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Discussion in 'General' started by Myke, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Machi player.
  2. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    maybe defensive is the wrong word, but touchy?
    dont mind me, if warchild is harmless, i must be insignifigant.

    blah blah blah blah blah . . . yada yada yada
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:
    American football is very expensive. It still seems to me like it should be more popular, but the rest of the world does not care about it. Maybe the time between plays or something. But the about football is that the game is played at near 100% intensity, with everyone sprinting on about every play. For my money Barry Sanders was one of the most amazing atheletes we will ever see. Every game he did something amazing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which football are you referring to here... If you mean football as in Soccer, then I agree that people are running all the time. If you mean football as in NFL football..... sorry then I do not agree that every one gives 100% for the duration of the game.

    In Soccer, if you are a starter, you are pretty much expected to be able to perform for 90+ mins. In NFL football, the offense, defense, special team switch on and off. Players can even take a break from the current play if the coach thinks they can't run 5 or 6 plays consecutively. In terms of energy draining potential, I think soccer is more demanding.
  4. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    running all the time does not really equal constant intensity, just look at fat fat ronaldo of brazil. I actually find tennis as one of the most demanding sports out there, since you alone are responsible for all aspects of play. You should also consider in American football, getting hit by a 300lb man really does take a lot out of you. Its all perspective.
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Heavy collisions happen in soccer as well, without pads. I agree though, it's all about perspective. Time of field also doesn't equal to intensity. You can always bring the worst example like Ronaldo, but then the same applies to NFL football, like offensive linemans. Some players don't fit with the stereotypical image, same as NFL. At the very least, the demand to perform in terms of duration and individual performance is often higher with soccer than NFL football. Imagine the same team of players playing offense, defense, and special team in NFL. That's soccer.

    Yeah, Tennis is probably the most intense of all, just not a team sport.
  6. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    No one can sprint for 90 minutes. That was my point about football. While football may seem slow because of the breaks between snaps, during the game players do sprint around as fast as possible. Soccer players must pace themselves. This doesn't say anything bad about football or soccer, just that football does emphasize raw speed and strength perhaps more than any other sport.

    The original anti-soccer article was dickishly written and while I agree with some parts of it, and have thought of some of them myself (In particular the strangeness of a sport that forbids the use of man's most dexterous appendages). All the other shit about post-modernism and anomie and nihilism was a load of monkey shit. The Weekly Standard is a pitiful shit rag. An essays inclusion within those lying pages pratically nullifies its thesis anyway. It is bizarre for me to agree with anything in that magazine and to me it raises a red flag that maybe I should re-examine soccer. That said, I still can't watch it.

    As far the Tekken analogy goes, I think that soccer has more merit than tekken. Criticism of Tekken is more biting and accurate because of the nature of the game. Tekken is to VF what Nerf Basketball is to real basketball. Everyone gets to dunk. Everyone can palm the ball. There is way less boring technique to discourage people from playing. It's insant gratification. You can see spectacular shit without doing anything difficult.

    Because Tekken is a fighting game with a lot of the same principles of VF, it is more fair to call Tekken "bad: or at least lowbrow in relation to VF. There is less that is subjective when someone in the know disses Tekken or DOA. One can always say that there is no accounting for tastes, and it's true to some extent, but Citizen Kane is still "better" than Biodome.

    I just don't want to paint Soccer with the Tekken brush, because the sport deserves better.
  7. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Personally I think you morons are idiot for trying to argue w/ Myke a Lesbian who just got back from the world cup.

    Srider said: "Yeah, Tennis is probably the most intense of all, just not a team sport".

    Actually I would have to say a F1 car @ Monaco GP to be one of the most intense events in sports. I'm not just saying this b/c I'm a F1 fan.
  8. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Most intense sport is whichever one you give your heart and soul to but that you're not perfect in and must work for every success. Or Rock, Paper Scissors. Really, the lines blur.

  9. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    As always.....

    GodEater is right.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Trust that article to be about one of the worst teams at the world cup. How can you possibly gather any excitement about FOOTBALL watching the US play ? Its no surprise that articles like that get written if thats what american audience's have to sit through during a MLS season. It isnt enough that they try to rename the most popular sport on the planet but then to compare it to american sports is complete poppycock. Football is a gift from god and i hope i never see the USA in a world cup or hosting another world cup, If the country cant appreciate it they dont deserve it.

    p.s i got a little bit angry while writing this i apologise if i offend anyone /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  11. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Most of the English speaking world calls the sport in which players kick the black and white ball "soccer."
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Not in the land which invented the language and the sport they dont or europe where the best leagues are and where FIFA are based. Or go to the country that has one the world cup the most amount of times and see if they shout soccer or football. Football is called football for one reason because you use your FEET 99% of the time to kick a BALL not throw it and catch it then run down a field.
  13. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    In american football, kicking = field position = the most important aspect of the game.

    Forget what you've seen on tv, kicking (punting, kickoffs, field goals) is more important in american football than the forward pass.

    On soccer...

    After watching the world cup it has become clear that goals are not supposed to happen. Because of this, what transpires to get the ball into the net looked like fucking magic to me. Wow.
  14. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    its funny that you criticise us for being not interested, but yet to give us reasons why we should be?

    as i mentioned earlier, i think "soccer" is a great game, just not media friendly
  15. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not, neither Soccer (World Football) nor American Football are perfect games without flaws.

    From what I understand, FIFA is currently discussing ways to make more goals happen during games. They may change a few rules around to encourage more exciting play.

    I'd say that Soccer is a great game to watch, but I don't feel like I have to watch it with 100% concentration. I think it creates a great atmosphere, and that games are all about good ball control, positioning, and that one amazing play that seems to get past the defense.

    American Football and Baseball (I can't handle Baseball) are all about tension, because it's not constantly moving. There's a huge huge buildup that happens as the play is stopped, as the announcers say 'this is it, this is the clincher, yadayada. I love how American Football works in this way, 4th down, 5 and goal, can they tie it(!!), etc. Similarly, Basketball has those timeouts, where the coach gives the inspiring speech like some movie, and some amazing athleticism happens and a basket is scored. These are all great things.

    Soccer is different, and is more of a constant struggle, a true test of endurance and pacing, along with being able to make a play happen in those defining moments to win a game, but all the while it's constantly flowing and moving. It's a completely different feeling altogether. It's fine if you don't like it, but there's a reason why it's 'The World's Game'. Many people love it. Unlike Pro Basketball and to some extent, American Football, there's a real sense of team work because you can't just give it to the go to man all the time. Yes, good strikers make the plays happen but Soccer cannot be won with one or two good players. It's just impossible.

    As for Tekken, I personally can't play it any more, but it's got 'something' that people like, just like soccer. I think it goes deeper than the flash, or the ability to do techniques easily (which is not necessarily always the case with Tekken). If there was absolutely no depth at all, Korea, Japan and the US wouldn't be playing it.

    If you look at it from that perspective, VF is quite behind Tekken. Hopefully VF's new flash will pull people in enough to make the game more popular.
  16. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Well i do understand the concept of soccer. Basketball and american football are the same way too. Perfect examples of individualism < teamwork are kobe bryant and terrell owens respectively. But there are times where individualism can overcome teamworks in clutch situations. Game winning buzzer shots in double overtime, or even "The Drive" by Joe Montana in superbowl make for all great entertainment.

    Soccer on the otherhand is just not media friendly at all. Like i mentioned before two teams can score 1-1 in the first 20 minutes of play, then for the next 70 minutes plus stoppage time, then game can end with a draw without any determinate conclusion. For games with shootouts, I never believed shootouts to be fair, because its too determinate on the goalies strength - whereas soccer was a team game? What if a team prides itself on defensive teamwork, and loses to a shootout because the other team has a better offense and and your team can only watch your goalie try his best? I say let there be overtime untill someone scores.

    One thing i think might make "soccer" more interesting would be the eliminations of offsides. If an athlete trains harder to run faster last longer to isolate himself and the goalie past the defense at the 75 minute mark, i believe he deserves it. If someone also has the great passing ability to do the same, i would admire that as well. It would be the basic NBA equivalent of a fast break, and it would allow a greater chance for late game individual heroics. Regardless if people argue that offsides is an incorrect way to play soccer, i definately would find it much more entertaining to watch for the full 90 minutes.
  17. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    AWWWW man,, i kept looking,, sooo can we get back to the videos --- enought about soccer - the mexians always cheat on it (italian style) and never pick good mexicans, only rich ones or people from other countries.

  18. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    actually alex, the removal of offside will kill the game of soccer/football.

    It'll reduce the game to long bombs...what's the point of good midfields?

    Then everyone will FLOOD the penalty box in order to prevent the long passes....trust me, the game will get ugly.

    Flooding happened in Aussie Rules and it wasn't pretty.
  19. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    I had a thought of making games in football that go to a draw winner decided on judges ,could be controversial but based on a set of criteria,
    e.g attempts at goals decision, whoever has the most attempts, closest, to scoring would win.
    The fairest sport in terms of rules I reckon is tennis though, as you have to win every point and there's no reliance on time.
  20. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

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