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Questions about changes of Akira from VF3tb to VF4

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ReCharredSigh, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    "After it hits, a low kick is guaranteed, as well as a down attack (you can't TR from the b,f+P+K+G). If they TR after the low kick, you can middle kick them in the back for a back stagger"

    Is the back stagger hard to do? Is it stance dependent? Do you have to dash in abit before doing the mid kick?
  2. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Knee Trick

    Soon as you see them TR you mid-kick, they'll fall on their knees and have their back exposed to you. You'll want to do a long range attack then (i.e. dblplm).

    On another note, interesting Akira vs. Akira testing went on yesterday :
    After a RBC or pull in throw, dodge, RBC when you do an SDE into your opponent's back, he can interrupt the SDE with a knee EVERYTIME. The weirdest animation aswell, you see one Akira dashing in with the elbow into his opponent's back and get suddenly hit by the other Akira's knee, but the knee is travelling in the opposite direction and never physically touched the sde-ing Akira. And the worst thing is that its a viable counter, it works EVERYTIME. Managed a combo off it aswell with a DBC (with some serious warping).
    This is arcade gameplay btw, so its ver.B info. I dont know if that got tweaked in ver. C, but I asked one of the guys I was playing and he told me the knee trick was present in previous vfs aswell. Anyone know about vf2,3 having this?
  3. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Knee Trick

    yep - VF2 for sure...VF3, don't think so.

  4. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Re: Knee Trick

    I'd like to know which moves can be countered with the back hit detection off the knee. To date Akira's SDE and snglplm got countered. I'd like to know which move beats it aswell ( I'm thinking dblplm or BC ). Can you rev it?!? Or does it give you a double hit detect if both people do knees?!? I must test these out, but my success rate a doing knees is low... so this might take a while to experiment with... If someone's already done so, pls reply.
    BTW, all you console ps2 vf4 owners can test this out on ver. C at home for free, so I'd appreciate input.
  5. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Re: Knee Trick

    This is really interesting. Never really played vf2 and vf4 much so knowledge is really bad. Not many akira players in Singapore. I will probably try that knee bug on the com akira as he always does SDE after RBC. Thanks alot for that info.
  6. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    hey thanks, i have one more question; is there a certain timing to get the d/f+P+K+G move to sabaki?
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I think a sabaki works anytime the sabaki attack is still in execution phase and the opponent's move (that gets eaten) is in "hit" phase.
    I don't think it's quite like a reversal since you can't just beat their attack at any point during that attack's exe. Better to try it late in their execution, so that you're still pushing out the sabaki attack at the moment they're done with their own move.

    Maybe sega put some set frames into each sabaki attack that determines when it can eat another move... but I doubt it's all as tricky as that.
  8. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    cool; hey, i noticed how the movelist on this website states that the d/f+P+K+G attack will sabaki HP/HE/LP, whereas the general moves FAQ that Mr. Bungle translated says that it will only sabaki HP/LP attacks. which one is right?
    (on the same subject, the website says the b+P+K+G will sabaki HP/LP/HK, but the FAQ says it will sabaki HP/LP/HK/LK attacks, i would like it if you confirm which one's right here too)
  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Questions about changes of Akira from VF3tb to

    the sabaki info in the general faq needs to be updated. i'd trust myke's list first.
  10. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Sorry if I seem like I'm nitpicking, but Akira's b+P+K+G is not a sabaki. It's not even an attack. It's an inashi.

    Akira's df+P+K+G is a sabaki attack.
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I dun blame him for his mistake..many people get both terms easily confused.

    Just like how the game has special mids, special lows and special highs...

    Even I get confused by it from time to time.

    Just in case u misunderstood me...I'm not saying ' ah gd, shaddup lah..everyone makes mistakes'.

    I'm not...I'm glad u came out n informed him too~
    I also glad myke create the list....
  12. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    yeah, hey thanks for pointing that out, can't believe i didn't spot that mistake, i'm only human, after all.

    does a wall hit in VF4 cause damage? i remembered that in TB it didn't, but i dunno if this still holds; i do know that wall combos are 10x easier in VF4 though.
  13. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    sorry for not asking this before, feel kinda dumb asking it now, but anyways;

    upon an MC of a REGULAR DE, will the opponent crumple or

    oh yeah, is a blocked SDE in revision C counterable in any fashion?
  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Regular DE major counter does not produce a crumple. I -think- it doesn't even float. I'd have to test to be sure. Let's put it this way: never bother with DE when you can do SDE.

    SDE is still completely uncounterable. A surprising fact mr. bungle showed me in the frame data is that SDE is A. slower than both double palm and bodycheck and B. has the same execution time as akira's f,f+K. So that's sega's idea of balancing the move... its 'slow' execution.
  15. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    SDE is still completely uncounterable. A surprising fact mr. bungle showed me in the frame data is that SDE is A. slower than both double palm and bodycheck and B. has the same execution time as akira's f,f+K. So that's sega's idea of balancing the move... its 'slow' execution.

    Which is why you can counter delayed low rising attacks with the double palm but not SDE =)
  16. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    'k, that's cool, weird actually, i remember the SDE weakened from VF3 to VF3tb by its slow recovery. guess sega's doing something different this time around.

    but could you please research more on the MC DE? i know for a fact according to the combo FAQ online that a MC DE will combo into other stuff, so i dunno what makes this possible; a float, a crumple, a longer stun, what.
  17. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    MC DE floats.
  18. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I haven't tested anything, but I guess it just floats. It's not a KD (that'd make it more useful than SDE) and it's not a stagger (you could struggle out of followups) and you couldn't combo from just normal SDE hit stun. So it must float on MC. I'll try akira sometime and see.
  19. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    cool; thanks. hey, y'kno, it's kinda weird, i checked the framestats for VF4 r.C at virtuaproject, and the DE's speed was toned down alongside the SDE; both execute at 14 frames, so i guess even in version C the DE is useless over the SDE; unless of course, if you don't want to switch stance.

    can someone confirm if the LBF needs to be done from a standing position? haven't tried it out, but for the most part, that's what it appeared to be like in VF3tb.
  20. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    * bump *

    can someone please reply? and are there any other moves which must be done from a standing position besides elbow and standing palm for akira?

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