3. Sozos
      Amazing. ill do my best to be there!!
    4. Lucky_GT
      Working on it. : )
      Aion, MarlyJay, Jide and 5 others like this.
    5. Tocuh
      I can't go :(
      I promised to go to a wedding…
    6. 40i4
      Bring the wedding to the tournament :p!!
      G0d3L likes this.
    7. cobratron
      I'm getting my passport taken care of this weekend. Also got a travel agent friend planning out a 3 stop tour of Europe. This is so exciting. My gf has Sega to thank for getting me out of the US lol.
      Aion, MarlyJay, Jide and 3 others like this.
    8. Aidan
      Question: Will the event ONLY be on the 3. , or does it include the 4. as well?
      Would love to come, but I have an appointment pretty early on the following monday =/
    9. Feck
      Pretty sure the Cup itself will be done in one day, will ask anyway to make sure.

      Edit: Confirmed.
    10. Aidan
      Thx, so no reason for me not to come.
      Krye likes this.
    11. Rayne
      Haven't properly played VF in about 8 months but picked it up again two days ago. Thought about getting back into it but now I've seen this it's made my mind up, I'll be there for sure! F*** yeah!

      P.S. Anyone wants some matches online, PM me: 'UK Rayne'
      Feck likes this.
    12. Feck
      Welcome back man :)

      Anyway it's May 3rd today, full site & signup go live at 5pm I heard.
    13. Rayne
      Thanks Feck. I'll be watching my back for you, I bet you've leveled up while I've been away! :)

      We should play some matches, I'll be around tonight if you want? I'll PM you my mobile number.
      Feck likes this.
    14. Unicorn
      nothing so far :(
    15. ZeroEx
      Signup Page is now up guys, refresh your browsers!!!
      Feck and Unicorn like this.
    16. MarlyJay
      The news post has been updated.
      Feck likes this.
    17. Aion
      Signed-up. Het me that Akira Tee
    18. Shoju
      I started to sign up but when it got to the paypal page I realized my card had expired and didn't have time to update my details so closed the window intending to do it later. When I later checked my emails there was one from wordpress saying I'd been signed up even though I didn't complete the payment. I'll need to sort that out as I wouldn't want there to be any issues on the day.

      Also it said I'd need to be there 60 mins before the start. Getting there at 11am and needing to stay till possibly 8pm might be too much for me. I'd wanna know when the actual tourney starts and arrive a while before that for some casuals.
    19. Griever
      I would like to go to the tourney, and I signed up for that, but I have one concern.

      I have played on a Sony pad for years and that is the only controller I am familiar with and find comfortable. Will there be anyone who will be able to lend me a converter for a PS2 or PS3 controller? I don't know shit about such converters so I'm open to any advice and/or help.

      Thanks in advance :)
    20. Plague
      Can not wait to watch the stream. This is gonna be bad-ass.

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