Rodnutz vs Denkai FT20 Challenge

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Rodnutz, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    All of you are incompetent. The current skill level of VF5 is an embarassment to what was achieved by the vets of the VF4 era.

    I don't even have to practice on FS that I have here at the house to decimate you guys next year.
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Oh shut the hell up.. Im getting tired of You bragging about how good you appear to be. joking or Not you play with the japanese a few years big fucking deal. Let me play with the Japanese a few years i be the same way.. What the Fuck do you want a medal? I bet you just like any other ego-driven so-called top tier VF'er who lose and always got an excuse to why.. Or my personal favorite.. Get mad and blame everybody else but yourself. This Ft20 doesn't involve you.
  3. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Hey I tried to watch the stream when it was going on at the time, but it had got too choppy so I had to turn it off after a bit.

    Rod, I could tell by the matches you were playing that you had completely lost your focus on playing the game. I know how that feels all too well.

    What really tipped me off of your lack of focus, was how you constantly evaded to the background(up), no matter what side, stance, or character.

    Btw, Denkai, I totally agree with you about 0f throws. Which is one of the main reasons why I despised them, even offline. When I used to play Sarah, I would always want to have serpent cannon check on reflex to throw attemps and 0f setups, for Jacky the beat knuckle or 46P+K. Online it would end up me using 2P [​IMG] as it's a faster react in the latency... then I just got used to doing that on or offline. Which was a no go.
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Lmao you used to be good in VF but now you're not relevant in any way. I will thrash you around in FS ezpz.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Can't believe you guys took Shou's bait so easily. Hook, line and sinker! [​IMG]
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Rodnutz actually your head is still not clear after your loss. Its far worse to lose after giving it all you got. That means your opponent is truly more skilled and there is no possibility you can beat him at your currently level. When you lose and you are not playing your best, at least you can say to yourself, if I had brought my A game I would've kicked Denkai's !@#.

    First, I have you beat by twelve years and like all Kungfu masters I get wiser with time and my fighting ability does as well. You should never have to warm up to a VF match, because VF should be a way of life for the true disciples. Whether you play it daily or not, you can live it daily (RLY!)

    As far as losing, I know most of the people on this forum think that I'm talking shit about loss as a fighting style philosophy, but I'm not. When you study why you lost that's one thing. But to study how to lose is another ballgame altogether. [​IMG]

    For many years now I have studied how to lose, where to loose, and when to lose. By taking that approach I have total control of my losses. I'm not saying that I can beat everyone, I am saying , these days I only lose on my own terms.

    So psychologically, even when I lose, I win.

    Rodnutz 38 years old, MasterPo 50 years old. Listen to some wisdom young man. I play my opponents and lose to them every way they know how to beat me, and then after they have no new ways to beat me. The competition is over, because I have learned everything they have to teach me. Sometimes (very rarely) I then beat my opponent to make a point, to show them that although I have seen their best , they never saw my best (no one has).[/size] But most of the time I leave with zero in the win column. My opponent feels good, he or she is always willing to play me, and I feel good, knowing that if I chose to, I could totally obliterate most of my

    When I do win my goal is usually to teach my opponent that there are deeper levels in VF than they realize, but you never show an opponent all you have, that's not wise. Because, one day you will be in the match of your life, and that day only comes once in a life time. Rodnutz you save your best for that day.

    If you are a champion, everyone wants to study your style, figure out your technique and come up with a game plan to beat you under any circumstances.
    On the other hand if VF is a way of life, and you have learned the way, you learn all that your opponents have to teach you and then move on, winning is not important, learning is.

    I have mastered my weaknesses in VF, my opponents do not exploit them, I present them to my opponent when and where I choose, to learn my opponents styles, strengths,and approach to the game.

    Rodnutz the real questions are what did you learn about yourself during the matches with Denkai and what did you learn about Denkai? What did you learn about him as a man?

    Its been my experience that most fighters only have so many offenses and so many defenses and once you've learned those, they have nothing else to offer.
    After my opponents defeat me over and over again they say I knew masterpo was a scrub, they walk away laughing. All the while never realizing that I manipulated all of the matches, I chose how I would lose and that same token how they would win [​IMG]

    Most of my opponents don't understand their own games enough to realize when they are being maneuvered. To me that's the true satisfaction, dictating whether I will let my opponents win with lows, throws, combos,highs,etc. When I look back at the replays the win column goes to my opponents but the gameplay has my signature all over it , a thing of absolute beauty.

    Rodnutz, the race is not always to the swift, nor the war to the young, but all things come to he who endures to end [​IMG] You should not have shredded your
    VF under any circumstances.
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    not really... Im just sick of his mouth. I know he does this as means to troll.

    @Master.. You typed 20 paragraphs just to explain how much of a retard we think you are? Wow...
    pana likes this.
  8. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I saw masterpo had posted and I just knew I had to check out what he said. Rather than go into any detail I'll just say:

    Bravo, that man!
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    I seriously do not know whether to cry or laugh at this.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Firstly, congratulations to Denkai!

    Rod, don't beat yourself up so badly over this. We're all real people with real lives, and we have to deal with real shit all the time. Tournaments, and these First-To (FT) challenges are just a test in a moment of time, and invariably the best player "on the day" usually wins. So don't apologise for anything. Despite what you were going through, you still stepped up to the challenge and had a go. Time and tide wait for no man.

    Now, I didn't watch the live stream, but I did manage to watch the archived stream on before it was removed. Parts of it were very choppy and hard to watch, but I found overall that it was watchable. I don't know if it's possible, but if the archive can be made available for viewing again, then it's a zero cost/effort exercise and the viewer can then decide whether they want to watch through it or not.

    Also, I'm not sure why you'd want to record and stream at the same time, since the stream is automatically recorded for you? I'm guessing you want HD quality for the recording, but I don't honestly believe many people care for HD quality in something like a FT challenge. What people do value is the intensity, atmosphere and excitement of the actual event, and that all comes through beautifully via the stream.

    Remember Daigo's Evo moment, parrying the Chun Li super? Do you think anyone cares that isn't in HD?

    All I'm saying it's more about the shared experience, and the easier it is for it to be shared, the better IMHO.

    Finally, some things for consideration:

    • FT20 can take a really long time to compete and is hard for people to sit through (time commitment wise). Perhaps consider a FT10 instead, when/if you ever do this again?
    • Why not freeze character selection from the start? That is, no character changing if you lose. I'll admit I'll never understand the philosophy behind "switchnation" [​IMG] It's like betting on your opponent's weakness rather than your own strength.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    laugh until you cry [​IMG]

    That's one of the kewl thingz about this community we have all kinds, wackos to genius, boyz to old men, Aussies to Africans. Myke just celebrate our diversity I do [​IMG]

    Sure, I can be a little colorful at times, but its all in fun,
    give the blokes something to read and laugh at and pass the time away, no harm in that is there [​IMG]

    The good news is VF5FS is coming to PSN, I'm on PSN. Perhaps
    you will have the opportunity to match up with me on PSN. I'm
    pretty sure, that once we have had a match or two, you will see me in a very different light [​IMG]

    The funny thing is, considering our history, once you have actually played me, you won't know whether to laugh or cry [​IMG]
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member


    Brilliant idea.

    Excellent promotion.

    Thorough planning.

    Disrespectfully late start.

    Fantastic battle that lives up to the hype.

    Rodnutz uncorks a stellar bottle of whine.

    Expertly placed ShouTime.

    Masterpo cuts some magnificent cheese.[/size]

    VFDC, baby!
  13. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    How late was the start?
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    2+ hours.
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

  16. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Thanks Myke! And yeah I'm done beating myself up about it. In regards to the recording issue, it wasn't that I wanted HD footage I just wanted to cap the whole thing and up it to Youtube afterwards. I know it's archived on Twitch.TV, but I wanted it on my Youtube channel as well.
  17. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Guys, let's put the pitch forks down for a second and cut the man some slack. I thought he already explained the unexpected family visit caused further delay to the streamed event. An event none of you paid for.

    And Plague, hate to mention this but you of all people should be familiar with plans getting delayed and the million real life reasons why. [​IMG]

    Was the event late? Sure. And ordinarily you could watch the event later on demand. But disrespectful sounds harsh.
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    True. I was projecting with that one. Sorry about that.
  20. baobab

    baobab Well-Known Member

    Wow, glad to see you are still playing Rodney! If you are married now, your wife is a saint.

    Don't feel bad. I know as we age there are certain physical disadvantages and declines that need to be dealt with. Emptying the colostomy bag and taking a brief narcoleptic nap half way through the matches didn't help your focus much either I suppose. =P

    I keeeeed, I keeeed. You're only a year older than me. Just remember VF1 probably came out about the time(or before) most of these players were born. Sad thought.

    Peace Rod! Happy New Year!

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