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Ranked Vs Player Vs Room modes for Noobs/Intermediates?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @phanatik @Stl_Tim good points! Ditto on all the different games and devices available. I guess its a lot of wishful thinking on my part to somehow have my cake and eat it too.

    But there are a few things structurally that Sega/AM2 could do to help keep the noobs and casuals who are borderline from leaving the scene altogether or being VF regulars:

    I think the SC5 system of dividing titles from ranks means goes a long way to encourage
    noobs and casuals to play more and longer (and some eventually become dedicated). I Hate to be all on SC5's tip here but their online lobby / stats/titles/ranks imo is superior to what VF offers. Especially when it comes down to retaining the interest of noobs, and casuals.

    The idea of tracking online W/L and offline W/L (Single player or PvP) separately is also an encouragement. Believe it or not even in Single player or offline PvP W/L ratio alone keeps some ppl coming back for more (I rly personally know several ppl like this). Player matchs (no rank) where players could put up the title of their choosing and have their license level displayed automatically would also subtly encourage players to get the basics of the VF by putting more time in the dojo and learning the mechanics without the drama of losing (which for some is a big deal.

    most normal ppl (which doesn't include me) want to feel like winners on some level no matter how they do in Rank mode. SC5 Title vs their Rank system actually pulls this off quite successfully for a certain class of noob, casual players.

    On the PSN their are about 50,000 ppl who ranked on VF's Single player Score Attack mode.
    I notice that even after two years, some players are working to improve their score attack level. That alone should tell Sega/AM2 something.
  2. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    I really don't know what to tell you...All "this and that" talk sounds great, but in the end, VF is about offline. In the end, EVERY competitive game is about offline. If it were up to me, I'd get rid of ranked altogether; it's an unreliable indicator and it leads to unethical behavior. But who really cares? Just have fun!
  3. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    The funny thing about online is that ill beat a tigerclaw, but then lose miserably to a hunter or warrior. And it is all gimmicks too. o_O
  4. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I've got a crazy idea, just play regularly. Don't point fingers and don't wait for player a or player b to help. Just donate your time and have some faith.
    phanatik and Ellis like this.
  5. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    You seem to be speaking only about the PSN 'scene' masterpo. If you don't like the way your tag on ranked has panned out over two years, simply change it! Most of the really tough players I ever encounter on there are all like Kyu grades anyhow. Probably VF4 era guys on their 10th account by now. Lot of us jump on a 'ranked mode', simply to get a few quick matches, hopefully against a solid bright green bar, screw the numbers.
    XBL, the situation gets a lot grimmer if you don't cultivate an active friends list, and have the patience for room play, even though it remains the smoothest and most stable way to experience VF online. If you really like the game, and want to squeeze maximum longevity from it, try both consoles, all modes (can use the integrated chat function here to ask for games don't forget), and maybe think about a real world meet-up too if that option is available to you...
    phanatik and masterpo like this.

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